Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter IX

(Edit: this post never existed)
If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-29-2002).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-29-2002).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-29-2002).)

(edit)neither did this one(/edit)

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-30-2002).)

(note, stuff which is happening in Eta Cass is actually happening a bit ahead of the events in the Milky Way. till things move on in the MW that is)

The new Galactica stations in Ared'Meers, Ared'Threan, and Arkon are completed in terms of basic defences and control facilities, but full deployment of system defences will take a while longer. It is expected that they will be upgraded with Skraine technology when the opportunity avails itself.

Galactica has almost removed its prescence from the old Skraine Core worlds, however many facilities were damaged in riots at the fear of the Raiek takeover. Luckily they were easily dealt with due to the reduced population caused by the Skraine evacuation.


Sensor Net Upgrade: 4 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 1 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(Message to Galactica)
(From Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(We would be honored to attend the celebrations. I, along with several of my admirals and some other captains, will travel onboard the Alliance Flagships Vengeance , Freedom , and Independence. We will arrive shortly.)

While celebrations began across Confederate space, the three huge warships began the long treck back to Sol. Meanwhile, the Balrog was still trudging its way towards Mirava, leaking a little fuel, and badly beaten up in the battle. Many of its systems were untested, including its shield grid which nearly overloaded, but overral the ship had performed excellently for going into a battle without its first shakedown cruiser started.

Meanwhile, Lythrawn began working on cleaning up all the wreckage in Barad-dűr. The Confeds were going to use most of it to repair and slightly enlarge the central section, while the rest of the wreckage would be given to Lythrawn for use in maintaining his own ships.


Sentinel Defense System - 25 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught Invincible - 6 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Vice-Emperor RMA, Head of Intelligence and second only to Emperor Battledoctor himself, paced in his quarters in Pheonix Command. The latest reports had contained President Carnotaurs acceptance of Battledoctors invitation to Jupiter base, and Carnotaur himself would soon be arriving. He activated his comm unit, contacting the command center 'Alert me when President Carnotaur arrives, and activate Phase One of Operation:Apostle. Prepare for my command on activation of Phase Two.' Without even waiting for a reply, he cut the link, and resumed pacing.

It would not be long now.


Sensor Net Upgrade: 3 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 8 posts
Current Dreadnaughts:2

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Lythrawn frowned upon hearing a report from one of his scouts. Apparently, the Wraith Fighter had been cruising around near Troub, when suddenly spotted many survivors from the Prylak attack, though it didn't know it was the Prylak at first.

The scout had raced back to Lythrawn with detailed sensor readings, which were now being analyzed. Initial reports speculated that the Prylak had attacked, but quickly dismissed that. Lythrawn did not. He knew very well what he had done several years ago; he had sent a huge group of Prylak refugees from the Haorn attack in Ross 154 into the Proxima Nebula to hide, and had never heard from them since.

"Could it be...." he said to himself. "Could it be..."


The three huge flagships Freedom , Vengeance , and Independence hyperspaced into the Sol system, along with their escorts (an assortment of corsairs, ravens, and a few battleships) as well as the Liberty ; an Alliance Flagship that had joined the fleet as it went on its way. The ships weren't there for escort; they were mostly there just to celebrate the victory over the Prylak.

Carnotaur hailed Jupiter base. "Greetings Galactica. We have finally arrived. If you would allow us to dock, we would be greatful."


Sentinel Defense System - 24 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught Invincible - 5 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

BattleDoctor sat behind his desk, flipping through a report on the status of his fleets in Confederate Alliance space. He stared at the papers but didn’t really read them, as the impending arrival of President Carnotaur was controlling his thoughts at the moment.

As he set down the papers and activated his office’s wallscreen, a chime came over the intercom and his secretary began to speak as he switched the intercom on. “Sir, the system traffic controller has reported that three Alliance Flagships have entered Sol. President Carnotaur is aboard and is requesting permission to dock.”

BattleDoctor let out a deep breath and responded, “Tell the controller to give docking permission at Bay 1SC and send some gravity emitter equipped ships to clear a path down to Phoenix Command. Order Admiral Fa’reta to meet me outside my office with a squad of his secret police in ten minutes.”

The gargantuan docking bay of Phoenix Command was quiet as President Carnotaur of the Confederate Alliance stepped away from his ship. His arrival in Sol was obviously being kept under wraps, as the arrival of such an important person as Carnotaur would usually have attracted more than the small group of Galactica personnel which he saw before him.

