Ship Poll for EV Override +1 year

My favorite ship is the Zidara, I don't really know why, it just is. I don't really use escorts, but I suppose my favorite is the Adara. The ship i fear the most in a regular battle is the Igadzra.

Congratulations on being here a year Esponer. πŸ™‚

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**...EV project using the Nova engine on the pavement, and runs off to fight Igazras >

To the Falcons! ; )

Hmm... EV on Nova sounds like a cool project, but I think I heard that there was going to be a utility that would auto-update any old data/plug files to Nova with essentially no effort. I'm curious whether it actually works though.

Something tells me you'll be able to get your touch back with EVN just as well.
But if you're going after Igazras, I'm with you. Razor Falcon reporting. πŸ˜‰



Originally posted by Paradigm:
Hmm... EV on Nova sounds like a cool project, but I think I heard that there was going to be a utility that would auto-update any old data/plug files to Nova with essentially no effort. I'm curious whether it actually works though.

Something tells me you'll be able to get your touch back with EVN just as well.
But if you're going after Igazras, I'm with you. Razor Falcon reporting. πŸ˜‰


My idea is slightly different. It involves Impulse, an underground organisation fighting imperial rule. You get to do things like make a mock alien invasion with the help of an elite Lightning pilot; manipulate Rebel command into an invasion; work your way up Confederate ranks and report information back to Impulse, and, seemingly ultimately, destroy the Confederation Space Navy. At which point, the enhancement would only just be beginning - real aliens reappear, the Rebels become as bad as the Confeds, and you have to destroy them too. Total annihilation, eh? : )

Ahh, the Razor Falcon and the Silver Falcon. Nothing can stop us!

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Oh ho! Esponer is yet another year older? Hold on a sec whilst I retrieve the whiffle bat, birthday beatings must commence!

Anywho, I've recently fallen in love with the Vediemahalo Frigate.. Once properly upgraded, they pack a whopper of a punch, and have an interesting turrent layout..

My favorite escort is the UE Fighter.. They make excellent dive-bombers with their rocket packs, and thier blaze cannons can slow Azdaras to a halt..

UE Destroyer. Fear. Hate. Bloody..... Frickin.... HUNTER MISSLES!

Alien 5672

Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at
AIM: StrikerDragon


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**My idea is slightly different. It involves Impulse, an underground organisation fighting imperial rule.... Total annihilation, eh? : )

That does sound like an interesting plug. Total annihilation indeed. I'd be interested in possibly doing some beta testing on something like that...

I ran a search for your name... something like 200 threads you've posted on in this board alone. I was around 40. You've had lots to say. Or just too much time on your hands.


Ship: Either Arada (their so fun) or CW
Escort: Zidara's (Great ships as well, their beams and fighters rock)
Most Feared: Azgarda Warships (if there's more than one of the frickin' things the fighters swarm me)

Congrats on year one although, I'm newer than you!!!

People expect me to be weird, why should i dissapoint them?

I am Spartikus!!


Originally posted by Spartikus:
**Congrats on year one although, I'm newer than you!!!

Well, even though you've been here since last month... welcome to the boards, Spartikus.



Originally posted by Paradigm:
(BI'd be interested in possibly doing some beta testing on something like that...(/B)

That'd be great - but some actual help with the project itself wouldn't go amiss. πŸ˜„

I have two weeks off, though, so I might as well get started on writing out the main part - the mission strings. About all that's necessary for the new ships is a few Impulse versions of civilian ships (Lightning and Corvette), and a modified Rapier for Hunter (they would play something of a part).

Two weeks... write mission strings... play Nova... write mission strings... play Nova...

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**That'd be great - but some actual help with the project itself wouldn't go amiss.:D

Well, I'd certainly consider helping out... but you've got to understand that I'm a ninetofiver, so my time is limited. What sort of assistance do you need?


Ship: Azdara (just too good to discount)
Escort: Zachit Fighters (fast and have missiles)
Worst enemy: Zidara (not only good against Azdaras, but they aren't skimpy with dipsy missiles)

Oh yeah, congrats SD!

"You only say never because it hasn't been done before."

