Tips please

I am a big fan of the origional EV and just downloaded EVO are there any tips anyone can give me? Where Chain Missions Start -anything helpful, i appericiate it
thanks a lot

I am Spartikus!!

Well, it's basically a new scenario, so your old piloting skills will still apply. Get a scoutship, and EXPLORE, particularly to the north of UE space. You shouln't buy any other human civilian ship, since there are better civilian ships elsewhere. Make contact with as many civilzations as possible, and realize that when you take sides, it will have some effect on the galaxy.

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Basically, to sum it all up, the best thing you can do is simply explore and learn about the game through that way. It really makes the game more fun and exciting, though if you want some good hints, here are a few.

I would suggest not going with the Voinians unless you want to get the Voinian Cruiser. As for the strands; you decide. I prefer the Azdgari myself, especially since there are easier ways to get an Igadzra Igazra other than doing the missions; just board and capture one.

The best ships out there are the Voinian Cruiser, Igadzra Igazra, and UE Cruiser. UE Cruiser and Igazra are good against Voinians, UE, Emalgha, and Human Renegades. Voinian Cruiser is best against the Crescent races.

Also, be very careful in what you do. If you join a government, it's usually rather hard to start fighting them and stop fighting the guy who you were previously fighting (wait, does that make any sense? :)). Your decisions will steer the course of events to come, so you must be extra cautious.

As for missions; definitely do the Voinian Defector Missions, but don't do any of the Renegade Missions; they really don't help you much at all. Definitely take all Miranu Missions; they open the door to lots of other stuff.

Another thing; don't waste money on Emalgha weapons. 😉 Just get blaze if you want to fight Voinians. Another thing; Phase is good against everyone except for the Voinians. Want to fight Voinians, get Blaze or Neutron weapons.

And finally; DON'T fight the Disco Bison, and DON'T try to dominate Council Station. 😉

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Some people might call that a spoiler Carno 😛

(quote)Originally posted by Opalius:
**Some people might call that a spoiler Carno:D

-Captain Carnotaur

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

I suggest the following...

UE missions are the easiest to get. Voinian are somewhat easy to get, but you have to know where...(Pax station) Otherwise, the Strand missions are incredibly bad to get involved in. As far as the north-galactic missions, well, I won't spoil any plots, but they're fun...


Lequis Design

Be careful with UE mission strings that have you fighting renegades, they always have missions that require you to fight multiple Turncoats.

luck is beating the odds, bad luck is when they are the odds of having something bad happen to you.

True, but really, Turncoats aren't that much of a problem. Get an arada, upgrade it with as many shield thingys as you can, add 2 phase turrets to its arsenal, and Turncoats are easy mincemeat for it. Dospect armor also helps.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

What you should really do is get the Voinian Defector mission. Then go north and get the Miranu-Earth trade agreement mission, then get a few of the UE missions against renegades, do the UE mission string up to Destroy ship (I'm not telling you the name of the most powerful ship in the game). The rest is up to you, although here is a list of the ships you should buy.

  1. Scoutship
  2. Arada
    Nuff said 😄

Do you want to know my signature?


Originally posted by Zax:
**The rest is up to you, although here is a list of the ships you should buy.

  1. Scoutship
  2. Arada
    Nuff said 😄


Indeed. The Scoutship is quite useful for long range missions, but the Arada is quite w00table. Upgrade it properly, and it can take down Igazras (if you're a really talented pilot). Quite a nice ship.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

What I did to really get started was first I accepted dozens of cargo runs from UE shipping (get the UE shipping missions by going to the bar on a UE planet.) Then I got a transporter and temporarily was a cargo hauler to make a lot of credits and then I hired fighter escorts (scoutships) to do the missions like the Voinian defector which require weaponry. Now I plan to build up a huge bankroll and purchase a Lazira which I highly reccomend getting.

Good luck in the EVO universe ;).


Contrary to everyone else's advice, you might want to consider the transporter above the scoutship. Having made the switch from EV I found that both the shuttle and the scoutship in EVO have very weak turning and thrust respectively, which made play irritating for me and also makes it very hard to maneuver and hence stay alive if you are attacked.
From the transporter I went for a helian which I used to do lots of exploring. Finally I got an Arada to lay the smack down on the Voinians.

We'll slide down the surface of things.

Hurrah! Somebody else has realised that EV:O is not the same as EV. In EV, the scoutship was okay. In EV:O, it's much wiser to get the UE transporter. It might look much bulkier, but it's actually faster. It also has better surviveability, and you get a solar panel, too (so theoretically its range is superior to the scoutship, because it can regenerate fuel).

I don't think anyone here would seriously dispute that as soon as you can afford it, you should upgrade to an Arada, though. Enjoy...

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Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Hurrah! Somebody else has realised that EV:O is not the same as EV. In EV, the scoutship was okay. In EV:O, it's much wiser to get the UE transporter. It might look much bulkier, but it's actually faster. It also has better surviveability, and you get a solar panel, too (so theoretically its range is superior to the scoutship, because it can regenerate fuel).

I don't think anyone here would seriously dispute that as soon as you can afford it, you should upgrade to an Arada, though. Enjoy...


Interesting about the solar panel, since I've never come across it. I know it was an update at some point, though, either put on or taken off, so that's probably why.

As for the Arada...buying one "when you can afford it" is stupid. It's best to have about 2-5 million more than you need, since that's the standard cost for a full upgrade. At which point, you could buy a Lazira...that's the main choice I go through in any game of EV:O - upgraded Arada, or Lazira? I usually end up in a Crescent fighter. <grin>

Aradas are okay, but they are too much of a compromise. If you want speed, get a Crescent fighter or Azdara (I can't believe I'm supporting the Azdara), and if you want power with reasonable speed, Lazira, Zidara, Crescent Warship.

The only thing the Arada has over the Crescent fighter for most pilots will be that it can take out a Lazira head-on with upgrades. This usually isn't really too much of a problem...and how can someone say "The Azdara is great, it doesn't need shields", and then throw back "The Crescent fighter doesn't have enough shielding"? I've seen it time and time again...

Anyway, as for advice: ignore most of what people have said, including me. It'll ruin most of the fun. Main advice, is always consider enemy fighters to be your most pressing concern in battle.


You want tips? Well hold on right there, don't move. I'll be back when I circumsize someone okay? JUST kiddin.

Well, by now you should of at least gotten some UE missions which should start you off, as for Strand nations like Zidagar, Igadzra, and Azdgari, you'll have to decide which to side. If you side with the Igadzra, go to Kitrak system, if you to with the Azdgari, get yourself a very very fast ship and head down the the South Tip Station. As for the Zidagar, I forgot which station you go to but I think it's well in their territory.


Originally posted by Coraxus:
You want tips? Well hold on right there, don't move. I'll be back when I circumsize someone okay? JUST kiddin.

One of the worst jokes I've seen for a while. 😛

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
What I lack in enthusiasm I make up for in laziness.
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am a big fan of the origional EV and just downloaded EVO
Jeeze you behind in the times kid. 😉
But just play it like you played EV. Find it all ot for yourself.
Thats the best advice there is. 🙂