Ghost escort (bug?)

I lost an escort I really don't need in a firefight. But now it is still following
me everywhere, taking money every turn. I can't target it to get rid of it, so I am assuming something buggy is going on. Does anyone know how I can lose this ghost?


Try targetting a different ship in that system and hitting the escort with the crossfire.


Good idea, but I just tried that and the shots just went straight through the ghost
escort into the friendly ship on the other side.

Any more ideas?


Hmm...if option-tab isn't working, something really is messed up.

I'd suggest jumping into a Voinian system (if they hate you enough to attack you) and have your escort hold position. Then position yourself so your escort is between you and your attackers so that they hit it instead of you. Keep hitting hold position so it doesn't start moving. Hopefully that'll take care of it.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Yes, that worked. I finally managed to shake the money sucker! Thanks for the help.


I don't ever recalling of actually having the ability to attack escorts under your control, somehow that ghost escort is not supposed to be a bug. I believe that was intentional so you don't accidently kill it. Now that doesn't mean that you can't destroy it indirectly, if you have a forklift, you can destroy a target if your escort is nearby, or other weapon that can do a superficial blast damage. These weapons can work.

And by the way, if these are hired escorts, couldn't you just hail them and press the release button? I mean that's a sure way of ridding escorts if you don't want to pay them anymore. In my situation, I prefer captured escorts, and if I can't capture any successfully, I just simply hire them, release them and attack them to capture them. I get a better chance of capturing than finding a particular ship I want.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

Uh, he's fixed his problem already, and he also mentioned he couldn't even target them with option-tab.

Mike Lee (Firebird)