SW2 problem

when i play the star wars conversion for evo, weird things happen to the xwings and other fighters. when they shoot their guns, the bullet/laser beam appears out of nowhere at a random point far away from the firing ship. does anyone else have this problem and if so, how can i fix it?

one time i ate a chicken
before it was dea

I think it has something to do with memory. Try adding a lot of memory, and it usually works. I've had that problem before, and I fixed it by just adding lots of memory. Hope that helps.

-Captain Carnotaur

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Yeah, I've got the same problem, and I'm throwing alot of memory at it- like 50,000K
The read me says to only use 12,000... ???



I posted a solution to your problem earlier today and the moderators, in their infinite wisdom, decided to delete it. Now what would motivate them to deprive the EVO community of good advice that would improve their gaming experience?

Perhaps you should ask them.


Originally posted by SexyStripperBoy:
I posted a solution to your problem earlier today and the moderators, in their infinite wisdom, decided to delete it. Now what would motivate them to deprive the EVO community of good advice that would improve their gaming experience?

I have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't particularly like the fact that you're assuming that one of us is deleting your posts without a good reason, especially since you've already said that you'd bury the hatchet.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net/")evula.net(/url)
(url="http://"http://pftn.evula.net")pftn.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net")plugs3.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net")ucplugs.evula.net(/url)

Gee, why would I think you would delete my posts? Where would I get that idea? Could it be that you and other moderators have already about a dozen times?

I resolved to "bury the hatchet" before I saw the hatchet job you and your bonehead friends pulled on me in other discussion threads.

This is war, dude. I am hack-proof and my IP address changes, neither of which applies to your server. Kind of makes one wonder now if it was worth it to get cute with me now, doesn't it?

Stay alert, stay alive.


Look at yourself stripper boy... you have no life... what are you doing here? Go somewhere else, go outside and look at the bloody sky, do something. Quit pissing about and all, do something that doesen't involve computers. Clearly you spend too much time around them.

Wake up fool. No respect.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Just ignore him, attention is what he wants

Ignore who? 😉


"Walk soflty and carry a big stick." --Theodore Roosevelt
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

Please disregard that last post (SexyStripperBoy) and forgive me for making it. Today is a new day.

Allow me to take a crack at the plug-in problem.

The problem with the Star Wars plug set is NOT a memory issue. I know this because I have 384 megs of ram, 330 megs of which are allocated to EVO, and I run a separate extension set whenever I play games. The problem of turrets not working and getting a halo of laser blasts circling around the player remains.

The problem is that the Star Wars plug set has too many separate plugs in it, plugs load alphabetically into the game engine (I think, anyway), and the data gets skewered because it gets loaded in a bad order.

The fix is complicated, but it WORKS! Here is what you do:

1.) Open SW20 1.0 (the largest file) in Res-Edit.

2.) Open SW20 1.03 fix in Res-Edit.

3.) Click on the first resource in the second plug to highlight it, then copy the entire resource.

4.) Open the corresponding resource in the first plug and paste the data from step 3. Doing it this way will overwrite some data, which is what you want, without losing data in the first plug that is not in the second plug. In other words, you are merely adding from the second plug what is not already in the first plug (but the corresponding resource window must be OPEN when you paste the entire resource from the second plug).

5.) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all resources from the second plug have been added to the resources in the first plug. Now close the second plug and save the first plug.

6.) Repeat the entire sequence until every resource from the rest of the plugs in the set has been added to the first plug.

If you want to cheat, I suggest that you add the resources from the cheat plug-ins last or any data you add afterwards will overwrite it, causing it to be lost.

If this sounds time consuming and aggravating, wait a few days and download the Star Wars plug from the add-ons page. It is a cheat version, but you can test it for yourself and see that it has no bugs. I intend to upload a non-cheat version when I get time.

Good luck to you.


