Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter IX

Mod on behalf of Esponer:

All posts after the one of BDs taking over Eta Cass havent happened yet, since the battles are still going on. Galactica launched its takeover during the battles, since it looked like a good time. So wait till the SF are blown up properly if you have nothing to say on the takeover.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

A) Unity Starbase is my COMMAND CENTER and as such ALL vessels would be scanned upon approach! Assault troopers do not give off the same readings as robotic components!
🆒 Unity Starbase is my COMMAND CENTER and as such has the highest concentration of marines of any Skraine station!!!!
C) The link to the Milky Way is incapable of being turned on and off like a lightbulb; otherwise the Skraine would have deactivated it during the short war with the Confeds!!
D) Unity Starbase is a STARBASE and as such has extensive defensive systems. Should your troops even make it aboard, you'd be moved down in minutes by autocannon.
E) Cincal has a STARBASE in it, it could level your bloody carrier! Cincal has ground defences! The system has SDU's!!
F) LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the battles with the supercruisers are taking place AT THE SAME TIME!!! YOUR FLEETS ARE IN SOL!!!!!

The Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds does not acknowledge the existence of your actions.

In Haru'El, the Skraine fleet was shocked as the DOH vanished. Numbering in their thousands, the fleet turned as one to fire upon the Minerva, mauling it with Hyperlattice Warheads. The Supercruiser fired it's weapons, ripping apart the Skraine fleet at the same time as the Skraine ripped it apart.
Weapons fire lit up the system like a christmas tree, finally supplanted by one enormous detonation as the Minerva finally was destroyed. The explosion took nearly a hundred Skraine warships with it.

OOC: Espy, I want to finish this up quickly.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Battle of Barad-dűr

"We got 'em!" Specter yelled triumphantly. Though they were still in dire threat, the Loki now had no engines, and three more battlecruisers had been destroyed.

"Sir, we just recieved a message from Lythrawn; he says that he's on his way, and should arrive shortly," the communications lieutenant said.

"Good," Firebird replied. "We need all the help we can get..."

As fire from the outer ring and main section continued to pour into the huge Starfortress and its escorts, another section was released at the Starfortress. Pushing as hard as they could, the fleet and Barad-dűr sent the second piece hurtling into the starfortress. The explosion was tremendous, and, combined with constant pushing from Barad-dűr, the Starfortress was bumped back just a little, but not much to get it far enough away from Barad-dűr to be safe. On the other hand, this was in space, and with the Loki's engines down, it would slowly, tiny bit by tiny bit, drift back.

Suddenly, its front section began to glow, and the Confederates immediately knew what was going on; it was charging its main weapon.

"Aurora Battlegroup 5; commence attack plan!" Firebird yelled over the com system, then turning to Specter. "Let's hope this plan of yours works, or else we'll be in quite a bit of trouble. Thank goodness Carnotaur and Scorcher left beforehand..."

A group of Aurora Battleships lined up with several Ravens and Corsairs, all of which activated tractor beams on a single battleship; the Typhoon. The ship (which was commanded via remote control) diverted all power to shields and engines, and began to be towed at a fast pace towards the huge starfortress.

The little speck approached the Loki , flying at speeds more than twice that of the original design. It was being pushed by the other battleships, and now just the Ravens and Corsairs, which could go quite fast for a warship.

Getting as close as they could and helping to shield the Typhoon , the vessel was now going about as fast as a Raven. The other escort Ravens and Corsairs broke off, letting the battleship fly towards the central part of the beam emitter.

"Okay; the clock is going good," Specter said, carefully watching the Typhoon and how fast the beam was charging up, comparing it with the time it took to charge when it first fired. "Impact in 10 seconds... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Impact!"

In a moment, the Auroran Sierra Battleship Typhoon rammed head on beam as it fired, just feed away from the actual hull, incinerating the Typhoon instantly, and unleashing its power back at the Loki...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Shade:
**The Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds does not acknowledge the existence of your actions.

The problem with that is, well, Esponer does recognize the existence of my actions. He specifically read the post, as it was apparent that it would be inflammatory, and he approved it. I don't really feel like making a rebuttal for all of your points, as I feel that Esponer's approval supercedes your annoyance.

