Limit of 2 Webstories


Originally posted by Rooster at http://www.roosterma...pic=15&start=0:
**Carnotaur and Esponer's monopolization of the webstory community is unfair to new and existing writers looking to start their own stories but can't due to the 2-story rule. This rule is a tool of the two publishers that appears to keep a reasonable number of stories in the community, but it really serves to keep them in power. I think the coalition should support the 2-story rule, but i also think that it should vote to decide when a publisher's time is up and when they need a break.

As I intended to make a story within a week or two, and there has been some talk of this, I thought it appropriate to ask the right people.

Are there any "new and existing writers looking to start their own stories", who "can't due to the 2-story rule"? If so, please reply and I will cancel the story at hand - it isn't important.

Any other comments are appreciated, although the most important for me is to know whether CaptainCarnotaur and I are involved in a "monopolization" of any sorts. I'd also like to know if it is viewed that the 2-story rule is a "tool" created by CaptainCarnotaur and myself.

Thank you,

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 07-23-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Are there any "new and existing writers looking to start their own stories", who "can't due to the 2-story rule"? If so, please reply and I will cancel the story at hand - it isn't important.

Ooh! Ooh! I will officially state that i am considering starting a story. Cancel your story immediately. Huzzah! Heehee!

Wow, solves that problem. Thanks Esponer!

Used Macintosh Sales at (url="http://"")Cortek Ventures(/url) -- (url="http://"")Webstory Developer Commune(/url) -- (url="http://"")Rooster's Village(/url) -- (url="http://"")Roosterman 6(/url)
"Some people are so narrow minded they could look through a keyhole with both eyes." -Pikeman

Well, I'm not really into all these webstories and bars.
But if there is an unofficial rule, (which I've never heard about) about "only two stories at a time". I could see that newer members would have some difficulty getting their own stories on the board.
But first, I'd doubt that new people would know of this, and second, I think they would post a topic, asking for permission anyways...
And why is there this limit? You guys use a lot of time preparing for your stories.
I mean, as long there's people to participate in the stories, I don't think there should be a "limit".
For the bars yes, but the stories, blah.... Non of my business anyways.....


Originally posted by roostersw:
**Ooh! Ooh! I will officially state that i am considering starting a story. Cancel your story immediately. Huzzah! Heehee!

Wow, solves that problem. Thanks Esponer!


<notes sarcasm>

"I'm gonna drop you like Third Period French!"
-Ocean's 11

If anyone causes this webstory to be delayed, I will slaughter them. Simple.


If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002


Originally posted by roostersw:
**Ooh! Ooh! I will officially state that i am considering starting a story. Cancel your story immediately. Huzzah! Heehee!

Wow, solves that problem. Thanks Esponer!**

Done. If the Silver Horizon slot frees, and nobody has a problem with it, I'll begin the story then. I need some more time anyway.


Originally posted by Opalius:
Well, I'm not really into all these webstories and bars.
But if there is an unofficial rule, (which I've never heard about) about "only two stories at a time". I could see that newer members would have some difficulty getting their own stories on the board.
But first, I'd doubt that new people would know of this, and second, I think they would post a topic, asking for permission anyways...
And why is there this limit? You guys use a lot of time preparing for your stories.
I mean, as long there's people to participate in the stories, I don't think there should be a "limit".
For the bars yes, but the stories, blah.... Non of my business anyways.....

Actually, it is your business. Rooster has made this comment in a community for webstories, but the alligation involved everyone on the EVO forum. If everyone turns aside and says it's none of their business, I might as well not have said this. I'd really appreciate outside comments.

The limit was suggested because some people were concerned that bars and webstories would assemble at the top of forums, drowning questions and the like. Bars were limited to one at a time - because two bars rarely differ in content - and webstories in two. I'm not sure if it's necessary now, I suppose, but it certainly could be on the Nova forums...

Another comment to Rooster; you made the alligation, but I'm asking other people. Please let's not turn this into a flame fest, argument or debate, even. Let the topic serve its purpose or I'll have to request it be locked.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

I shouldn't really be speaking for this board's moderators, but I am anyway 🙂

I think the 2-story rule is logical - many people are not remotely interested in webstories and bars, and hence they should be kept under control. 2 should be perfectly adequate providing the authours are willing to accept when they are finished.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
The sub-l33t pop-pop player
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(This message has been edited by Mazca (edited 07-24-2002).)


Originally posted by RMA:
**If anyone causes this webstory to be delayed, I will slaughter them. Simple.


That's nice to hear, but you might change your mind. You are up against me, and I'm Voinians - and you're Emalgha. Ah well...I'll be nice, just so your slightly scary support won't waver. Oh, figured out the V.S.S Yantither yet? The current prize stands at recovering the Giant Chicken of Never-ending Pain - if you can work out what the V.S.S. Yantither is. Good luck! <grins>

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Personally, i don't see why you're so opposed to letting 'everyone on the EVO forum' decide who gets to open the next story. It's not as if i'm going to decide singlehandedly, i just have one vote in the entire deal. As for the limit of 2 webstories at a time, i could care less who instituted it. It's a valid rule - i'm just saying that you're taking advantage of it, and hiding behind it even right now.

