Feme Fatale:NASA

when i go to New Venus/Freedom with Lars, when he says 'lets get a drink, i assume that implies going to the bar, but when i go there, nothing happens. Does the system have to be New Venus? or can it be either?


Maybe you should just wait for a while. The mission might come up in the bar later. Or maybe you need a higher combat rating. (Note:These are just suggestions, sorry, but I don't know).

Welcome to the boards.

"I'm gonna drop you like Third Period French!"
-Ocean's 11

I don't recall ever going to New Venus/Freedom with Lars, especially not in connecton with NASA. Try Home in the Betelgeuse system.

(url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/mac/bluesuedecat/")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.
The Universe does not care whether we sin or not; sin is meaningless to the Universe. The Universe does not care whether we exist or not; our existence is meaningless to the Universe. We simply are; ergo cognito sum. I think, therefore I am. And I want to know why that is. - Me

thanks, sorry i got the system wrong.
it still doesn't work though


God I feel like an idiot.
It was Matt Ixanhoff(is that how you spell it? I can't remember)in the Betelgeuse system.
I went there, went to the bar, and nothing happened. I tried doing missions on the mission computer because that usually helps, but I just keep getting the same kind of mission.I seem to vaguely remember helping the Rigellans through the mission computer?
