Femme Fatale...I feel stupid

I'm just wondering where to go to finish the hypermail from:Joseph Setocki mission. It seems like something I should be able to figure out, but just can't manage to. The only other thing I can think of that might be important is that I finished the mission string with the tachyonic drive from Lars.

"Never argue with an
idiot, for they will
always manage to confuse
you and then defeat you

If you mean the one that says to destroy the message after you read it, that will fix itself after awhile, it doesn't really finish, just go on with other missions you get, and eventually it disappears.

Who needs a signature?

Problem is, I'm stuck for real. I don't get any missions except for the disaster appeal ones and I haven't gotten a stringg one for a while. Thanks for the info about the joseph setocki one ,, though

"Never argue with an
idiot, for they will
always manage to confuse
you and then defeat you

Do you get the Chimera ones? Get a good combat rating if you don't have one, and that one should come up. And there's an art theft one that starts somewhere, I can't remember where.

Who needs a signature?

Oh darn, I've fought the chimera, and died before I could even get a glimpse of it Thanks for all of your help anyway. I'm off to fight the chimera, the wonderful chimera of doom

"Never argue with an
idiot, for they will
always manage to confuse
you and then defeat you