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

OOC: On fourth thought, I have decided to leave Reign of Chaos. That's my final thought; I won't change my mind any more. It's been nice playing Reign of Chaos with you guys, even if we don't always see eye to eye; hopefully there'll be another webstory later I'll meet you in. Until then, and without further ado, I will now proceed to write my command structure, most of my WarFleet, and around ten billion civilians out of Reign of Chaos.

With the Minerva now destroyed, K'Sarragh returned home to find a scene of utter devestation. Blackened and crumbling buildings dotted Ka'Skria, and everywhere was the ever-present stench of death.
"Who did this?" He growled, teeth bared in the ancient Skraine manner.
One of the few surviving civilians - a pathetic cluster huddled nearby - answered. "The Galactica Imperium, Magistrate."
"Surely not. They're our allies for goodness sake!"
The civilian nodded to another, who came forward with an item of armour - a combat helmet bearing the insignia of the Imperium.
K'Sarragh's eyes narrowed. "They who once were our allies I pronounce traitors. They are worse than the Pry'lahk."
Councillor for Science Karaze stepped forward, taking him aside a few steps. "The science vessels kept working throughout the invasion - they found something wonderful. A wormhole, in EC - 008."
"A wormhole?" K'Sarragh asked gloomily. "How can a wormhole save us now?"
"Think, Magistrate. Recall your history. When Magistrate D'ani led the Skraine from Skria, how did they escape the Pry'lahk scum?"
" Through a wormhole." K'Sarragh replied, new light filling his eyes. "By D'ani herself, Karaze, you're a genius!"
She smiled sadly. "I have found the way; it is you, Magistrate, who has the hard task of implementing it."

Two days later, a message was sent to the Galactica Imperium.
(Emperor BattleDoctor of the Galactica Imperium. It appears that the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds has no choice but to surrender to you. But you will grant us a month to prepare for the transition of power; our people are angry, BattleDoctor, and they will not soon forget your sins. The Galactica Imperium will go down in history alongside the Prylak as one of the most evil empires ever to exist.
Thus we part. In one month's time, all our territory in Eta Cassiopea and all Skraine civilians within will be ruled by the hated Imperium; and may your concience rob you of sleep.)

To K'Sarragh's delight, the Imperium agreed; perhaps they saw that the old administration could soften the transition, and prevent large-scale uprising against the Imperium.
Quietly, in utmost secrecy, the Skraine began to prepare for what they were calling the Second Exodus.
Ten billion civilians were loaded onto Coloniser-class starships and colony ships in suspended animation. The remnants of the WarFleet guarded EC - 008 from all comers.
Finally the Exodus began; a single Fireblade Battlecruiser would go through the wormhole to scout out the terrain on the other side, carrying none other than the old Skraine High Council.

On the bridge of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds WarFleet StarShip Khal Akht , Magistrate K'Sarragh looked at the rapidly - approaching blue-white knot of light that was the wormhole.
There was a single instant in which time seemed to stretch for eternity, a burst of light, and the Khal Akht was spat out the other side of the wormhole.
There was something waiting for them; a long, elegant ship, all clean white curves and bulges and pods. It was of no design the Skraine had ever seen before.
The comms system cracked, and an image appeared on the main screen.
The alien there was tall, slender, and as elegant as it's craft. What could have been spines, or vestigial wings, rose from it's shoulders.
As it began to speak, the language translator systems cut in.
"We welcome you, travellers, to the territory of the Kel'iosi Union. All are welcome if they come in peace."
K'Sarragh thought fast, then stepped up to the comms dais on the Khal Akht and spoke.
"Greetings, ship of the Kel'iosi Union. We mean you no harm; we come seeking asylum from those who would. We are the Skraine, of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds. First we grew in the galaxy of Ross 154, until the evil Pry'lahk drove us from our homes. Then we grew in the galaxy of Eta Cassiopea, until the evil Galactica Imperium drove us from our homes. We wish nothing more than to live in peace."
"We have not heard of the Galactica Imperium." the Kel'iosi replied. "Over ten thousand years ago, however, this galaxy was invaded by a race known as the Prilćk. It is possible that they are the same race."
"What happened?" K'Sarragh asked.
"The Prilćk were hunted down, rounded up, and delivered before the justice of the Kel'iosi Council. For their crimes they were sentenced to be immolated in the fires of the star Kel."
A galaxy without Pry'lahk. K'Sarragh thought. A galaxy without the Imperium.
"A fitting justice." he replied.
"Such is the punishment for those who desecrate Kel'iosi soil." the Kel'iosi said. "You, however, pose us no threat, and offer us none. You may remain, and unite with the other races under Kel'iosi protection."
"For that we thank you." K'Sarragh replied. "However we are not all that remain; more await, upon the other side of the wormhole. Every second we wait increases their chances of discovery by the Imperium."
A small white craft broke away from the larger Kel'iosi vessel.
"We will lead them through, and provide you with a new home. Such is the offer made to all who seek shelter here."
"Again we thank you. Your kindness will not soon be forgotten by the Skraine."

