Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter X

(Message, Phi-5 Encrypted)

To: Tratheck, Prylak of Lythrawn
From: Galactica Imperium

The terms which you described are laughable, and completely one sided. May we remind you that we were content to just ignore Lythrawn until you intercepted our transmission. If you wish to sign a non-agression pact, that would be acceptable, and you would be welcomed at our conference, but agreeing to your proposed terms poses no obvious gain to the Imperium.

(End Message)

Technology Integration: 12 Posts

Sentinel Defense System: 14 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnought Invincible: 3 Posts

Next Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 4 Posts

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it

(Message to Galactica)
(From Tratheck of the Prylak of Lythrawn)
(You are dealing with the Prylak. Expect our terms to be 'one-sided'. We are willing to sign a non-aggression pack, and will drop the terms for wanting technology from you. However, the other terms will not be removed. If you think it laughable and decide not to use us, so be it, but you will miss out on a great advantage over the Andromedan Prylak. We are willing to help, and it is lucky for you we, the Prylak of Lythrawn, want to help at all. There are many who want to destroy you and be done with it, but Lythrawn does not wish this to happen.)
(End Message)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message, Alpha-3 Encrypted)

To: Tratheck, Prylack of Lythrawn
From: Galactica Imperium

Your terms are acceptable, and we would be willing to sign a non-agression pact. You will be welcome at the conference, to be held in Haru'el, pending the consent of the Raiek Dominion. Some terms may need to be modified due to future circumstances, but for the time being we agree. May our two peoples move forward peacefully.

(End Message)

Technology Integration: 11 Posts

Sentinel Defense System: 13 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnought Invincible: 2 Posts

Next Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 3 Posts

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it

OOC - Carnotaur, Lythrawn doesn't have a poison tip, so he's tail is a) not about to cut anything and 🆒 not about to poison anyone. And have you completely forgotten Huorak's fighting style?


Huorak stepped forward, and as he did so Lythrawn twirled to smash Huorak's legs with his tail. Huorak stepped back perfectly, avoiding the smash. Lythrawn recovered quickly and moved in to slash at Huorak's face and arms. Huorak effortlessly blocked the strikes, and as Lythrawn ducked down to kick at Huorak's legs, the larger Prylak jumped forward, sending Lythrawn skidding across the floor.

Huorak turned calmly as Lythrawn raised to his feet and roared, charging at Huorak. Almost casually, Huorak sidestepped, danced over an attempt to trip him, cracked Lythrawn's right arm as the former admiral attempted to claw at him, and brought his left fist down into Lythrawn's skull.

Then, in a double-hit, Huorak kneed Lythrawn in the face with all his strength. Blood spouting from his face, Lythrawn fell back dizzily.

"You fight like a girl," Huorak noted darkly.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

The Challenge

Lythrawn stopped for a moment to rest, still ready to dodge a blow incase Huorak decided to pound him. Finally, he rushed at the bigger Prylak full speed and jumped. As expect, Huorak sidestepped to the right, but as Lythrawn flew forward, he extended his hands and feet, and as he passed by Huorak, his claws dug into his flesh on the right side of his face.

At the same instant Lythrawn hands took hold of Huorak's neck, his claws burrying themselves into his flesh. Huorak was yanked off his feet. The instant he hit the ground, Lythrawn brought his feet claws down directly into the front of his neck, spurting out large amounts of blood. A second later, Lythrawn jumped away, narrowly avoiding Huorak's powerful tail.

As Huorak began to get up, Lythrawn spun around and kicked him the back... hard. The kick threw Huorak forward and onto the ground, and Lythrawn jumped up into the air then came crashing down on Huorak's back. Huorak easily kicked him off with his tail, but Lythrawn got right back up.

As Huorak began to get back up and turn towards Lythrawn, the prylak admiral summoned all his strength and ran straight for his opponent. Growling loudly as he went, Lythrawn leapt into the air. As he flew towards Huorak, he kicked violently and with all his might at the Prylak's head, spraying blood and bashing Huorak's face considerably.