In front was Emperor BattleDoctor, his face showing absolutely no emotion. Behind and to his right was High Admiral Fera, along with a few other high ranking military officials. Behind and to the left of BattleDoctor was an Azdgari who looked quite old and frail but somehow extremely dangerous. This strange character was clothed in a uniform very different from that of any other Galactica officer Carnotaur had ever seen, all black with the left shoulder colored a bright red. Behind him were ten officers dressed in similar uniforms, all apparently unarmed.

“If you will follow me, Carnotaur, we can get down to business,” said Emperor BattleDoctor calmly. Carnotaur thought this was a bit odd, as this was supposedly a visit celebrating the victory against the Prylak. As the party began to walk towards the exit of the bay, the strangely clothed Galactica officers quietly took up positions surrounding the group.

After a long walk, Carnotaur and his staff were brought into what appeared to be Phoenix Command’s banquet hall. It was lavishly decorated. BattleDoctor and Carnotaur took up positions at one end of the table and their various companions seated themselves, except for the Azdgari officer in the black and red uniform and his men.

By this time Carnotaur was getting slightly worried, as there seemed to be no celebration going on at all. He went along with it, though, and to break the ice he said, “I don’t believe I’ve had the honor of meeting your Azdgari colleague. Who might he be?”

BattleDoctor ignored Carnotaur’s question and pressed a few buttons under the table where he was sitting. The room’s lights dimmed and a large holographic display turned on above the lengthy table, showing the Imperial Seal of Galactica. Soon the display began showing images of the destruction in Eta Cassiopea; Imperial troops marching into Skraine cities, Confederate Alliance colonies being destroyed, Galactica ships firing on and destroying Skraine and Confederate ships, and the Thoron Beam attack in Cincal. “What is the meaning of this?” demanded Carnotaur loudly.

“As you can see, Imperium forces have taken control of the galaxy of Eta Cassiopea.” said BattleDoctor flatly. “Our ships which were in defensive positions to guard against Prylak incursions successfully initiated a surprise attack and were able to achieve an overwhelming victory. Our ships are set up in similar positions in Confederate Alliance space in the Milky Way at this very moment. Do I need to continue?”

Carnotaur’s eyes were filled with rage. Emperor BattleDoctor chose to ignore the Confederate President’s obvious displeasure by continuing to speak. “Several of my advisors and I have gone to the trouble of writing up a surrender agreement for you to sign. I think you will find it more than fair to the Confederate Alliance considering the position which you are currently in.” BattleDoctor drew a piece of paper out from underneath the table where he was sitting. The surrender terms were as follows:

• All orbital Confederate Alliance structures are to be turned over to the Galactica Imperium, including but not limited to battlestations, Command Stations, and shipyards. All current Confederate Alliance planets will be allowed to remain under Alliance control, however they will be demilitarized and Galactica Imperium forces will be given the right of passage at any time. The system of Mirava will be ceded to the Galactica Imperium.

• All Confederate Alliance military equipment including but not limited to warships, munitions, and construction plans will be turned over to the Galactica Imperium immediately. Confederate Alliance fighter craft will be allowed to remain under Alliance control as a militia force, however they must be stripped of hyperdrives. Raven Battlecruisers will be delivered to the custody of Admiral Lythrawn after a Galactica inspection. The Confederate Dreadnought Balrog will be transferred to Galactica control for a period not exceeding one year before being turned over the Admiral Lythrawn.

• Any Confederate Alliance databases will at all times be open to the Galactica Imperium. The Galactica Imperium has the right to requisition Confederate Alliance resources at any point in time for any reason. Immediately upon the signing of this document, all Confederate Alliance military officials holding a rank of Admiral or higher will be turned over to the Galactica Imperium for trials on charges including War Crimes and High Treason.

• All Confederate Alliance territory in Eta Cassiopea will be forfeited to the Galactica Imperium. The Confederate Alliance will be allowed to colonize the Adornik cluster except for the system controlling access to it and the two adjacent systems, which will be Imperium territory. Any current Galactica settlements or structures in the Adornik cluster will remain under Galactica control. No Confederate Alliance orbital structures will be constructed.

• The Confederate Alliance will not construct or research any weapon or armed craft except for fighter craft, which will be part of the Alliance militia. Any proposed major constructions or research will be subject to Imperium Approval.

BattleDoctor grinned widely and waited for Carnotaur’s response. The Galactica secret police in their red and black uniforms loosened their weapons in their holsters. Far above, massive Thoron Beam emplacements began to track the three Alliance Flagships.

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

OOC: Just a note Battledoctor; Carnotaur would have been accompanied by a few guards, and probably two or so captains. Also, there are four flagships; my fleet picked up one on the way to Sol.