Fifty years later, and Kel'Skria is a bustling metropolis, with Kel'iosi cargo pods speeding to and fro among the towers. Down on the grassy banks of the placid River Sri, an elderly Skraine is feeding the waterbirds, with a group of grandchildren around his feet.
" And that concludes the end to my story." He said. "The wormhole was closed by the Kel'iosi, and the Skraine were at last free to pursue their lives in peace. We settled here, on Kel'Skria, far from the Pry'lahk and the Imperium which wanted to crush us. They built a statue to me, over there." he points to the famous monument in Sri Park; twenty-meter-high twin statues of the two most famous Skraine Magistrates, side by side.
D'ani and K'Sarragh had both led their people to safety when all seemed lost; but this time, the Skraine had at last found peace. With his grandchildren running around him, K'Sarragh smiled at the statue of his younger self.
"Grand days "

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 04-23-2002).)


Originally posted by Shade:
A) Unity Starbase is my COMMAND CENTER and as such ALL vessels would be scanned upon approach! Assault troopers do not give off the same readings as robotic components!
🆒 Unity Starbase is my COMMAND CENTER and as such has the highest concentration of marines of any Skraine station!!!!
C) The link to the Milky Way is incapable of being turned on and off like a lightbulb; otherwise the Skraine would have deactivated it during the short war with the Confeds!!
D) Unity Starbase is a STARBASE and as such has extensive defensive systems. Should your troops even make it aboard, you'd be moved down in minutes by autocannon.
E) Cincal has a STARBASE in it, it could level your bloody carrier! Cincal has ground defences! The system has SDU's!!
F) LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the battles with the supercruisers are taking place AT THE SAME TIME!!! YOUR FLEETS ARE IN SOL!!!!!

A) Not really important anyway - they have 800 ships in the area.
🆒 See A.
C) It can be turned off, at the MW side (turn off the power).
D) See A.
E) See A.
F) His EC fleets aren't in Sol.

...I guess I didn't finish saying that with tact the last two times.

Sorry, Shade, but what happened happened. I don't include anything in the rules saying people can't be fairly beaten (even if it is an evil backstab).

As for the post, it goes so far against the story that I'm tempted to moderate it, but that's rubbing it in majorly, so I'm turning off IC completely for a while, so we can sort this out.

You should know that you can't ignore an action completely until the action is revoked, and you should also know that you can't make posts like that.

So in the light of democracy (of the anarchistic kind), let's hold a vote to see if it passes or not. Shade, RMA, BattleDoctor, you can't vote, and nor can I. Pretty small vote, but let's be fair. Ish.

Oh, Carno: sorry about not replying, but ASW was down. Since apparently the destruction of a Starfortress is only worth a line or two (according to Shade), let's just say "the Loki blows up". And I'd wanted some totally in context masterpieces to boast about... <sigh>


-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**So in the light of democracy (of the anarchistic kind), let's hold a vote to see if it passes or not. Shade, RMA, BattleDoctor, you can't vote, and nor can I. Pretty small vote, but let's be fair. Ish.


Is the action which is being voted on Shade's ending post, or my takeover of most of Eta Cassiopea?