As Lythrawn landed and prepared to make a lunge for Huorak again, he was suddenly knocked off his feet by one of Huorak's powerful legs. Landing hard on the floor, Lythrawn spin kicked into his opponents legs, also knocking him down. As Lythrawn jumped up, his back to Huorak, he made the final blow.

Jumping up backwards into the air, towards Huorak, his elbow extended, Lythrawn crashed down on Huorak, essentially doing an elbow body-slam on the huge Prylak...

OOC: You can finish, Espy

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 05-20-2002).)

Redchigh read both messages.. one from Galactica, one from the Haorn... he slowly replied to the Galactica.

Message to: Galactica
From: Redchigh
Do you not remember that the Haorn are our sworn enemies? I will personally host the conference, with guards, at Haru'El as our Haorn friends so pleasantly demanded..... but do not expect the Raiek and Haorn to get along...

Redchigh hit send, and clinched his fist... this will not work out for the best... The Haorn do not even know the definition of peace....

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 05-23-2002).)

(Message, Beta-4 Encrypted)

To: Redchigh, Raiek
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

I am well aware that the Haorn are your enemies. I, too, do not believe they are fully trustworthy. However, if they are being genuine, this could be a chance to mortally wound the Prylak. Even if they are not, we could gain some insight into their plans. The Haorn are indeed quite warlike. I will be bringing guards to the conference. I recommend you do the same, my friend.

(End Message)

Technology Integration: 10 Posts

Sentinel Defense System: 12 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnought Invincible: 1 Post

Next Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 2 Posts

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 05-23-2002).)

Redchigh read the message from Galactica, and sent a message to the Haorn..

Message to:Haorn
We will have Haru'El prepared for the meeting.. Maybe you and I can set our hostilities aside for now.

Message to: Sijak
From: Raiek
Will you be at Haru'El for the Diplo meeting? I can supply transport since it is one of the Raiek planets, but I'm sure the Haorn won't try anything with the bulk of the Galactica and Raiek armada a few jumps away..... We can defend each other if the Haorn turn on us.

Redchigh sends a message to his civil servants... "You remember that Skraine palace we found on Haru'El? I want it cleaned up... We'll host the Diplo meeting there... bring some military basher tanks to patrol the landing area outside incase the Haorn try something"... "Yes, Sir"

Slaves swarm over the building, and in a matter of hours it's ready for the Ambassadors... Redchigh is, of course, the first to Arrive, and he takes his seat at the round table, to await the visitors.

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 05-23-2002).)

The Sijak recieved the confrence message and then the Raiek's message shortly after, and arrangements we're quickly made for a journey and messages were sent back.

To: Galactica
From: Sijak
We are grateful to be invited to a confrence about the Prylak, and thank the Haorn and Galactica for offering. We will be there for the confrence, and we hope we are allowed to bring a small contingent of guards. We will see you at Haru'El.
end message sequence

To: Raiek
From: Sijak
We will indeed be coming to the diplomatic meeting. We don't need transportation, but we will travel with you, for we do know they're is strength in numbers.
End message sequence

Kenra shifted slightly. She still didn't trust the Raiek, but with the threat of the Haorn and perhaps the Prylak again too, she would have to learn to trust them, for she certainly had no one else to turn too if the Haorn ever did attack.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

As Espona's ship moved down through the atmosphere of Haru'El, he reflected on what the other races would think. Indeed, his race was warlike, but certainly they wouldn't think he would double-cross them. Not after what they'd been through. He remembered the only way for this to work was to gain the complete trust of all the other races. As his craft touched down, Espona told his bodyguards to return to the Destroyer in orbit. Moving toward the diplomatic building, Espona noted the large amount of security. He again reflected on the distrust among all the other races, mostly directed at him. That was why he had only brought a Destroyer. Upon entrance, Espona moved into the conference room, reptillian eyes roving. He saw RED seated there. For a second his back spikes bristled, then relaxed. He reminded himself why they were there. He nodded at RED, and said, "A thousand thanks to you for accepting our proposal. I can only pray that the other races have recognized the threat, and are willing to put aside differences." He was careful not to say, "for the time being," that might have ruined everything. He moved to the side, awaiting the other ambassadors.

Battleship group 1: 6 posts

"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 05-23-2002).)

BattleDoctor shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight as he stepped off of the landing craft and onto the large landing area at the Haru'el spaceport. He had taken a small landing craft to the surface to avoid making too much of an obvious show of force.

In orbit was the Emperor's small diplomatic fleet: an Alliance Flagship, two Warcruisers, two Heavy Beam Cruisers, and four Missile Frigates. A larger armada was waiting in the Chau'Skria system, commanded by the recently constructed Balrog-class Dreadnought, the G.S.S. Invincible.

A larger landing craft had accompanied the Emperor's ship to the surface, and a motorcade of various armored hovercraft pulled up in front of the Emperor. He slowly waled over and was assisted into the largest and most comfortable hovercraft by a Zidagar in light armor. As the motorcade began to head towards the palace where the meeting was being held, a group of troops could be seen exiting one of the landing craft and taking up defensive positions around the two ships. The Emperor's security was the highest priority for the Galactica personnel.

About ten minutes later,the motorcade pulled up in front of the palace where the conference was being held. The first ones out of the armored hovercraft were eight Voinian soldiers, wearing dress clothes but obviously having armor and packing weapons underneath. Behind them came the Emperor, followed by another two guards. The small group entered the building and the motorcade began to drive towards the garage.

Emperor BattleDoctor entered the large conference room. He politely greeted Red and Espona, then took his place at the table and waited for the Sijak delegates to arrive and the meeting to start. Two of the guards stood behind the Emperor with the other eight waiting in the next room.

Technology Integration: 9 Posts

Sentinel Defense System: 12 Posts

Next Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 1 Post

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it

Arrival of the Prylak

In Haru'El, suddenly, a group of Prylak ships hyperspaced into the system, their weapons armed in case it was a trap. Nobody opened fire, however, but the weapons were stilled kept ready.

These were not Prylak from Andromeda, but instead warships from Lythrawn, sent to the meeting to represent him. Leading them would be Ravaer the Haorn and Arshak, a heavily scared Prylak who had gone through many battles, and Lythrawn's cheif tactical officer. They were both onboard the Empyrean Supercarrier Plethgyas , and were escorted by two Frigates, a Carrier, and fifteen refitted Raven Cruisers.

The ships moved into a patrol around the planet, their guns still ready, their shields raised. The Plethgyas descended through the atmosphere, and finally settling on the ground with a great thud which seemed to almost shake the ground. Prylak ships were quite big. And with that, Ashak, Ravaer, and their men disembarked. As the first group left, a brigade of Prylak soldiers, completely covered in black and grey armor and heavily armed with particle weapons marched out, six astride. They quickly surrounded the ship, providing the extra protection that Ashak wanted. Ravaer was decked out with plates of metal and carried a spear in one hand. Ashak, a long scar across the right of his face, very nearly cutting into his eye, also held a spear and was decked out in his armor, with spikes on the shoulder, wrist, and knee. His two eyes, one blue, one orange (why they were like this, Ashak would not say), seemed to glow as he grinned evily and looked about.

Following them were six elite guards, both carrying battlehammers and arrayed with black sheetmail, and fourty-five other Prylak soldiers, armed with particle rifles and black armor and helmets. These soldiers were, in fact, completely covered by armor; only their blue eyes showing through the eye-sockets in their helmets. In addition to the rifle, they carried three particle blasters (two in their belts, a third on a belt across the shoulder, and an axe-like weapon on their backs which they could pull out if needed.

There was also another soldier there; Aerathur, Ashak's pupil and fellow warrior. He too was completed decked out in armor from head to toe, and armed to the hilt too; blades of all kinds, blasters, as well as a particularly fearsome looking particle rifle which was Aerathur's favored weapon. There were spikes on his helmet, shoulder armor, wrist armor, tail armor, and knee armor. Even his hands were covered in a fine metal mesh, his claws covered by extremely strong metal spikes which proved added cutting strength. Ashak had been training Aerathur almost since he was a boy, and now, standing 8' 2" high, the Prylak warrior was extremely strong despite not being unusually tall, and was also fast (he could outrun just about anyone), an astonishing jumper (even for a Prylak), and a martial arts expert.

The Prylak quickly headed towards the meeting building, getting a lot of puzzled, suspicious, or frightened looks from the people and soldiers along the way. Twenty soldiers were left at the front of the structure to wait for the meeting to begin, and the other twenty-five followed. When they finally entered the meeting room, the Prylak soldiers all eyed the other attendees with suspicion. As Ravaer sat down in a chair specially designed for Haorn, he gave Espona a very long and cold stare before looking away. As Ashak sat down, he looked at the other leaders carefully and coldly, his eyes piercing. He seemed to grin evily a little bit.

During all this time the Prylak had barely said a word; only the soldiers had done any of the talking. Finally, Ashak spoke. "We regret to inform you that Lythrawn is occupied with a more important matter, and has thus sent us here to represent him." He looked around the room again, giving Kenra an especially unsettling stare, and giving Battledoctor an especially cold one. Aerathur simply gave Redchigh a nod.

"When will we begin the talks?" Ravaer asked in a somewhat menacing and low voice.


OOC: A picture of the Prylak Empyrean Supercarrier: (url="http://"")http://www.carnotaur..._supercarrier.j pg:// pg:// pg(/url)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 05-23-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 05-23-2002).)

Espona stood against a far wall, watching all the other leaders with long. hard stares as they entered. then the Prylak cam in. Espona felt ready to laep and attack, but again he willed down his hatred. Seeing the other Haorn with them was especially usettling. Espona met the other one's stare with an equally cold look, almost glaring. He felt compelled to shout out the word "traitor!" but instead moved forward, eyeing each and every one of the leaders. "Greetings to you all." He said, spreading both his arms to encompass the whole room. "Doubtless you all know why we are here, to exploit the possibility of finding and attacking the..." he looked at the other Prylak, "Andromedan Prylak." He turned back to the others. "Does anyone have any ideas as to just where they cam from?"

"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

"Andromeda, I'd suppose," came the dry, somewhat mercurial voice of someone most definately with I'asan blood in them. The large doors of the conference room were open, and four members of the Tribunal stood in them. The one in the lead was dressed all in white robes, with a silver headband and bracelet of ancient design. He wore a cloth belt with some form of scepter in a scabbard tied to the belt. A golden mantle was settled about his shoulders, and his face was timeless. His hair was long and flowing, reaching down to his feet, and his skin was inhumanly pale. He stood at six and a half feet, and was very slender. His eyes were entirely golden. Although he appeared somewhat human, the blood lines of I'ase and Odine ran through him strongly. He was the leader of the four, obviously, and his rank was part of the Tribunal's justice system, if the mantle and scepter gave any clue.

The second man was most definately of Strand origin, and wore simple dark grey clothing. A chakra rested on one side of his belt, and a blaster in the other. His face was shadowed, and he seemed to almost slip from view. There was no doubt, should anyone care to even notice him, that he was an operative of some sort, most likely connected also with the justice system.

It was the other two characters that would attract the most attention. The third was small, and also dressed in a white robe, but without the mantle. Her hair was silver rather than white, and braided. Her eyes were a stronger gold, and larger, and changed colour in different light. No veins could be seen under her colourless skin. She was almost entirely Odine. The other figure was also most definately I'ase, with lavender skin, a tall stature and specks that seemed to float across his eyes, which shone with a dangerous indigo glint. He wore all blue, and seemed very much to be some kind of bodyguard - although for who was unknown.

The source of the dry, humourless voice was the leader, who quickly and confidently walked to a seat that was not taken and sat. The pure Odine and Strandless sat either side of him, with the Odine on the ceremonial position at his right. The I'asan did not sit, but rather went to one wall and leaned back, with all the other guardsmen that had accompanied figures of power. "It is purely a hunch, of course, but those who call themselves Andromedan Prylak may very well originate from the galaxy of Andromeda."

"The question is not where they have come from, for that is obvious, but how they must and will be dealt with," spoke the Odine woman formally, her voice taking on the confident voice of diplomat. "The Tribunal has expressed neutrality in many of the current wars, and although the Prylak are obviously of a nature that is beyond reason," she said, glancing at the Prylak and Raiek without showing the slightest emotion, "we see no reason to have our people butchered at their hands to satisfy your perverted needs. We also find the Haorn and their leader to be equally untrustworthy in such matters, and have little faith in the Galactica Imperium after the recent ordeal. Thus we begin with this statement; the Tribunal in no way trusts the Galactica Imperium, Haorn Empire, Raiek Dominion or Unaligned Prylak. When the Sijak arrive, we may revise our opinions."

The Odine nodded to the room in general, and stopped speaking. The first man spoke again. "I act as Judicator of the Tribunal, highest among the ranks of the justice system, and present also is one of our finest diplomats," he nodded to the Odine, "the most skilled of our investigators," he nodded to the man of Strand origin, "and a master of the Avenging Angels." He spoke no explanation of the Angels, but his voice held extreme respect. He also gave no names. "Any act of violence against us will result in your excommunication with the Tribunal and an immediate declaration of war. In addition to this, the vessel we arrived here on is not armed conventionally as yours may be, but has been turned into a massive bomb linked directly to our bio-signatures. If we are killed, rest assured none of you shall leave here today."

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

The Challenge: Closing of the First
Huorak had no chance at that point. Lythrawn's elbow came down hard, supported by his own body weight, into Huorak's temple. The warrior's skull was pushed into his brain, killing him instantly. Huorak's death was soundless - he made no cry.

As Lythrawn slowly stood, Thassrugar stepped forward, and to Lythrawn's surprise the Warlord fell onto one knee and bowed his head. "You have to me have been proved worthy to become Emperor of Proxima Prylak. You have my word of continued loyalty, as long as you would not have me go against what it is to be Prylak. I am proud to be in your service." Thassrugar drew a long handled, ceremonial blade, and laid it on the floor before Lythrawn, before standing and, with a respectful nod, turning to leave.

With that, a booming voice spoke over the comm. link, while the Prylak filed out and returned to Thassrugar's warship. "I am Ionathur, Warlord of Proxima, and you must now face me in combat in accordance with the Prylak laws of melee. Choose any one ship you wish to use against me, but be ready in ten minutes or you shall fail."

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

The Sijak delegates went from the Portals in Sija to the Portals in Hasan. The ships hyperspaced to Haru'El and asked for clearance to land. When they were given it, the delegates landed the ships and stepped out with the guards in formation behind them.

The 3 delegates looked about their surroundings. Two were female and one was male. All had the same outfits on. The males eyes were brown and he was slightly taller than the two females. The females eyes were both purple, and one was taller than the other. All three soon started forward with the guards behind.

They entered the confrence room and sat down. "We are sorry we are late for the confrence." said the shortest of them named Falenia. "We apologize for any inconvenience."

ooc: I'll be gone most of the weekend. Goodbye.
If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 05-24-2002).)

Espona nodded curtly to Kenra, then turned back to the Tribunal four, nonplussed by the apparent swaggger with which they spoke, somewhat contemptuous at their arrogance. Petty threats like saying a bomb like this was there, even if it was the truth, did not bother him in the least. "The truth you speak. However, such matters such as the way to fight them cannot be adressed right now. The question I am asking is where the entranceway to where the scum came from is. Such knowledge might be helpful." He added sarcastically.

