Voinian, or UE, which do you favor?

I can't say I really favour either of them - I certainly don't like the Voinian Empire's violent, racist, and imperialist tendencies, but United Earth has never seemed to have much to recommend it apart from the fact that it isn't stereotypically evil.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
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The smooth continuation of this topic after 13 months of stasis gives new hope to cryogenics.

That said, my vote goes for the reverse acronym of the European Union.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-20-2002).)


Originally posted by ESPilot:
Yeppers. Voinians started th' whole thang. But it's th' UE's fault fer resistin'; if they hadn't th' whole thing wouldn'ta started don'tcha see?

Someone has been listining to WAY too much UE Propaganda. Look, what really happend was, when the first contact happend between the UEs and the Voinians, the Vees sent over a message pod to initiate talks, swap technology, ect, due to the fact that the Voinians are really just a peace loving race, that happened to have some pretty **** good weapons when several small Empires attacked it, so that's how they got the Hinwar and other assorted minor races. The Human ship they sent it to had it's shields down and, due to the fact that they were in a electricly unstable area of space,(what do you think all that static is from?) the pod launcher got his by lightning, got overcharged, and shot the pod out at .5 C. It hit the UE ship going 93,000 MPS, instead of the normal 1000 MPH(the Voinians have a lot of Armor, and thought that most other races did too), and caused it to blow up. The Voinians tried to say they were sorry, but it's kinda hard to say sorry to a random collection of atoms. After that, whenever they found a Human ship it opened fire first, and they were forced to destroy it before they were killed. The power mad UE Senate then grabbed the Flight Recorder, and manipulated it to show that the Voinians fired first, so they would get relected(who ever failed to get relected during a war?) and thus finally corrupt the innocent UE people to their will, so they could declare a full dictatorship, and expand wildly out and rule the known galaxy, and then some. Finaly the Voinians found a planet that the UEs had colonized. Unfortunatly, this planet was Earth. The Voinians had a very large, well armed, and well armored, force jump in to attemt to get a message through before all Voinian ships were destroyed. The Humans also had a very large force. The Humans opened fire with their first generation Blaze Cannons, which happened to shoot purple, instead of the newer version's Red, and destroyed several Voinian ships in a few seconds. The Voinians fought back with the 8th edition Neutron turrets which shot out beams of a red color, but to no avail. The Voinians jumped out of the system to prepare for war against these savages. After that, the crews from the ships involved in the battle of Sol were transfered to the UE Flagship, the mega Destroyer UES Incontrovertible. After the battle was over, and while the Incontrovertible was being built, the UEs tweaked their weapons to the more well known color of Red, while the Voinians tweaked theirs to Purple. Both did it for propaganda purposes, but the Voinians would still have left theirs the same if complete war hadn't been more or less declared. The Incontrovertible then "happened" to get lost, and a new Flagship was built, the UES London. After the Incontrovertible was lost, the Blaze Mk II was unveiled, and demonstraited to shoot red. This dispelled most doubts about if the Voinians shooting first, as everyone with Telescopes saw that there were Purple shots before Red shots. There were a few dissenters with more powerful Telescoped, whitch had SEEN the ships, instead of just the Beams, but no one lisened to them. Thus, the UEs started it, and the Voinians are the ones fighting for survival. But they are pretty pissed too, which is why they blow up Verril Prime when they get the chance.

*modified from the original Message Pod story, by yours truely.

The part about Andrea Yates' trial that scares me the most is that, if she has killed her kids up until they were FULLY out of the womb, no one would have made the slightest fuss.


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**Hello Onii, nice to see you. Just a note though, try not to bring up topics that were created over a year ago. Kind of gets irritating and most likely will get the topic locked


just wanted to see what would happen

GR/AIM- Onii7


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
Someone has been listining to WAY too much UE Propaganda... <snip>

Well, as long as this thread has been resurrected, I'll throw in, too. That's an impressive speech, Lonevoinian. Ever think of a career in PR?

But really, we all know the truth - and the Voinian spin doctors have manipulated it far more than the UEs. After all, who would fire a peaceful "message pod" directly at the ship of a species they were just meeting? If the Voinians have been spreading out and encountering aliens with peaceful intent for some time now, I think they would have figured out that you have to be very careful of not seeming aggressive to a new species. If it's actually true that the Voinians have only fought when they had to, maybe they are just particularly good at getting a negative reaction from the species they encounter.