Originally posted by SexyStripperBoy:
This is war, dude. I am hack-proof and my IP address changes, neither of which applies to your server. Kind of makes one wonder now if it was worth it to get cute with me now, doesn't it?(/B)

Neither Ambrosia nor any of the mods are interested in "hacking" you. We will however, resort to more than simple "IP" bans if a member gets to out of hand. If it takes a large scale ban to get rid of someone, that can be done.

Because you had acted out of line on several occasions, it became a policy to just delete your posts. You seem to, however, be interested in because a positive member, and if this is genuine, than I welcome you to the boards and will not stop your posts.. Please, however, check over the guidelines and consider registering a name.

Have fun, you'll find it more rewarding to help the board than be a nuisance. I did 🙂

Animal Rights Activists don't love animals... they hate humans.

Ahh a new beggining!

I feel all warm and fuzzy...

Respect for the apology man, SSB, you're making up for your splurge of spam really quickly. It takes guts to turn right back around and apologise. Thanks for doing it, it will be worth it... Being an outcast here is no fun, trust me. I was like soviet here, a rebel with a cause, a cause against moderation on the B&B; forum (wow, I bet that one would bring in the wimmin) and let me tell you! You should have seen what I said to andrew about karma. Funny how it went down after that... 🙂 Still, I soon learnt that respect is the real currency here. Seeing the way you're changing, hell, I respect you allready. Welcome, and good luck.

Soviet: Yet again you get more respect from me... hell, I would have been pissed off if I had to delete a whole bunch of stuff like that. Hell, I went ape at him just reading the stuff. It's nice to know that you can turn it around like that, it takes an effort to just drop something so easily. Hell I respect you man.

I gotta shut up about respect.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

I registered today after reading the terms of membership and agreeing to them. I can use my new membership as soon as I get the password via email (sameguynonewname@netscape.com).

Sorry to be a pain in the keister. You won't get any more trouble out of me.

I have spent the last few hours testing my Star Wars fix and still have yet to find any bugs. Therefore, I shall upload the non-cheat version once I'm done with the boards in about 10 or 15 minutes.

Soviet mikee, I'm sorry, but I just don't get it.

I've apologized several times already and I've uploaded two plug-in files this week. I even let it go and stopped pointing fingers and accepted all the blame even though everyone can see for themselves that both sides acted, shall we say, "not the most constructively." Yet even after all that and your last post in this thread wherein you seemed to be cool with things now, I find out today that my IP is banned? I don't get it.

"Actions speak louder than words," goes the cliché, but it really is true. I've said some ugly things but I have also done some good deeds. From my perspective, the IP ban after the problem has been resolved seems to be a duplicitous act: on the one hand leading me to believe that everything is cool now, whilst on the other implementing a ban?

Don't worry about my earlier threat made in the heat of anger days ago. I do not intend to access this board through other ISPs. Until this is worked out, I intend instead to contribute on member-operated boards and to continue debugging or creating plug-in files.

If anyone would like for me to debug a plug, or to collaborate on a plug, you can reach me at sameguy,nonewname@netscape.com

I would like to thank all the members who were understanding and forgiving, for without them I would not have decided to make amends in the first place, and I would like to apologize once again to every member of this community for being party to an incident that placed them in a position of having to endure a lot of unseemliness they had no part of.

Take care, everyone. I will check back with the web board in a few days just to see what is going on, i.e., discover whether I am still persona non grata herein. If everything is okay, then cool. If not, goodbye...with regrets.

Cool! This IP works also. Please, please do not ban this IP, I beg of you. 🙂

I feel like an idiot because I messed up my own email address in my last post.

To those who would like to email me, for plug-in debugging or to collaborate on a project, I can be reached at sameguynonewname@netscape.net

Has anyone downloaded the Star Wars fix (cheat version) from the add-ons page yet? I worked fine for me after days of testing whilst the original plug set did not. If you discover any problems therein, please email me with a description of the problem at sameguynonewname@netscape.net

OK, even with all of that, the fix or whatever on ambrosia's site still didnt' work. I dont' have Res Edit experience, but id like to play what looks like an amazing plug in. Any other ideas appreciated, although im inclined to try the res edit fix. wa wa moan & complain