Used Macintosh Sales at (url="http://"")Cortek Ventures(/url) -- (url="http://"")Webstory Developer Commune(/url) -- (url="http://"")Rooster's Village(/url) -- (url="http://"")Roosterman 6(/url)
"Some people are so narrow minded they could look through a keyhole with both eyes." -Pikeman

The answer is quite simple then, really. I think the limit of two webstories and one bar is good, otherwise we'd get crowded with half finished stories and other bull****.
Now, "Esponer" has a story ready, if somebody else is preparing another, they should make a topic and ask for their turn after him
And if it's new people, they should have their story reviewed by someone, approved, and then they can line up


Originally posted by Mazca:
**2 should be perfectly adequate providing the authours are willing to accept when they are finished:).

Thank you. Regardless of how much power you have in the matter, i'm still glad to hear it.

Used Macintosh Sales at (url="http://"")Cortek Ventures(/url) -- (url="http://"")Webstory Developer Commune(/url) -- (url="http://"")Rooster's Village(/url) -- (url="http://"")Roosterman 6(/url)
"Some people are so narrow minded they could look through a keyhole with both eyes." -Pikeman


Originally posted by Opalius:
And if it's new people, they should have their story reviewed by someone, approved, and then they can line up

My proposition is all about making it possible to have all writers be that 'someone' that gets to review.

Used Macintosh Sales at (url="http://"")Cortek Ventures(/url) -- (url="http://"")Webstory Developer Commune(/url) -- (url="http://"")Rooster's Village(/url) -- (url="http://"")Roosterman 6(/url)
"Some people are so narrow minded they could look through a keyhole with both eyes." -Pikeman


Originally posted by roostersw:
**be that 'someone' that gets to review.


That's also fair, so you should choose the top five story posters, or so.
Which from my point of view would be Silverdragon, Carnotaur, you, and I wouldn't know enough about the stories to name the last three


Originally posted by Opalius:
The answer is quite simple then, really. I think the limit of two webstories and one bar is good, otherwise we'd get crowded with half finished stories and other bull**.
Now, "Esponer" has a story ready, if somebody else is preparing another, they should make a topic and ask for their turn after him
And if it's new people, they should have their story reviewed by someone, approved, and then they can line up**

To be honest, it doesn't have to be organised at all. Unlike RMA, I really don't care about whether my next idea comes out or not. Some people take this all more seriously than need be. It's just a topic on a board where you talk about what you might do in a certain environment, spawned from EVO. It's just a bit of fun, and that's all. It's no different from bars, Chronicles or role-playing games in many aspects. All I want to know here is that I'm not getting in the way of other people.

Thanks for you reply though. <grins>

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Err... I think we're looking at whether the 2-story rule is sensible, when the question is more whether or not people think I'm monopolising it, and whether anyone has ever felt a desire to make a story and been unable to. I also fear a certain bird is trying to stir far too much trouble - just let this topic serve its purpose, which is that of a simple survey.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**It's just a bit of fun, and that's all.



That's often the problem on the boards, people want to assure their positions and such. We're on the ****ing internet dammit. 80% of the people here is probably a bunch of losers in real life, and that's why they hang around places like this


Originally posted by Opalius:
That's also fair, so you should choose the top five story posters, or so.
Which from my point of view would be Silverdragon, Carnotaur, you, and I wouldn't know enough about the stories to name the last three

I want to give the power to the people rather than just prominent publishers. I think an organized boycott is an appropriate way to do that.

Esponer - While oversimplifying the whole concept of webstories is a time-honored gag, it still gets old after a while. Please take this seriously, since you thought it important enough to at least post a topic about it.

Used Macintosh Sales at (url="http://"")Cortek Ventures(/url) -- (url="http://"")Webstory Developer Commune(/url) -- (url="http://"")Rooster's Village(/url) -- (url="http://"")Roosterman 6(/url)
"Some people are so narrow minded they could look through a keyhole with both eyes." -Pikeman


Originally posted by Opalius:
That's also fair, so you should choose the top five story posters, or so.
Which from my point of view would be Silverdragon, Carnotaur, you, and I wouldn't know enough about the stories to name the last three

Trivially speaking, it would probably be Captain Skyblade after that, and I'm not sure of the fifth myself. Warfare from Redchigh, Flashpoint from Thunder...the mind becomes lost, I suppose.

Then again, to be perfectly honest, the top five story posters involving EV doesn't have myself, Carnotaur and Rooster at the top - maybe at the tail end. UEVO RPG and uEVO RPG are vast. More organised, though. Sad, really...

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by roostersw:
**I think an organized boycott is an appropriate way to do that.


Bah, come on. If it's getting this complicated you guys should have a meeting on irc.


Originally posted by roostersw:
Esponer - While oversimplifying the whole concept of webstories is a time-honored gag, it still gets old after a while. Please take this seriously, since you thought it important enough to at least post a topic about it.

To be blunt, Rooster; shut up. I've stated the purpose of this topic, and nowhere in that was a request for a running commentary from you. If you would like to debate this, do it on your own boards. If you make one more such post I'll unfortunately have to request that this topic be locked. As it stands, I'd like to salvage something.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair