Zacha Mission Help

I can't get past the Zachit mission where you attack the rock. WAY, way toooo many Cresent fighters. I would appericate advice on how to deal with big swarms of them

I am Spartikus!!

Afterburner, dospect and some nice escorts. If you´ve got the cloaking device it´s a piece of cake

(This message has been edited by Opalius (edited 03-24-2002).)

I'd forgotten about the cloak. I went and sat in one of the uninhabited systems near Stror and captured three Igazras and three Zidaras. It took me a while, but The Rock fell easy enough.

Smith's axiom: Nobody in science has a sensible name.

How did you do it without up-setting their governments?


need info. your ship+outfits
then after i have this info i can help.
or you could take the easy way and use the forklift.

(/me did it in a CF so had no prob.)

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by RoRyCk:
How did you do it without up-setting their governments?

Well I'm aligned with the Azdgari so they were pretty hunked off at me anyway, but I think (and feel free to correct me) that my legal status wouldn't be altered because I attacked the ships in an uninhabited system. To be honest, if you're aligned with any of the strands, just take ships from the other two. At the end of the game they'll hate you anyway.

You sold me queer giraffes. I want my money back.


Originally posted by RoRyCk:
**How did you do it without up-setting their governments?

Well, the quickest way to decimate crescent ships is to have a ship heavy on armor. Phase cannons don't even leave a dent against heavy armor. If you're on friendly terms with the Voinians then a Voinian Cruiser or Frigate would be a good choice. If you're a UE kind of guy, then I think you can outfit your ship with dospect armor from Pareen Station after you finish the Pareen Station missions, or you could use a UE Cruiser.

The other option is to use a fast ship like a Zidara and use quick piloting to outmaneuver the pesky fighters. That or you can go the route Tarquin took and capture a lot of powerful escorts.

Hope this helps,

"One day you'll find your whole life has changed - act quick, be brave, your heart will show you the way"

I have a suped up Igaraza, that i got by actually doing the missions, I currently have 1 phase cannon 2 blaze cannons and 1 neutron cannons. (turrent actually)I use the phase cannons to weaken the ships untill the neutron and blaze get into range. Is this a good stragety?



Insanity has its advantages