Stuck (yet another Frozen Heart Question)

This has probably been answered before, but I can't find it with the Search thing, so here goes. The last mission I can remember doing is the Yggdrasil stones one. I've got the all-important Tachyonic Fighter, the IMP missile launcher, etc. but I have nary a clue as to what to do next. I've been searching around the planets, going into the bars and looking at the mission computers, but I can't find a thing. Oh, one more question. I think it was during the Devore series of missions when I went to New Venus, and I got a message to the effect of "go to the bar", but when I went to the bar nothing happened. I was a mite confused about this, so I took off and landed a few times, but still nothing. I figured that it might be one of those "come back in a month" deals, but when I came back in a month nothing was still happening. Any ideas?

-The Rabid One


Try going to Earth or Mars. I believe the next set of missions is triggered by recieving a hypermail from Emile. Make sure that when you get the mission that you are within 2 jumps of New Sahara.

By the way, the Readme mentions 7 ultimate tests of piloting skills. What are they? I played through FH, and still don't have a clue what they are.




Originally posted by Belisarius:
**Try going to Earth or Mars. I believe the next set of missions is triggered by recieving a hypermail from Emile. Make sure that when you get the mission that you are within 2 jumps of New Sahara.

By the way, the Readme mentions 7 ultimate tests of piloting skills. What are they? I played through FH, and still don't have a clue what they are.


**'s been a while since I played it, though I can think of a few...

- That one ship in hyperspace you have to track down
- Rigellian Hunter Killer
- The Hawk
- Black Hole

So, uh, what are the others? Or are some of these wrong?

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")

Ive done the Hawk, but where do you get the rest of those mission strings?

Been a long time since i've beaten it, but i do know that the black hole is the very last mission, and its kinda tough, the Rigellian Hunter Killer i believe is triggered by somthin you do for either earth or the Rigellian queen. I'm not sure though, been forever since i've played. 😄

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