Plus, in the battle of Sol, the Voinians sent a huge armed fleet into the home system of the humans. Any intelligent being should know that this is not an appropriate way to establish an open line of communication. They should have sent unarmed envoys in a clear gesture of friendship. Or better yet, they could have opened communication by sending EMF transmissions from nearby systems until getting a response. So I think the evidence is clear, there never was any intent on the part of the Voinian invaders for peace.


Actually, I mostly side with the UEs out of a basic desire to assist my own species over others. Sure the Voinians are imperialists, but the UEs are still just humans, so we know they make mistakes. That's why I don't feel all that strongly about it, and I have helped the Voinians on occasion.



Originally posted by Taylor:
**To bad they have to be how they are all evil and everything. Because I bet UE wouldn't have war with them if they hadn't started it. Didn't they??

The Voinian's didn't start it.
Anyone ever heard of "Propaganda"?
(Before the Voinian Retaliation, the Human govts were seperate- so bear with me.)
The Humans were expanding, and prospering, like the intro says. A Russian Gunboat fleet was passing through a western border system, when they came upon a lightly armoured vessel.. with almost no shields. They contacted it, no reply. It was decided the ship was alone, so it was disabled, and the pilot was taken to meet the president. The captured Voinian did not know the human language, so the races communicated through hand gestures. The Voinian's lack of communication skills showed an image of low brain power, and like any other human, the govt proceded to take advantage of them. All this was kept from the Earth consensus. Through deception, the voinian pilot shared maps of core voinian systems, in return for the humans giving the voinian shielding (out-of-date, of course.) After the voinian was used, it was thrown in a prison, where it escaped.
It had no sooner gotten to voinia in a stolen human scoutship when a human scoutship jumped in- shielded and armed. It proposed a "treaty", involving the voinians being enslaved. It was rejected, and war was proclaimed. The raggedy human shields were quickly implemented, along with thousands of layers of primitive armour as defense. Before the entire military could be outfitted, a fleet of US and NATO fighters entered the system, however the defenses were more than the humans bargained for. The Armor held more damage than anyone expected, and the fighters were eliminated with few losses on the voinian's side.
Suddenly, a signal was picked up. There were battlegroups collecting close to the voinian border. The Human Navy easily surpassed the Voinian's own. The Voinians knew there was only one way to prevent their own doom-
strike the humans where they dont expect it.
Ships were merged in a rush, creating massive hulks of armor and weapons.
They were sent to earth in a varitable suicide run.
The Entire fleet was destroyed. Luckily, they completed their mission.
The Voinians were then desperate for resorces, to prevent Earthian retaliations. The Earth Navy was crippled, but for how long?
The greedy emalgha went on strike, demanding even higher wages- even though they already made more than the average worker in voinian society.
The Hinwar lost morale, and began to quit. The voinians were outraged when the hinwar... their skilled shipbuilders.. simply walked away from their jobs. The voinians did the only thing they could to survive-
threaten the races into submission. The races were enslaved, much to the voinian's constant guilt.
The Voinians finally had the resorces,
and were safe...
at least for now...

(quote)Originally posted by Paradigm:
(QUOTE)Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
Someone has been listining to WAY too much UE Propaganda... <snip>(/quote)
Well, as long as this thread has been resurrected, I'll throw in, too. That's an impressive speech, Lonevoinian. Ever think of a career in PR?

Not really, but I'd think I'd be good at it.

(quote)But really, we all know the truth - and the Voinian spin doctors have manipulated it far more than the UEs. After all, who would fire a peaceful "message pod" directly at the ship of a species they were just meeting? (/quote)

As I said, the Voinians act like most sentient species, and think that anything they meet is gonna be somewhat similer to they. They have huge amounts of Armor, and their shields aren't for War purposes, though they do provide some protection, they use them to slow down the message pods, so their thick armor can get take the blow. Besides, a small message pod going 1000 MPH isn't gonna do THAT much damage to a ship rigged for Vacume and the occasional hit with an Astriod. Your average modern missile goes Mach 3-4, which is a good 1000 MPH faster. Besides, you, sir, are thinking like a Human. Not everything is subject to Human laws of logic. Heck, half the things we Humans see and do on EARTH aren't logical in the least.