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**Is the action which is being voted on Shade's ending post, or my takeover of most of Eta Cassiopea?


Shade's ending post.

I say keep it (I mean, the guy's going to die, might as well make it easy on him), but make the expulsion of the Prylak from Kel'iosi a lot more bloody and interesting. Ya know; millions killed on each side, Prylak barely turned back, almost all of the of the Kel'iosi navy ruined, etc. 😉

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

In that case, even though I can't vote, I'd encourage people to let him keep it. The destruction of the Starfortress was too short, but I found the part about the Skraine to be eloquent and well written.

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

OOC - 'kay, no-one is posting, so Shade's post is passed. Everyone; please, just because we've been so heavy on important stuff, doesn't mean you can't post!


The Alliance of Azdgari had begun to pull itself out of the depression caused by the Prylak's covert attack. The population was extremely low, only several million on all three moons, and as such resoures required were very low. Many major cities were pulled down, the minerals being put to better use. For example, a lack of population meant that robots were an absolute necessity, to keep the economy going. The drain on resources to produce what was known as the "Metal Workforce" was immense, and as such all military production had moved to a stop. Military, after all, was of little importance in the economy's recover. It was only the insistance of the Alliance's new military leader - Commodore Triast - that the military itself was not disbanded. After all, the tyranical Galactica Imperium was still a major threat, and the "Confederate" Alliance of Worlds was only several steps behind them. Although originally, the Alliance was supposed to be a democratic government led equally by the Azdgari, Zidagar and M.A., it had instead turned into a purely military power: marshal law at all times, and led by the near imperial Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance. There had been no equal control.

As such, the paranoid Alliance would keep it's navy, as small as it might be compared to the two superpowers.

Some rudimentary defences were set up, mostly on Xarnes, and, more importantly, the Alliance's science program was fully in use. The systems of Dirach and Molar were extremely important to any Azdgari economy, but the poisons left behind by the Prylak's mysterious vessels prevented them from being colonised. Although no planets were left unstained by the poison, and it was near impossible to remove the poison on it's own, the Alliance believed it could neutralise the effects, allowing for, at the very least, some isolated bases.

In addition, the R&D; department was working on a new method of shielding which prelimary designs had showed might be effective in sending electromagnetic and gravitational forces, at the very least, away from it. Considering Galactica's use of both these areas, the new shielding, known as battlescreen (polaron shielding), had begun development. The first stage would be to make the shielding as effective as normal shielding. Only then could the rest of it's defensive capabilities be developed.


Alliance R &D;
• Battlescreen: 10 posts (to be as efficient as standard shielding)
• Atmospheric Stabiliser: 13 posts (to neutralise the effects of the Executioner's atmospheric poisons)

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-27-2002).)

Jupiter Base looked much like it had before. A massive gas giant surrounded by rubble. It was just that now slightly more rubble existed around it, several of the massive moons having been destroyed. Galactica was already preparing to fit the asteroids with weapons and other defences.

Galactica had survived a far worse attack than anyone had expected, and now it would rebuild. Threats still existed.


Sensor Net Upgrade: 8 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 5 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

t|?Dattle of Barad-dűr(/b)

It was all over in a second. In a single second, the power of the Prylak's greatest weapon was unleashed, but not upon Barad-dűr, but upon the Loki itself.

With the sacrifice of the captain of the Typhoon , who wanted to stay onboard and personnally pilot the ship into the enemy starfortress, there came a tremendous explosion unlike anything the Confeds have ever seen.

Time came to a standstill as the front of the Loki was engulfed in white light, its shields being shredded apart all down its length. The hull shuddered and buckled as the last of the giant ships shield grid fell, and the front was now engulfed in flames as the explosion tore apart the front nose.

Barad-dűr itself was mostly protected from the blast by its shield grid, which was, however, also annihilated. The outer ring of Barad-dűr couldn't handle the strain and broke up and exploded, its disabled chunks floating through the system. Time continued to stand still in the system for quite some time as the Loki drifted back, slowly, its front blasted and blackened.