"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

Redchigh turned to the Haorn..
"We have no easy way of knowing exactly what system the Prylak entered via.. I say we collaborate and build a wormhole... We, the Raiek, managed to build a few, but their radiation was too high and we had to cease use. I'm sure that if we all collaborated, we could develop one much better, to send our immense armadas through to the core of Andromeda! We have the Destination codes in our Archives, all we'd have to do is build..."
As Red finished speaking, he remembered a rumoured Zone X he heard about back when the Raiek first declared hostility against local prylak govt.. He quickly brushed it off..

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

During all this Ashak had kept silently, eying the arrogant Tribunal intently, and then focusing on what the Emporer of the Raiek had to say. He then spoke, slowly and coldly. "You have no need for such a worthless device, Emporer of the Raiek," Ashak stated bluntly. "We have no time. The Prylak capitol of Andromeda, Dromede, may now be building more warships to make up for the ones lost, and all the while an easy doorway into the heart of their space awaits us.

"If any of you are familiar with current events, the Terrans of New Sol in the Ji Nebula were the first ones to be attacked by the Prylak. A giant starfortress invaded their space, and the only thing that stopped it was the sacrifice of the Equinox ; the flagship of the Terrans and the pride of the fleet at that. This starfortress came from 'The Pocket'; a sort of system in-between Ross 154 and the Milky Way. In it there lies a warpgate directly to Andromeda." He paused for a moment and looked about the room, then continued. "The Terrans knew about it; in fact, a pilot of theirs even went through the warpgate into Andromeda, and was forced to retreat by a Prylak Battlecruiser.

"The Confederates even sent in a scout fleet of theirs into Andromeda, and only pulled it back when the Loki attacked them. The sensor arrays they set up were disassembled, but Lythrawn was able to gain access to the files, and he believes it is the perfect spot to start an invasion. And, if our assumptions are correct, it also lies closeby to the Drakal; a race of Andromeda which has been fighting the Prylak for years. They may be a useful ally.

"The only way to get to The Pocket, however, is blocked by a former Confederate base in DSN-8789, which was captured by the Prylak nanoweapons. The base is armed with considerable firepower and is composed of many defense drones, battlestations, and one large battlestation."

He paused for a second time, this time grinning a little evily. "If and when we do invade Andromeda and destroy the Prylak there, Lythrawn will be given control of The Pocket in accordance with an agreement we showed Galactica before coming here." And with that, Ashak stopped, and then looked at all the other leaders, waiting for their response.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"DSN-8789 was set up by the Confederation to guard Jumpgate 02, I believe," stated the judicator of the Tribunal, who had been paying close attention to the reactions of each and every one of the present. "Not only does it not need to be traversed, Jumpgate 02 is, actually, out of our way."

"We'd want to go to Jumpgate 01 in the New Sol system, accessible from the other side. According to recent information we've gathered, New Sol's isolation has now been broken, correct?" continued the Strand investigator. "From Jumpgate 01, we'd set course to Jumpgate 03 and break out of the wormhole at the Terran co-ordinates that I believe the Sijak currently hold, considering the leader of the Terrans is currently taking residence in Sijak space."

There was a short pause, and then the Odine diplomat spoke. "Lythrawn will not control The Pocket. Tactically, it is far too important to be laid into the hands of a Prylak. In addition, our reports show that occupied Andromeda is based around the super-massive black hole Dromax. I would imagine that if we were to collapse the entire Andromeda galaxy by destroying whatever device ultimately holds back the gravitational force, we would score a major victory over our enemies. And also, the rift in 01-04 would likely seal, making The Pocket inaccessible."

She paused. "And anyway, there is nothing in The Pocket of use to you, Ashak. No stellar objects, no stars - nothing but the rift and the wormhole, and a high concentration of interference. The only use of that area is a tactical one, so you have thus shown your true nature already."

-Lyat Esponer Corsair