Voinian's Domination

So, I've thrown my lot in with the Voinians and we've annhiliated the upstart Terrans at Verril Prime. They then let me know about some future plot of theirs. I've checked around their bars, looking for more missions with them, but can find none. Is the destruction of Verril Prime the end of the Voinian string?


no. head up to Fridion. you get to kill off an Emalghia planet there. <evil grin>

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**no. head up to Fridion. you get to kill off an Emalghia planet there. <evil grin>

Wow, this from a U.E. Admiral. You traitorous dog!


I thought you had to do those missions before you got the Destroy Verril Prime Mission.


I think that the only way to continue the Voinian mission string is to use the "Reign of the Voinians plug-in". I haven't tried it out myself, but that's what I've heard.

Why are Macs better than Windows? Do you really want me to list out all of the reasons?
(with apologies to anyone who takes offense at this signature)


Originally posted by Cazmonster:

You Starcrafter, you. 😛

Beware the substance '(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com/")e(/url)'
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evn&category;=utilities&display;=date&file;=ID.formulas.sit")EVN ID formulas(/url)

Use ROTV 1 and 2 😄 I love the Voinians aaaaaaaa cool and evil and you do not have to find AB.
U.E. Admiral wow you did the Voinian string wow :eek:


(This message has been edited by Borb II (edited 06-26-2002).)