What did everyone think of EVO using EV graphics?

Since you all are EVO fans, I wanted to know what your opinions on Override's graphics recycling were. Did you feel that although most of Override used new graphics, but many of them remaining unchanged from EV, that you didn't really get a new game? Would Override have been a better game/experience with 100% new graphics?

(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/postdisplay.cgi?forum=Forum26&topic;=006563")The Reason I ask this is I am making a TC that is EV/EVO/Nova-like for EV: Nova(/url). I was considering doing what was done in Override, using many of the original graphics for the basic stuff, but mostly using new ones.

I even recall MacAddict's review that pointed out their disappointment with EVO for reusing graphics. So I ask you all, as a poll, did it really make any difference for you? Much at all, very little... were you a little mad or disappointed? All opinions welcomed! 🙂


While I was not a huge fan of Override's graphics, I wasn't too disappointed with the fact that they reused some graphics. The graphics that really counted were updated... ships and weapons come to mind. While I was disappointed with EVO in certain areas, the fact that certain graphics were reused didn't add to that, as the ones that weren't changed were the less important types of graphics, such as planets, asteroids, etc. I agree that it would have been better to change them, but the fact that they didn't doesn't really annoy me.

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 06-29-2002).)

I just don't see why Peter Cartwright thought a lower tech base meant he had to have uglier ships. <sigh> Graphics? I'm graphic quality-blind, actually, except at the extremes.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

I would rather have seen new graphics. Especially on the planets.

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I was very disappointed with the Override graphics (EV 1.0.5 has superior graphics compared to its sequel). The Override graphics almost all look like toys because of the contrasting colors (heck, the UE especially) or because of the plastic-looking surfaces (very noticable when hanging out with the strand races). Override really came across as rushed, since I still, to this day, think EV's storyline, graphics, and general gameplay is better. The only advantage I think Override has is that its engine is better suited for the plugin developer... much more flexible than EV.

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I really didn't mind it except for the Voinian ships.


It was nice to have a new scenario, but a rearranging of interface components to give a sense of newness couldn't have hurt. I like the little things that make something more or less unfamiliar.

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"http://cymlsol.cyml.cjb.net")http://cymlsol.cyml.cjb.net(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**I was very disappointed with the Override graphics (EV 1.0.5 has superior graphics compared to its sequel). The Override graphics almost all look like toys because of the contrasting colors (heck, the UE especially) or because of the plastic-looking surfaces (very noticable when hanging out with the strand races). Override really came across as rushed, since I still, to this day, think EV's storyline, graphics, and general gameplay is better. The only advantage I think Override has is that its engine is better suited for the plugin developer... much more flexible than EV.


That is all true, but I think what he was asking was what you thought of the fact that some of the graphics were reused, not what you thought of EVO's original graphics.

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**I would rather have seen new graphics. Especially on the planets.

Me to :frown: .
