Clearing the Strand Mission Bit?

Alright, since this is my first time on the boards, I decided to ask this, because I can't seem to get Triple Agent to work properly. I followed the instructions of landing in a Strandless bar, I have an Ultimate combat rating, but I can't get the mission that clears the mission bit that stops you from getting the other strand missions. I searched the forums for an answer, but all I ever got was mention of Triple Agent, but that hasn't been working for me.

I tried to make missions that cleared the bit, (I think the bit that Triple Agent clears is 213, but I'm not sure. If it's not this...please correct me ;-D) but none of them were accessible, partly because I wasn't sure what mission bit I should require the pilot to have to access the mission.

I already finished the Igadzra central objective, but the thought of an Igazra with the Zidagar phased beam/ECM/mass upgrade and the Azdgari Azdara bay is a very large incentive. A Strand warship, however, is blocked by the mission bit you get when you finish a central objective for a Strand.

If anyone has ideas as to how I should go about clearing the mission bit, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you.


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Edit(Wrong information)What you should do is open the triple agent plug with Res-edit and set its availability to 100%. It is set rather low, which is why you most likely can't get it. I don't know whether you already having done one strand makes a difference.

(This message has been edited by firestorm (edited 07-29-2002).)

I tried finding the mission in the mission directory in EV-Edit to do just that, but I was unable to locate it. I'll try the Res-Edit method now. Perhaps I can find it there. Thanks for the tip.


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If it still doesn't work for you, it is possible to do Igazdra/Zidagar or Igadzra/Azdgari
(url="http://"")This(/url) topic might help you

Do you mean that it's possible to do two of them at once? Because I already completed the Igadzra one, so is all hope lost aside from getting Triple Agent to work?

The Triple Agent mission has the following requirements. It says in the mission info that a combat rating of "25600" and it says the 'Random Availability' is 100%. Record is ignored, but the mission bit of "213" is required to be set already, which is, as i understand it, the bit set for completing ANY of the Strand objectives. Yet I already have Ultimate CR. I guess I'll just keep trying any methods that come into my head.

I appreciate the time you have spent helping me.


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Problem solved. It turned out that my version of Triple Agent was set for the wrong gov and bit. But its all better now. Just gotta kill billions of renegades or something to fix my legal standing 😉

Thanks for all the help, I'll try and keep active on the boards.


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