As the effects of the temporal disruption beam began to wear off, the remains of the Prylak fleet also recovered from the shock of the explosion. Thirteen battlecruisers were left, as was a single dreadnaught, and the Loki was still a serious threat despite having its shields blown away.

Suddenly, help arrived. Lythrawn's fleet, after having raced to the scene, finally hyperspaced in. Finally, Lythrawn could see just how powerful his Empyrean Supercarriers were.

Deploying several waves of StarNova Bombers were formed into an arrow formation, Lythrawn then led his dreadnaught and three battlecruisers into the fight. Hundreds of glowing hunter-killer modules were shot out from his fleet, tearing apart two weakened enemy battlecruisers immediately. Spacial beams lanced out, obliterating a third enemy battlecruiser.

The Confederate fleet meanwhile did what it could, firing off its last ammo and hurtling a few more asteroids into the Prylak Starfortress, tearing several holes in its weak armor plating. Lythrawn stopped his advance for a moment, and immediately the Empyrean Supercarriers moved forward. Once they were alongside his flagship, the StarNova Bombers shot forward towards the Prylak Starfortress.

They unleashed a hail of Quantum Bombs; warheads so powerful that they easily outclassed both Galactica's Anti-Matter Bombs and the Confederates Trans-Phasic Bombs. The wave of bombs hit the Loki amidships, penetrating through its armor and detonating, enveloping huge sections of the hull in balls of fire and debris.

As the enemy ships hull began to crumble, the Confederates quickly sent another one of the sections from the outer ring of Barad-dűr flying into the starfortress. The starfortress tried to shoot it down, but it was no use; the huge section crashed into the starfortress and detonated in a huge explosion which tore huge sections of hull plating from the starfortress. Massive rips and tears began to form in the Loki's armor as it began to implode slowly.

More hunter-killer modules slammed into its engines, causing the whole rear section to explode in a massive fireball. Two more battlecruisers were destroyed, being too close to the Loki when the engines detonated. Another battlecruiser fell as it was charged by StarNova Bombers, and then the three Empyrean Supercarriers and Lythrawn's dreadnought began to engage the Prylak Dreadnought. The huge vessel soon fell under heavy weapons fire from the Empyreans, and then Lythrawn ordered all his ships to back off; the Loki was about to explode.

Finally, in a gigantic explosion, the Loki finally exploded. Wreckage and debris flew throughout the system, and if it were not for the shield satellites, the central section of Barad-dűr might have been destroyed.

The last few battlecruisers were quickly hunted down by Lythrawn's ships, and as the explosion had cleared, the Confederates had to tend to the damage done.

Half of the outer ring had been completely destroyed, with the rest being blasted and useless. The central section had also suffered some pretty extreme damage as well, and all of the Confeds drones had been annihilated, save the dozen or so cloaked shield satellites. A little less than half of their fleet had also been destroyed. Lythrawn lost seven StarNova bombers and many of his ships had been pretty badly damaged, but that was quickly fixed and more StarNovas were constructed using materials Lythrawn had stockpiled.

The battle had been a victory. A costly victory, yes, but a victory nonetheless.


OOC: Lots of thanks to Espy for letting me write this post.


Sentinel Defense System - 26 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught Invincible - 7 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-27-2002).)

(Message, Phi-7 encrypted)

To: President Carnotaur of the Confederate Alliance
From: Emperor BattleDoctor of the Galactica Imperium

I would like to personally extend an invitation to the Sol system to you, so that we may celebrate our victory over the Prylak. Such a momentous occasion warrants great celebration, and we have just the facilities for such an event on Jupiter Base. Please respond promptly, my friend.

(End Message)

The Galactica civilians taking refuge in the Proxima Nebula have begun to leave their asteroid bases and head towards Kayia on their freighters. The Shrike squadrons in the Nebula will follow the freighters as a rearguard and then proceed to Kayia. Soon the Nebula will be devoid of any Galactica presence.

Sensor Net Upgrade: 7 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 4 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-28-2002).)


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
The Galactica civilians taking refuge in the Proxima Nebula have begun to leave their asteroid bases and head towards Kayia on their freighters. The Shrike squadrons in the Nebula will follow the freighters as a rearguard and then proceed to Kayia. Soon the Nebula will be devoid of any Galactica presence.