Carnotaur clenched his teeth, but then stopped, trying to control himself. "It all sounds good..." he said, "But I would prefer that the Confederation keep the Mirava system; it's our biggest colony, and without it, we'd be incredibly hurt. I'd also prefer if we kept all our Corsairs; Renegade Fighters along would hardly do the job of a militia force. And what of a flagship for myself and whatever admirals I have left? I'd at least need a single Alliance flagship. A Corsair is a light warship and would hardly do the job.

"I'd also like to note that not all of my admirals have done crimes against you. I'll hand them over, yes, but not Firebird or Specter. Specter was a core-world base commander and later the command of Barad-dűr, and didn't see much action against Galactica. Same with Admiral Firebird; was an expeditionary fleet commander." He paused and sighed. "And I'm worried about him. Ever since the Battle of Terra when the Terran Equinox destroyed itself but in turn destroyed the attacking Prylak Starfortress, he's become more isolated. He almost never smiles, and imprisoning him might put him over the edge into insanity. He lost his sister when the Equinox rammed that Starfortress, you know. He had only met her a few weeks before. I'm not making this up; Specter and Scorcher can support this."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 05-01-2002).)

Congratulations, Christian and Nate!

OOC: /me expected something like this, although the secret was kept well.
Um... Battledoctor? Your forgot about the embassies for communication purposes.. poke

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

BattleDoctor looked back at Carnotaur. "You may keep your Corsairs as long as they, too, are stripped of hyperdrives. I suppose you can also keep one of your Alliance Flagships, as long as the Galactica Imperium is allowed a liason officer on board and a small guard for him. However, the terms of the treaty in regards to Mira are non-negotiable. I'll give you as much time as you need to relocate your personnel, but the Imperium is going to have that system. In regards to your Admirals, a trial would determine whether they have commited any criminal acts. The Imperium can't just take your word for it. That point is also non-negotiable."

BattleDoctor pushed the treaty paper towards Carnotaur and waited for him to respond, and hopefully to sign.

Sensor Net Upgrade: 2 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 7 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 05-05-2002).)

Carnotaur sighed and hesitated for a moment. "Very well..." he said and slowly signed the surrender papers. "Now..." he said, pushing the papers back towards Battledoctor. "When do the surrender measures begin?"


Sentinel Defense System - 23 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught Invincible - 4 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

BattleDoctor spoke. "Immediately, President Carnotaur. I will begin moving my forces into your territory immediately to oversee the fulfillment of the surrender measures. You have my thanks for being so agreeable about all of this. Now, my guards here will apprehend any of your Admirals who are accompanying you, pending trial."

The Galactica secret police quickly moved to apprehend the minor admirals who were standing with Carnotaur, then spoke into their wristcomps. Within seconds a large group of Galactica Imperial Guard troops walked into the room and escorted the Confederate Officers out. After the soldiers had left, BattleDoctor looked directly at Carnotaur. "You're free to go. Get to your ship. The traffic controller will contact you when you can leave the system." BattleDoctor then shook hands with Carnotaur and began to walk to his office.

The four Alliance Flagships were in high orbit above Jupiter, constantly being tracked by Galactica Thoron Beam emplacements. However, as soon as the surrender was signed, the order went out to impound three of the warships and capture any Admirals on board. Large Galactica troop transports began to dock with the Flagships, disgorging large amounts of Galactica shock troopers into the Confederate warships.

The troops dispersed throughout the ships, barking orders at the Confederate personnel to get to the ship's escape pods. Galactica freighters were waiting outside to collect the pods and transport the Confederates to their territory. Once most of the personnel were off of the ships, some of the troops headed towards the captains' quarters.

The troops burst into the captain's quarter's on one of the ships, and saw Admirals Specter and Firebird sitting behind a long table, facing the door, glaring at the troops. The commander drew his sidearm and shot a tranquilizer round into Firebird, because of his known mental instability. He then re-holstered it and raised his rifle to Admiral Specter's head. "Where is Admiral Scorcher?" he yelled.

Specter looked back spitefully and said, "I don't know. He was with us, then ran off somewhere. Just disappeared. Perhaps he took one of the ships in our bay." The Galactica commander realized that this Confederate had no real reason to lie, and so he drew his sidearm and tranquilized Admiral Specter. Specter and Firebird were then taken down to the prison in Phoenix Command.

Far away, on the other side of the Galaxy, Galactica troops began to land on Confederate worlds and board Confederate ships and stations. The surrender process was well underway. Databases were opened, territory was transferred, ships and personnel were surrendered, and a new era of Galactica Imperium dominance in the Milky Way was ushered in.

