Targetting question

I don't know if anyone else has observed this, but, when doing certain missions (as in Zachit mass elimination missions), and there are a large number of enemy ships as well as a large number of friendlies, you always have to run through the total amount of ships to find another enemy ship to attack. Is there a way to just target enemy ships and keep friendlies off your targetting screen?

-Ace 😉

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"

I don't what you have yours set at, but in the preferences there is a closest target key. I think its default is "r", but yours may be set different. This will target the nearest hostile ship.


(This message has been edited by firestorm (edited 07-01-2002).)

Hmmm. In the past all I've done is use the tab key to cycle through whatever ships were in the system. Never thought to use the "closest hostile" key. I'll give it a try!
Thanks! You probably think me a rank beginner not to be doing this already, huh?

-Ace 😄

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"


Originally posted by firestorm:
**I don't what you have yours set at, but in the preferences there is a closest target key. I think its default is "r", but yours may be set different. This will target the nearest hostile ship.

Mine is ,


I went and reset my prefs so that I now have "tab" as primary targetter, "Q" as secondary weapons selector, "W" as secondary weapons fire, "spacebar" as primary weapons fire, and "Alt" as my "closest hostile" selector. So now I just have my ring-finger on tab, second-finger on q, index-finger on w, and thumb on either spacebar or alt (right next to each other.) With my right hand on the arrow keys, my left hand naturally falls into place. Unfortunately, because I'm using an emulated PC, the action is kinda jerky (just a bit).

-Ace 😉

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"