MOD - considering your OOC (AIM) forewarning of the following post, this action is revoked, and viewed as an attempt to escape the following. And no, I won't take your complaints.

From the system that had begun to be known as "Proximus" by it's inhabitants - the remnants of the Ross Prylak who had attacked Zone 7 twenty one years ago - came a reef of ships, modified only slighter from the original versions that attacked. One hundred carriers and their fleets fell upon the Proxima nebula which could be accessed by normal hyperdrives, from a system beyond those capabilities.

And there, they found asteroid colonies, belonging to the very government which had caused their mission's failure. The colonies were mostly undefended - apparently there for mining.

Without even needing to consult the command at Proximus, they fell upon the colonies, attacking furiously, as if to try and pay back the deaths caused by "Galactica". They took slaves where possible; many of whom would be eaten on the spot.

After less than a day, the civilians were either killed, enslaved, or fled on some few remaining ships to Galactica space.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Suddenly, Dozens of freightors and 12 Lazerus', Raiek of course, jumped into former Skraine space, and were shocked to see Galactica. Soon, they learned about the Evacuation and Galactica's colonisation... they open a hail.
"Ok, Galactica. Talk to your leader long and hard. Tell him he better keep his end of the bargain." The Lazerus' charge shields and launch fighters, the Freightors begin to land on former Skraine homeworlds.
"You sure you want to stop us? The Raiek had a deal. stick to it."
"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-28-2002).)

This post serves no further purpose as both conflicts have been resolved amicably.

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-29-2002).)

OOC: Very Well, Battledoctor.

Let's see.
how many systems are there? a hundred? two?
how many ships you have?


Message to: Galactica
From: Raiek
You know that we had the Skraine in our sights.
You got to them before we could.
We will honorably ask for half, in return for a close alliance.
Refuse, you get war. We will probably lose, but we will soften you up for whenever the Prylak strike again. Think about it.

(My previous post stands, only Redchigh was talking about a deal he was planning. he forgot it was never sent.)

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

(Message, Lambda-3 encryption)

From: Galactica Imperium
To: Raiek Dominion

The Galactica Imperium does not recognize the right of the Raiek to any of the systems of Eta Cassiopea. However, as you were our close allies, we are willing to compromise. The Galactica Imperium will cede to the Raiek the systems of Haru'el, Kelenn'Ri, Rau'Ni Kel, Ri'all, Rau'Chi Kel, Skirineen, and Xu'ann. In addition, the Raiek will have colonization rights to any systems which can be accessed without passing through Galactica space.

Be advised that due to the Raiek Dominion's brash actions, the Imperium is no longer sending the Raiek shipments of Neutronium Armor or weapons of any kind. Galactica also refuses to grant rights of passage to Raiek ships. If you wish to restore these agreements, perhaps it would be wise to withdrawn from Eta Cassiopea.

(End Message)

Galactica has begun sending fleets with pre-fabricated station assemblies in tow to the systems of Ared'Threan, Ared'Meers and Arkon. These systems will soon be Galactica controlled.

Sensor Net Upgrade: 6 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 3 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-29-2002).)

Message to: Galactica
From: Raiek
We accept your offer. We also apologize for the previous hostile messages, and request that our alliance and shipments not be stopped, for we remind you, we can cut off assistance on your dreadnought project if you desire.
We also request any Skraine civilians you find or have captured. We'll need slaves.

The Freightors of marines then land, while the Lazerus' quickly create borders- only for their new systems. The fleet is mostly split between Haru'Met itself, and general patrol duty, while shipments begin of colonists.

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)

(Message, Gamma-5 Encrypted)

From: Galactica Imperium
To: Raiek Dominion

The Galactica Imperium accepts, and agrees to reinstate trade and rights of passage. We realize that it is only fair for our valued allies the Raiek to be given some of the spoils of war. Once we are able to fully withdraw from your new worlds, anything which you find on the planets is yours.

(End Message)

The new Galactica stations in Ared'Meers, Ared'Threan, and Arkon are nearly completed.

Sensor Net Upgrade: 5 Posts

Next Dreadnought: 2 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"