Question on Femme Fatale plug

I was just starting this plug when I was told to board a ship in one of the sol systems. Unfortunately, whenever I enter the system a bunch of brown rocks (which ocassionally flash green for some reason) ram me and destroy me instantly. Don't tell me I should be able to dodge these things, that's absurd. Even with the game on only 100% speed (I usually play from 150-300% in normal EVO and can still dodge with ease) it's impossible. Am I missing something? Or is this just horribly bad luck?

--oberon (the rest of my sig: coming soon)

Ihad the same problem when i first started The Frozen Heart. The easist way i found to board the ship was to lead the asteroids away from the ship then blast them with a atom gun.You might find an easier way to do this but however you do go about doing it it could take awhile.


These asteroids are insanely easy to destroy. Attacking them is the easiest way, and it will boost your combat rating substantially.


Nova Legacy: The Roughnecks, the first in the Legacy series of plugs for EV Nova. Coming soon!

The brown rocks are asteroids, which naturally destroy your ship on impact - somewhat like what you can do if you purchase the upgrade to remove your anti-collision programming, and use your ship to ram others. If you can outrun the asteroids, you shouldn't have a problem - they have about 2 shields, or armor, not sure which, so you can destroy them with the weakest weapon in the game (laser cannon?). If you play at 300%, I understand that you either have a slow system or are an excellent pilot, so you shouldn't have trouble with these, but the easiest way is to run away for a bit, so they're following you in a more or less straight line, and not coming in from every direction, then open fire. Martin Turner gave them very large 'crews' so that destroying them will boost your combat rating very quickly, rather than steeping your hands in blood destroying many ships with people on board in the traditional manner. At least that's what I understand. Once you've destroyed the main group of asteroids in the system, you should have time to board the ship, just watch out for stray asteroids that will appear from time to time. Hope that helps!

One question - you did play The Frozen Heart first?

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.

I played a bit of the frozen heart but got bored. I hoped the sequel was better. shrug

The problem was that the basic ship lacks guns, and I hadn't bothered to upgrade it. I figured since I got the missions immediately I was supposed to do them immediately.

Edit: And I play at high speeds beause low speeds bore me...On a G4 400, it isn't an issue of a slow system.
--oberon (the rest of my sig: coming soon)

(This message has been edited by Emperor_oberon (edited 04-14-2002).)

You will not be able to make much sense of Femme Fatale unless you first complete Frozen Heart.

Which basic ship are you talking about? The ship you're issued with is a shuttle craft, which, in common with most EV/EVO stuff, is the weakest ship in the game. However, you should be able to complete all the missions using just the resources that are given to you in the game -- though, on 300% speed, it may be rather closer to impossible.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FemmeFatale.sea.bin")Femme Fatale(/url)
(url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)