I can't decide which, the UE Cruiser, the Igazra, or the Crescent warship, each has pros and cons.

UE Cruiser- has plenty of space for upgrades, defense it KA, but speed and agility suck even sometimes with upgrades, not to mention you can't do Azdgari mission strings with it.

Crescent warship- fast and agile, powerful shielding, though it has some space, not alot to do with anyways.

Igazra- I think it falls between a crescent warship and the UE cruiser.

When I upgrade my ship, I ignore range weapons that you have to buy ammos for because I don't want to travel on the other side of the galaxy just to get more, fighter bays I make exceptions to. Other than that, I go head on with bad guys like a fighter, even against fighters, I use MP method if I know that I cannot bite off more than I can chew, but that's just me.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
I must be losing my touch. <grins> Back to EV:O to restore it, I think. <throws EV:N in the gutter, and the EV project using the Nova engine on the pavement, and runs off to fight Igazras>

Boi, you throw that project on the ground and we'll gut you. πŸ˜‰


Favorite: Crescent Fighter
Escort: Adzgari Warship
Most Feared: Zidara, with those ******* phased beams!

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Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Boi, you throw that project on the ground and we'll gut you.;)

Ahh! <puts down, picks up Protostar, picks up, juggles...juggles...explosion>

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Undoubtably, The Zachit Arada is the greatest EVO ship of all time.

(Lies are in your head.)

Entropy!( Do you realise this is the second post I've seen you make in over six months? Six months? Six months? Since I first saw you around, my instinctive thought when we had a hole in webstory players has been "where's Entropy when you need him". I miss you, man!

<hugs Entropy>

And, yeah, the Zachit Arada is an excellent vessel. I prefer the Zachit Fighter, which is without a doubt my favourite ship of all time (but I say Crescent Fighter anyway because you can buy it).

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Hmmm, a tough one. Guess I'll have to go for the Arada, heavy enough to survive fighters, fast enough to run from anything else, hits har enough and recharges fast enough to kill anything. On the other hand, after Crew of One I do kinda like the CF even after I went through 17 of the things before completeing it.

Scariest ship, CF or Azdara. I cant escap them and a huge swarm is deadly (even with dospex).

Escort, don't really use the much. Not much you can capture with a crew of three,

Oh and Happy Birthday.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Oh, yeah, and if you don't say anything nice about my being here a year, I'll castrate the lot of you.


Why, I have nothing to say...

πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰

Favorite ship: A cross between the Azdara and Arada, but I'd probably have to say the Azdara. With its light protection and incredible speed, it brings the best out of a fighter pilot.

Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
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"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny


Posts: 8544


Hehe, I remember buzzing around whipping all those Igazras in the Crimson Falcon , but, sadly, those days are over. Now I'm buzzing around whipping Auroran Carriers with my RAGE Gunboat...

Β—The Cattleprod Duelist
_Go spread the word, from town to town
We are the human race, and we groove to the sound_Β—Sir Psycho
Oops, I think I killed it... Β—Grunadulater


Originally posted by ESPilot:

Heh, you'd think I hung around the forums a lot or something. πŸ˜›


Originally posted by ESPilot:
Hehe, I remember buzzing around whipping all those Igazras in the Crimson Falcon , but, sadly, those days are over. Now I'm buzzing around whipping Auroran Carriers with my RAGE Gunboat...

Sheesh, and I've still yet to play Nova. I've been too busy with computer classes and school studies that I've yet taken the opportunity to try it out. The time will come though. πŸ˜‰

Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
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"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Heh, you'd think I hung around the forums a lot or something.

Seriously -- don't let it get to your head. I wouldn't be surprised if some people already have a vendetta on you because of your post count (it's silly, really), and if it gets to your head, it'll only cause more problems. πŸ˜‰

About your vote, I'd disagree. The Krait is the best ship if you want to bring out a fighter's skills. <grin> The Azdara is far too easy , really. I hear people say "I'm not a wimp, I pilot an Azdara", and just laugh. πŸ™‚

Also, what happened with the whole God go against off the Internet stuff?

-Lyat Esponer Corsair