(quote)If the Voinians have been spreading out and encountering aliens with peaceful intent for some time now, I think they would have figured out that you have to be very careful of not seeming aggressive to a new species. If it's actually true that the Voinians have only fought when they had to, maybe they are just particularly good at getting a negative reaction from the species they encounter. (/quote)

Well, the Hinwar and a lot of other races they found saw the Voinians, saw that they had little or no shields(the normal protection throughout the galaxy) and said "Heck, why not. We could use an extra planet or two." and attacked. Kinda like American Indians. They didn't do too much to piss anyone off(except that Aztec rip-the-beating-heart-out-of-your-enemy-and-chuck-it-down-a-tall-set-of-stairs thing) but got beat upon because they were weak, Europians were strong, and greed is powerful. Except the Voinians won.

(quote)Plus, in the battle of Sol, the Voinians sent a huge armed fleet into the home system of the humans. Any intelligent being should know that this is not an appropriate way to establish an open line of communication. They should have sent unarmed envoys in a clear gesture of friendship. (/quote)

Incase you didn't read that, the REASON the Voinians sent in a huge armed fleet, is that the times they sent in a small, unarmed fleet to establish communication, it got the **** kicked out of it, cause the first time they met, the UE ship got accidently blown up.

**(quote)Or better yet, they could have opened communication by sending EMF transmissions from nearby systems until getting a response. So I think the evidence is clear, there never was any intent on the part of the Voinian invaders for peace.

(Assuming you mean electromagnetic frequencies by EMF, please correct me if I'm wrong)Sometimes, you aren't tuned to the right frenquencies for communication. The Voinian and UE transmission frequencies could be at the exact opposite end of the spectrum. Besides, it'll get weaker as distance passes, a magnet across the room won't suck paperclips from your desk, and 10 or so lightyears, which is a rather optomistic estimate for the nearist uncolonized system, is an awful long ways. Message pods, while short range, are pretty hard to not be on the same wavelegnth as, since that'd mean you're slightly out of phase with the rest of the universe, in which case, most people will ignore you anyway. And given enough time and a good enough computer(plus a little face to face meeting, or a known language to compare it too, e.g. Rossetta stone, for basic terms) and you can decipher pretty much any language. The paper/whatever it would be on would help that. Verbally, it wouldn't be so easy. Or it might even be in English, what will all the crap we've been sending out via TV and Space Probed for the past 50 years.

In short,points to UEs It's still their fault.

The part about Andrea Yates' trial that scares me the most is that, if she has killed her kids up until they were FULLY out of the womb, no one would have made the slightest fuss.


Originally posted by Taylor:
**just wanted to see what would happen



Well definatly UE. The Voinians are just plain evil

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
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This is sorta off topic but In one of my games, I am in the good books of the UE and the Voinians... I pissed off the UE at first, but before I did that, I had the Voinian defector mission... So when I got bored of Voinians, I landed on Luna with the defector and voila... they both liked me... The mission hardly ****s off the voinians...

In my opinion the UE are much better in the fields of shields and maneuverability. The Voinians neutron cannons rock but they have almost no shield and they are all slow and have bad turning. A UE destroyer can easily take on a Voinian frigate plus when working for the UE the missions are cooler. Besides the Voinians are stink'in evil.


Visit Traders base of cool EVO stuff. It's right (url="http://"http://legobugz1.tripod.com/evo_base/")here.(/url)

UE are better in speed and shielding, while the Voinians tend to have a little more raw power in their neutron turrets. UE ships generally outrank the Voinians, but the Voinian Cruiser is the ultimate vessel for fighting in the Crescent due to its armor. I really like both sides. 🙂

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

I find the responses very interesting.

Many people assume that the Voinians are tyrannical and militaristic. But they're only looking at matters from the UE perspective. People who end up on the receiving end of an attack usually sees the other side as "militaristic". Just because the capital of UE is located on a planet called "Earth", just because they'recalled "humans", people tend to be more sympathetic toward them.

Nor have I found any evidence whatsoever that the Voinians are "tyranical". Yes, they own slaves. But so did the Athenians, the US, the British,...etc. who had democratic institutions as well. Where is the evidence disproving the notion that the Voinians may have a popularly elected legislature?

Nor is there any evidence that their slavery is race-based. It may very well be economically-based. If so, it's not inconceivable that other races Voinians conquered may be in their legislature. Consider Austria-Hungary, which had the forms of democracy. But it is very ethnically diverse, including people they conquered. And they can still become part of the elite.

