F-25 problem(s)

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with F-25 (ver. 2.0). I got the Zacha Hreeka mission, did it, went back to Munb, was told to meet in the bar (can't find a bar on Munb), went to Aenecia, Zachit Sta., Mira... In all those places that have a bar, all I get is the standard selection box (News, Hire an Escort...). I tried the Mission bbs, only to be told "There are no missions here." What am I doing wrong?
BTW: I just went back and removed all the extraneous plugins (other than the ones that are supposed to be there, of course) one-at-a-time, until they were all removed. No change. I guess I'll have to make a new pilot using the pilot file provided and try again. I am constantly surprised at what the game gives me. For example, I was flying a Frog from the "Ultimate Ships" plugin. When I removed that plugin, I found that I now was flying a Kytaan Fighter! Some switch, huh? I haven't even gotten to that part of the game yet!

-Ace 😉

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 07-14-2002).)


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
**I seem to be having a bit of trouble with F-25 (ver. 2.0). I got the Zacha Hreeka mission, did it, went back to Munb, was told to meet in the bar (can't find a bar on Munb), went to Aenecia, Zachit Sta., Mira... In all those places that have a bar, all I get is the standard selection box (News, Hire an Escort...). I tried the Mission bbs, only to be told "There are no missions here." What am I doing wrong?
BTW: I just went back and removed all the extraneous plugins (other than the ones that are supposed to be there, of course) one-at-a-time, until they were all removed. No change. I guess I'll have to make a new pilot using the pilot file provided and try again. I am constantly surprised at what the game gives me. For example, I was flying a Frog from the "Ultimate Ships" plugin. When I removed that plugin, I found that I now was flying a Kytaan Fighter! Some switch, huh? I haven't even gotten to that part of the game yet!

-Ace 😉


Word for Word from the Read-Me:

"Important Note: Do NOT use pilots that have used any other plug-ins with F-25 then complain that weird things are happening. It'll be your bloody fault because I warned you."



Yes, I know what it says. I just tried it again. Steps: 1) no plugins except for F-25 plugs and the pilot plug; 2)got "new" pilot using take-off/land 3)Quit game and added other plugs 4)Used Pilot File Editor to select ship and outfits and put me in orbit around Station Pybin where I began. I am now at Munb after wiping out the rennies in Hreeka, got the order to meet in the bar (which one? Munb has no bar!) BTW: The other plugins used are: Sound Makeover; Galaxy Map, Lightning Jump; Luna Fix and Mega Booms; Mass Flare; Nova Brackets/Targets/Warning; Turret Fix 2; Ultimate Ships; and Weapons Fixer. Whadda ya think?
Well, I tried it...again! This time using the Pilot Builder and with no extra plugs. Same thing! No bar on Munb, and no missions on any of the bbs's. However, didn't I read in another F-25 thread where you said it wouldn't work with EVO ver. 1.0.2? That's what I'm using! I guess I'll have to trash the plug and move on.

-Ace 🙂

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 07-15-2002).)


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
Yes, I know what it says. I just tried it again. Steps: 1) no plugins except for F-25 plugs and the pilot plug; 2)got "new" pilot using take-off/land 3)Quit game and added other plugs 4)Used Pilot File Editor to select ship and outfits and put me in orbit around Station Pybin where I began. I am now at Munb after wiping out the rennies in Hreeka, got the order to meet in the bar (which one? Munb has no bar!) BTW: The other plugins used are: Sound Makeover; Galaxy Map, Lightning Jump; Luna Fix and Mega Booms; Mass Flare; Nova Brackets/Targets/Warning; Turret Fix 2; Ultimate Ships; and Weapons Fixer. Whadda ya think?

The only suggestion I have for you is to actually build a pilot who has done the Nebula Penetration Device missions through EVO without the aid of pilot builders and or pilot editors.. Yeah, the plug-in is worth it.. 🙂

Okay, it's working (sort of)! I dunno what happened, but between my last post and now, I played "Frozen Heart" and "Femme Fatale" (both excellent plugs, BTW!), so, for some reason, some goodness must have rubbed off. Yes, Munb does have a bar! What decent planet doesn't? I've completed everything up to the "take Miranu Ambassadors to Xarnez," yet, 1)As soon as I launched, I was set upon by the Xarnez Predators and 2)I made it to Xarnez, yet nothing happens when I land! I even tried landing at the station...nothing!
Yes, I used the Pilot Builder file. BTW: Unfortunately, I'm having to use an emulated PC to play on.

-Ace 😄

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"