Outpost Bakka

Upon the realisation that Outpost Bakka is under attack, aided by the short speech of one of the many 'someone or others', Esponer quickly decided to leave the bar and see what was going on outside. After quickly running over to Rima and hugging her, he left the bar and made his way to his Crescent fighter.

As he sat at the controls, he smiled sadly. The Crescent fighter seemed old now, and his time in the EVO universe, at least for murdering people, was over. As he watched UE officers run to their ships, Esponer decided that today wasn't a good day to massacre Voinians. He made his way back to the bar, on the way stopping NDJ. "Would you be interested in a non-EVO webstory? Lot of emphasis on politics and realism?"

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

After realizing the opportunity, NDJ said to Esponer:
-What makes you think that this Overriding Universe is not the best. If I understand, you have the technology to set me in a more challenging world.

Still walking to the bar, he asked him another thing:
-Could I be duplicated?

The carnage between the UE and the Voinian forces had started, none of the bar user were participating, but it would soon change.

Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.

A non-EVO webstory with politics and realism? Tell me more!

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/shades_shipyard")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
**A non-EVO webstory with politics and realism? Tell me more!


I'd pretty much counted you in anyway. 🙂 Shade, try and be on AIM more. I'll email you some more information.

Esponer shrugs. "I don't know entirely what you mean, duplicated. But, you see, there's a portal which leads to another universe. In about two months there, a certain leader of an Empire is going to drop down dead, and some rather interesting things are going to happen as a result. I wondered if you might want to help out - but if by duplicated you mean still be here, it depends how much time you spend in any other slightly more away-from-the-computer dimensions."

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

NDJ was thinking that the what he was currently doing did not take much of his time... In two months, he would be free from his this mission and the people that new the dead emperor that needed him could be very satisfied.

As NDJ said yes to Esponer, a Voinian heavy fighter ramed into the most popular bar, the one next where they all in.

Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.

The young man in the grey suit stands and approaches Esponer at the bar entrance.

"Allow me to introduce myself: I am Mairn Revel, and I've been seeking a new adventure. I understand that you're offering something along those lines. Is this an open offer?"

Revel offers his hand...

Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com")www.escape-velocity.com(/url).

Esponer thanks Ne Demord Jamais, and turns to Paradigm, still counting the first man in the conversation. "The offer is quite open. The more people, the more fun we have killing each other, no? The problem is, I'd need your hypermail contact details so I can tell you more about the situation. If you don't mind...?"

"Once I've sent them, check the mission computer regularly for info."

OOC: 😉

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Red wakes up groggily..
"Realistic? ummmmm uhhhhh politics? aargg...." drool "Me interested.... you gots me Email me thinks.... " Red staggers across the bar "What hiccup have you hiccup been talkin 'bouts?" Red collapses...
"....still.... listening......."

"I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

Louis climbs out of the SS Deathmatch and runs for the bar. "I've been hearing lots of things lately, especially about realism experiences and killing. I like killing. It's fun. Can you give me the info?" Suddenly, 4 heavily built Igadzras burst into the bar armed with proton rifles. "Oh dear" Louis says " I think they're with me"....

“Hello, is that the help desk?”
No, I ‘m the new ‘No help whatsoever desk’
“How do I make pie chart?”
Crush your computer into small chunks, add flour and bake for an hour.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Esponer thanks Ne Demord Jamais, and turns to Paradigm, still counting the first man in the conversation. "The offer is quite open. The more people, the more fun we have killing each other, no? The problem is, I'd need your hypermail contact details so I can tell you more about the situation. If you don't mind...?"

"Once I've sent them, check the mission computer regularly for info."

OOC: 😉

<I believe you have my hypermail address, Esponer. I emailed you recently in regards to your plug in. Just in case, here it is again: evervigilant@hotmail.com. I'll be in touch.>
The man in grey leaves for his Zachit Arada, ready to set up his hyper computer to auto-input any data received by hypermail regarding his next destination.

Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com")www.escape-velocity.com(/url).


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**Red wakes up groggily..
"Realistic? ummmmm uhhhhh politics? aargg...." drool "Me interested.... you gots me Email me thinks.... " Red staggers across the bar "What hiccup have you hiccup been talkin 'bouts?" Red collapses...
"....still.... listening......."

"You can't write," Esponer notes dryly, "and it's not your kind of story."

With that, Esponer sidesteps around Red, nodding to Paradigm and Ne Demord Jamais (which means I never do -what-?), and sits next to Rima.

"How are you?"

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**"You can't write," Esponer notes dryly, "and it's not your kind of story."

Redchigh sobs uncontrollably and drowns his sorrows in tequila...

"I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

This has nothing at all to do with this thread, and I am sorry to interrrupt this lively story, but I have a question. I have a fleet of 2 Advari Warships and 4 Idzgaris (I don't know if I spelled it right, but they're the ones that look like yellow penises with red tips :)). I can take out any ship in the game (other than the unique ones; I haven't tried them), and yet my combat rating is only "Excellent". How high must I get it to be able to demand tribute, and how do I get such a rating?

You can demand tribute now. Just hail a planet like you would a ship and demand tribute. then fight the defence fleet. When you've defeted the defence fleet, demand tribute again. Be sure not to demand it again while there are still ships comming from the planet.