I'm not very interested in speculation that is detached from available information and available information is scarce as it is.

Now, for more technical matters:

I play both sides, for their missions (and yes, outfits as well). Voinians give you access to


  1. heavy fighter
  2. interceptor
  3. supply ship
  4. frigate
  5. cruiser


  1. bronev plating
  2. rocket turret? (I don't remember, I haven't played in some time. Does helping the Hinwar gives you access to this as well? If so, then this shouldn't count. I'm trying to list unique outfits, meaning outfits no one else can give you.)

UE gives you access to:

  1. fighter
  2. destroyer
  3. carrier
  4. cruiser


  1. needle jammer
  2. cloaking device

Selection of ship depends upon style of play. Personally, I never fly UE or Voinian ships. They're both too bulky and large for me. I use the Igazra.

As for outfits, personally, I believe the Voinians offer the better deal, as their unique outfit gives you something that allows you to last longer in a toe-to-toe fight. You can't fire when you're cloaked. The needle jammer is completely useless when fighting against Voinians. In contrast, bronev plating can be a lot of help, no matter who you're fighting against.

P.S. Deja vu, Captain Carnotaur? 😉

The Moderators: Standing Athwart Stupidity 24/7

Down with the Vonians! Long live the UE! (Surprisingly enough, I still want a Vonian Dreadnaught.) 😄

Once upon a time. The End. "I'm a real nowhere man, sitting in my nowhere land..."
-Modification on The Beatles song

Well, I've always used the UE personally. Then again, I've never even known how to get on the side of the Voinians.

It should be like this: At the start you choose whether to fight for the Voinians or UE, and the games intersect. That is, if you accompany a UE ship to fight a Voinian ship on the UE side. BUT, if you choose the Voinian's side, you'll fight that UE ship and help out a Voinian ship. Of course, it'll be with stronger ships and more of them...it'll be just like Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (recently remade for the Nintendo Game Cube). It would be cool if it was like that...

As to the slaves. Certainly, some earthlings owned slaves. However, that was when we weren't even capable of airplanes. However, we gave it up LONG before we mastered spacecraft and encountered the Voinians. If they're so technologically advanced, why can't they be a little less cruel?
-Lord Seth

Ya, I have tried to be a defector for the Voinians, but I never get any missions to help them. What do I have to do? I have gone around and killed all the UE ships that I see, and the Emalghia(spelling?). So what do I have to do?


Originally posted by Lord Seth:
As to the slaves. Certainly, some earthlings owned slaves. However, that was when we weren't even capable of airplanes. However, we gave it up LONG before we mastered spacecraft and encountered the Voinians. If they're so technologically advanced, why can't they be a little less cruel?
-Lord Seth

1. Does the game tell you how long the Voinians had slavery?

2. Does the game tell you how Voinians treat their slaves?

The Moderators: Standing Athwart Stupidity 24/7

The Voinians were created to be antagonistic...subject to interpretation, of course.


Originally posted by htjyang:
**< snip>
Selection of ship depends upon style of play. Personally, I never fly UE or Voinian ships. They're both too bulky and large for me. I use the Igazra.

That's a contradiction, my friend. The Igazra is larger than the largest UE ship, and as long as the Voinian Dreadnought. If you want something that's not bulky and large, I suggest you look into the Crescent civilian ships, Arada and Lazira.

As for the rest...it's all very nicely put down, but we all know that at the heart of it the Voinians are intended to be bad guys.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by Bill:
Ya, I have tried to be a defector for the Voinians, but I never get any missions to help them. So what do I have to do?

You get the first mission on Pax station, where you have get the cargo from a UE freighter in the Bakka system
You return and you get a new, where you have to kill a ue general in the Eltor system. The voinian planets will now let you land, and you can purchase the fighter and interceptor. After that you get a cargo mission, and you can now trade in Voinian space.
After that go to the Fridion system, and you should be able to kick some Emalghian ass and eventually complete the Voinian objective
And just remember that you can do both the UE and Voinian objectives with the same pilot

Being that ambrosia cant e-mail me my password, i cant start a topic so i hope nobody gets mad if I just post it here. I recently downloaded reign of the voinians 2, but when i tried using stuffit expander it said that this archive is damaged and can't be worked with. Is there anyway i could fix that?