Sensor Net Upgrade: 1 Post

Next Dreadnought: 6 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

Carnotaur quickly set back off for Mira to arrange all the necissary preparations. He wasn't sure where the new headquarters would be; that would come later. He'd also have to prepare for all the Ravens being handed over to Lythrawn, as well as the movement of personnel from Barad-dűr.


Meanwhile, the Galactica soldiers searched in vain for Admiral Scorcher. He had simply disappeared. Nobody knew anything about where he had gone; absolutely nobody.

The truth was that Scorcher had (via a convienlently placed bug on one of the guards rifles who was guarding Carnotaur) heard about the surrender terms and quickly activated a special teleporter that he had designed.

He was now on his personal ship, an insanely modified Aurora Battleship, commanded by a small handful of loyal soldiers. He wouldn't return to the Milky Way, at least not for a while. He wanted to explore the unknown. Putting a trans-phasic pistol into his holster, Scorcher smiled, though he was sad to leave behind his friends.

"Helm, plot a course to that unknown system we just detected.

"Yes sir."

And with that, the ship hyperspaced into the unknown...


OOC: Hope that last bit is accepted. I just wanted a nice ending for my character.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Redchigh is sitting in his office.. An ensign comes in, and sits down.
"Redchigh, we both know that we lost a lot of our power against the Prylak, and the Haorn are being way too quiet. It's creepy, don't you think?"
"Yes.. it really is. We can't do anything until they attack though. The Nebula is hardcore."
"That has to do with the idea I had last night. I was playing a game I learned from a Galactica freightor captain.. called Chass I think. Anyway, it's a brilliant strategy game. "
"I think I've heard of it.. whats your point?"
"Well, I was playing alone, against an advanced AI computer program. It beat me every time."
"Get on with it."
"Well, Strategy is required in Space assaults and battles, right?"
"Oh.. I see now.. I think I know where you're going with this.." Red's eyes lit up.
What is we could develop a computer program to pilot ships during assaults? We already have trouble with slave mutiny on our larger ships, and without crew cabins, there would be more space for weapons and energy reactors."
"Yes... Brilliant.. Let's get to work on it immediately. We already have better AI technology than the coalition, but they can probably help anyway... send them a message.."
"Yes, Sir." The ensign smiled. He was always glad to be able to serve his master. That's why he wasn't beaten.

Message to: Galactica
From: Raiek
Greetings! We would like to thank you for your graciousness in Eta Cassiopea, we were out of line to demand space. On to business however, We raiek are worried about the Haorn. We have a feeling they are building up their navy, although we have no evidence. We are working on an AI system to replace the crews on our ships... without cabins, there would be more space for weapons, A computer wouldn't hesitate to kamikaze, along with the fact we could finally attack the haorn.. Computers can handle the radiation... Please consider.
End Message

Research Initiated
AI programs- ETC: 30 posts? (It'll be 15 if Galactica helps) Espy, whats your opinion? IM me.

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

The line of Confederate Alliance personnel leaving the Command Station over Mira snaked through the station’s wide corridors, moving slowly as the Confederates were loaded onto whatever transports the Galactica Space Navy had provided for them. Armed Galactica shock troopers who had recently arrived to take control of the station were overseeing the evacuation of the Confederates and making sure that they cooperated.

Hours earlier, when the troops had been arriving, some Confederate ships had tried to resist by opening fire on the Galactica transports. Though their escorts had made short work of the dissenters, a few stray Mass Missiles had impacted the Command Station and managed to knock out the climate control in certain areas. Because of this several of the Confederates being evacuated from the station were wearing the long, thick trench coats which the Confederates kept around in case of just such an emergency.

One of the Confederates wearing such an outfit had stepped out of line and was lagging behind some of the other Alliance personnel. A Voinian trooper came up behind him and said roughly, “Step back in line and keep moving. Your government has ordered you off of this station.” The trooper gave the man a light kick and continued, “Move along!”

The Confederate reached into his coat and whirled around as he pulled out a small energy pistol of some sort. He placed it to the faceplate of the Voinian’s helmet and squeezed the trigger. With a deafening bang amplified by the echoes of the corridor, the Voinian’s head splattered against the wall behind it. He then got off another few shots, felling another Voinian who had been raising his rifle and turning off his safety.

By this time the line of Confederate personnel had stopped and was pressed against one wall as the man with the gun began to run opposite the way the line of people had been traveling. An Azdgari in light armor was in hot pursuit, and she sprung at the knees of the rebellious Confederate in an effort to knock him down. She fell short and the Confederate did an about-face before he shot several shots into the trooper’s back and began to run again.