"Whoopsy, I think I killed it..."-Me
Come visit (url="http://"http://nova6.pautsch.com/forum/intro.lasso")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

Most of the patrons tend to be UE officers taking off or just arriving, few traders also come here but most of them are wearing Freighter Express uniforms. Both these groups mingle with one another. Everybody ignores the opening door as Coraxus walks in. The only attention he gets from them is that he doesn't wear a uniform associated with the UE military or the Freighter Express. Coraxus finally gets to rest up at the bar on his favorite spot next to the window overlooking the planet below, which this station orbits, after ordering a drink. His lil' time of peace is shattered when a tall, blonde man in a long red coat bursts in all happy like he finally got here or something. The man then runs to the bar sitting next to Coraxus after killing off a big-ass mug.
"AAaaahhh I'm alive. Thank god, I thought I was going to die, lucky for me I found a bar just in time!" "Whoa, is this guy for real?" Coraxus thought to himself as the blonde guy is still in a cheering mood. Coraxus then tries to rest up before the man starts a conversation with him.
"Say, nice place isn't it? You think they serve salmon sandwiches here? Man I'm starving!"
Thinking that Coraxus's got nothing to do, he introduces himself, but as he's about to do so, a weapon in the blonde man's holster catches his eyes. However this gun of his is not an energy weapon at all, it's something of antique from over 200 years.
"Hey dude, that's some helluva gun you got there." Coraxus points out
"Oh really, thanks, you think it's great?" "How you manage to get your hands on one of these beauties, you didn't steal if from a museum did you?" "Oh, well you see, it was given to me by someone." As Coraxus and the man talk, they spot a black and blue sleek vessel docking at a pier. "Hmm" Coraxus mumbles "It's weird to find one out in this part of the galaxy, but I think the captain must be a trader or a bounty hunter." The blonde man however starts freeze up all of a sudden. "Hey, what gives man?" Coraxus asked "Ah, well, um it's nothing, yeah that's right nothing at all hehe." "You wouldn't be a criminal running from the law would you? Hahaha!" and the blonde man responds "Ummmm yeah that's silly, right? Wahahahhahaha!"
the blonde man's laugh seemed to wail out so bizzare that every patron stops drinking all of a sudden. As the man stops laughing, a group of guys dressed in rugged gear crashes into the bar with no warning at all.
"There he is, the man with the 60 billion credit on his head, prepare to die you scum!"
"OH CRAP!" the blonde man screams "Gotta get out of here, aaaaaahhhhh!" In seconds, the bar is toasted by the energy blasts from the bounty hunters as they try to shoot down the blonde man jumping all over the place. Coraxus takes cover but it seems that the bounty hunters mistaken him as an accomplis and starts attacking him as well "Crap!" he screams "this is dandy, I just wanted to relax, but NO, now I have to deal with this sh**? this ain't fair!" Finally, Coraxus and the blonde man dash out of the bar and in the corridor, suddenly, a violent quake disrupts the whole station and the shake slams both of them on the ground. Smoke starts to fill the corridor as the spray hose starts to pop out of the ceiling spraying the fire with foam. A tall man dressed in black runs towards the the 2, carrying a large object on his shoulder resembling a large cross.
"Damn it, why the hell did you have to go make a mess now? Those bastard blew up our ship!" the man in black screamed. "Oh great, another ham!" Coraxus thought to himself "That's it, I'm getting the fu** out of Dodge!" Coraxus dashes off for the S.S. Star Wolf to escape the trouble swirling around the blonde man which he recognized him to be the legendary outlaw known as the "Humanoid Typhoon". Moments after disenbarking from the station, a fleet of Crescent warships chased the Star Wolf. Coraxus hailed them to try to explain his plite but the bounty hunters wouldn't believe him as they saw the 2 misfits behind him on the comm screen. With no other choice, Coraxus dashed through the fleet after initiating the afterburner, the enemy fleet was forced to launch a 180 degree to chase him but were suddenly rocked and crippled by a large explosion behind them where the Star Wolf once stood just before it took off.
"Holy crap" the man in black screamed, "You didn't kill all the bad guys did you?" the blonde man asked "No, not really, I just deployed a couple of illegal mines when I was cutting through their fleet, and because they were so intent on destroying us, they didn't even notice those mines, so now their ships are drifting in the orbital lock the planet's gravity unless they get rescued. WTF? HEY how the hell did you guys get in here?! I ought jettison your sorry butts for throwing me into a mess! Ah screw it, I'll have to figure this sh** out later, now we have to get the Hell outta here!"

And so the 3 wondering fools head off into space where they end up looking for more trouble than they bargained for.

The UE and the voinian fleet starts to shot at each other but the has no one to co ordinate their attack. The result is devastating, the UE fleet is crushed just as quick as it came, the few survivors enters hyper space to alert the UE HQ on earth. The voinan fleet then draws their attention to the station. 2 cargo ships with marines dock with the station, they quickly secure the station. A third cargo ship docks and starts to unhaul ( I don't know if it is the proper word but it will do ) the cargo.

Admiral Alex lights a cigar and wait for his men to assemble the weapon

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The calm episode of altercation between the undercover agent and the three stooge ended and the bar's life came back to normal. NDJ sends a writen a coded note to Esponer as follows:
hyper nelsontheadmiral's mail @hotmail end com munication.
Then he said to Esponer that Ne Demord Jamais stands for Never Stops Biting or Always Eager (sp) it is a derivation from French in my province.

The bar's TV was connected to the surveillance camera system and permited to see the Voinian's task force assemble the weapon. NDJ send a message to his Team wich rapidly deployed the EMP. The weapon was directed towards the Voinians and disabled their secret object. NDJ then said to Carnotaure that he could show off his best elements by killing the ennemy before the station.

Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.

(This message has been edited by Ne Demord Jamais (edited 03-29-2002).)

Alex: Damnit!! They did what??

Officer: But we thought that we had secured the station

Alex: I wont listen to this ****

Alex is broadcasting a message to all on the sation

Listen I know you are there, surrender or I will personally come and kill you! You have 10 minutes.


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