This time he did not get far, as a Voinian who had been standing in front of him did a high kick and planted his heavy combat boot in the man’s face. When the man hit the ground the Voinian shock trooper stepped on his chest, causing the Confederate to cough up a bit of blood. He then hoisted the man up and held him against the wall by his neck, the Confederate’s feet dangling several feet in the air.

The Voinian looked back at the line of Alliance personnel waiting to be evacuated, then down to his belt where he saw that his combat knife had fallen out during the fight. For a moment he looked his appointed, but his expression turned back to one of bloodlust as he curled his large hand into a fist. With one power armor assisted blow he crushed the man’s head against the wall. He then peeled the body away from the bloody wall and flung it at a Confederate bystander.

(Message, Beta-2 encryption)

To: Redchigh, Raiek
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

The Galactica Imperium would like to notify its esteemed colleagues the Raiek of a great occurence here in the Milky Way! The Confederate Alliance has surrendered to Galactica, and the Galaxy is now firmly under our control!

In regards to your proposal for a computer guidance system for our warships, we are very interested. I will send some scientists over to your space and will set Navy R&D; on it immediately. Such a technology would be very useful.

(End message)

Sensor Net Upgrade: Complete

Next Dreadnought: 5 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 05-07-2002).)

Espona looked out a viewport at the repair of the once mighty Fallen Wraith. Now it truly was fallen. The Battleships were being constructed, the first one put into service just a few hours ago. Questions tore at his mind like a wild animal. How would they fight the Prylak if they ever came back? What if they came sooner than expected? The galaxy still hadn't completely recovered. When would the Prylak come back? Espona's back spines bristled as hate coursed through him at the thought of the Prylak. He decided something had to be done.

//Message outgoing//
//To: Any who would recieve//
//From: Grand Admiral Epsona, Commander of the Haorn Imerial Navy//
//Security code alpha 1//
//Level Majestic//

I apologize for the security measures. I deemed it necessary. I have come before you with a question about something that has surely been nagging at us. Would the monstrosities called the Prylak come back? Would we be ready? I propose a council of war at any location that would be agreed upon, to consider the possibility of an attack on the Prylak's home turf. We beat them here, who's to say we won't beat them elsewhere? We surely have crippled their fleet by annihalating their Starfortresses. I say strike back now! Please, consider what I have said. It may be our only chance for survival. There is still a threat. Respond as quickly as possible.


"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

MEssage to: Galactica
Fr: Raiek
We regret to inform you that (damn espy) our computer systems are too different... it will not be as hard to research as previously thought, but the AI will not be cross platform. We will give you designs of it when we finish, but the one we're designing will not work on your ships, so you're scientists couldn't really help us. Thanks anyway, we can still coordinate an assault on the Haorn eventually.

Nothing more..

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

Galactica R&D; Xenotechnology Division
Initial report on Skraine and Confederate technologies
Initial scans of various Skraine and Confederate technologies shows that making it work with Galactica tech will take a fair amount of time, but the bulk will be spent refitting ships, since this is, in effect, a major overhaul of all systems. Further details will be forthcoming once updated schematics are availible

R&D; has also taken over what projects the Confederates had in progress, as well as construction of their current dreadnaught

Technological Intergration - 20 posts

Sentinel Defence System - 22 posts

Balrog-Class Dreadnaught Invincible - 3 posts

Nemesis-Class Dreadnaught - 4 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

Carnotaur sighed and looked at his new office. The Confederates were still moving people off of Mirava and onto Himgro, the new capitol, for it was the second largest world the Confederates had.

Now that the construction of the Invincible and the research of the Sentinel Defense System was completed, Carnotaur was now organizing having all Aurora Battleships, Alliance Flagships, and Chimera Carriers turned over to Galactica. They were being sent to Sol. All the Ravens were sent to Mirava to be searched by Galactica, as they had requested, before being sent to Lythrawn, who was still in Barad-dur.

Meanwhile, the Confederates were now beginning research on a new non-military device; the Radiation Dissapator. It essentially absorbs, collects, or just neutralizes all radiation within a radius of 3,000 miles. If a series of them are deployed across a planet, they can essentially get rid of any radiation that might make the planet uninhabitable. Another technology were the new Atmospheric Converters, which processed huge amounts of air every day, purifying it and turning it into something breathable. Both of these technologies were directed at trying to make planets that had been previously irradiated and their atmospheres poisened by the Prylak inhabitable again. A message was sent to Galactica requesting permission for the new techs, but in the meantime Confederate scientists were already beginning work to head an early head-start on the projects.


Atmospheric Converters - 18 Posts

Radiation Dissapators - 20 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).