Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VIII

Espona walked along the dank corridors of the base on Dar. Turning a corner, he encountered a fast moving tech officer. "Slow down, uhh, Jarvis," he said, reading the I.D tag on the officer. "What's the hurry?" "Well, uh, sir, long range scanners detected a giant blip several thousand kilometers away." "What?? Blip? Giant, you say?" Said Espona. "Yes sir. Its mass is incredible. Power readings nearly off the scale!" "Take me to it!" Ordered Espona. "Yes, sir!" Said the officer. As Espona got to the radar room, a captain approached him. "Sir, we can't exactly find out what the hell this thing is. Its bigger than the Fallen Wraith!" He said. Then, Espona clutched his forehead, his back spines twitching in aggravation. "Holy I'von.... could it be the Prylak?" Espona said quietly. Quickly regaining his composure, he began rapping out orders. "Get the fleet out here! Activate orbital Battle Stations! Prepare the Fallen Wraith for duty! Sound the alarm!"
The captain relayed the mesage to the fleet in orbit, to warn the others, and get the Fallen Wraith to the system. "All ships! Relay this message to the other battle groups! The Prylak have arrived! Repeat, the Prylak are here! We are under attack! Assemble the fleet! This is NOT a drill! I say again! The Prylak are here!"

The immense Starfortress Amun pushed relentlessly forward. "Soon," the Prylak captain thought, "soon the vastness of space shall be littered with the corpses of our enemies."

Infiltrator: 5 posts
Battleship:8 posts


(To:All Bases in Eta Cassiopea)
(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Re:Emergency aid needed!)
(This is not a hoax. A Pry'lahk Starfortress, the A.S.S. Minerva, has invaded our Galaxy. Skraine forces are cutrrently engaging it in the EC-001 system.
All availiable forces are required to head there to lend aid, from the smallest Interceptor to the largest BASE ship. With your aid we will not fail. Watcher protects!)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message, Epsilon-8 Encrypted)

To: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds
From: Galactica Eta Cassiopea Regional Governor's Office

Though the Galactica Imperium would gladly help the Skraine, we have problems of our own. Allow me to express my apologies.

(End Message)

The Nemesis-class Dreadnought project is nearing completion. A prototype, the G.S.S. Nemesis, has begun construction. Seeing as the main shipyards at Voinia, which still have the old Voinian Supercruiser docks, are currently in a combat zone, different sections of the ship will be constructed in various Eta Cassiopea colonnies. All data gained in construction of a Galactica prototype will be sent to the Raiek so that they may someday construct their own Nemesis-class Dreadnoughts, if they desire to do so.

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 7 Posts

Proxima Nebula Enlargement: 1 Post

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"


The Skraine's fleet engaged the A.S.S Minerva with everything they had, making use of their recently developed hyper-lattice warheads (Wargated) to cause what they would consider as extensive damage. The Minerva, however, captained by Second General Thakara, simply remained in it's position. Remarkably, it did not even open fire on the Skraine for some time.

And then, the Starfortress let loose it's dreadnoughts and battlecruisers - six and twenty four - and exitted the system. Thakara cared not for the over-confident commanders of his personal fleet, and he well knew that the best way to defeat a government was to hit them ecologically before meeting their navy.

The Quezacotl entered Kicon, where a considerable, yet quite short, Raiek fleet was docked. The Starfortress' captain saw the Raiek base, which had not much longer ago been a Prylak base, before the Haorn had broken the Ross Prylak in Pria. However, some of the benefits of their past dominance was not lost on Fourth General Lagos. Lagos knew as a fact that the Raiek were Prylak at the heart, and that they were likely quite cunning in battle.

He had been told by the Divinity before leaving that no risk were to be taken. At least, no risks over the loss of the actual Starfortress.

The Quezacotl sent out it's battlefleet, which then opened fire on the Raiek ships present, both military and civilian. The colonies were thrown into an immediate panic as the system was cleared off opposition in devastating barrage after devastating barrage.

And then, four dreadnoughts surrounded the station in Kicon, and began to open fire.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-21-2002).)

The landing party on Gadzair had been replaced with a more knowledgeable team, and they now spoke to Yaolanis. 'We have recieved news that the Prylak ahve entered this galaxy again, and apparently with 3 large ships. It appears 2 of those are directly threatening our space, and as for the third we can only send small forces to help our friends. We felt you should be notified, incase you can offer any advice, or provide more information on this Divinity and the psi powers you mentioned'


In the Proxima Nebula, things had changed a fair bit. The expansion ahd been completed, but things still wherent settled. With the arrival of the Prylak, the asteroid bases ahd been dispersed, and placed in low-power operation. In deep space, it would be impossible to see the difference from them and any normal asteroid. The fighter bases had stayed active, ready to draw fire if needed.


OOC:Esponer, think ETA on that sensor thingy.


Nemesis-class Dreadnought. ETA:6 Posts

Proxima Nebula Enlargement. ETA:Complete

Phalynx Defence Missle(I'll post the description on Friday, when I'm at home. It is cleared). ETA:14 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 02-21-2002).)

The Skraine fleet rocked from Prylak weapons fire as the Minerva jumped out.
"WarGate to jump range, follow the Minerva!" Commander Thraize ordered. "Ignore the Dreadnaughts and Battlecruisers for now- the Starfortress is the real threat. We've got to get the Defender close enough to fire!"
She then opened a link to Sentinel Starbase.
"This is Commander Thraize. The Starfortress has just exited the system, it's heading your way! Call all - all - defence fleets from Eta Cassiopea to aid. See if the Tribunal will send the Phyrexia. We're following the Minerva into hyperspace now."

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

All of the Committee was looking worriedly at the ship shot that had been taken from a scout. The scout had disappeared, and this was allt he data that they had been able to retrieve from the brief message he had sent. There voices were stuck in there throats, and Kenra was overcome with a wash of emotions. The Prylak were coming.

The news went out amongst there few worlds. Ships that could be spared were taken from Eta. The Portals, even though it was said they couldn't be hacked, would self destruct if any ship without a Sijak signature went through. The Sijak had little hope that if they were defeated, that the Prylak could not go through anyway. Hopefully someone could order them to self destruct if it came to utter defeat. A Starfortress, Shiva, was coming. The Prylak were coming.

Galadriel was checked and double checked, and ship production was strained to it's limits. The fleets bristled and those being trained were rushed through training. Kenra tried to get her own ship, but everyone one stopped her. As Sopeno prepared her own ship, Kenra had a horrible feeling of foreboding. The Sijak were mobilizing, and the Prylak were coming.

Radium Primaries-5 posts I believe. Somewhere around there.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 02-22-2002).)

OOC: Important. State the name of the Starfortress that's attacking you, please. Just fit it in somewhere in the posts you make.

T'akara & Xe'ls
The two massive Starfortresses, both built in Colonzar, a system in Andromeda, and labelled as sisterships, patrolled slowly through the Cthlus system while the admirals that captained them went over various plans. Sensors revealed two inhabited systems within a day's journey. The obvious plan would be to strike both systems simultaneously. However, after several hours planning, they realised that their opponents would likely surrender one of the systems and fight back in the other. It would not do for one of the Starfortresses to be lost this early in the battle.

Thus, both Starfortresses' battlefleets; twelve Dreadnoughts, fourty eight Battlecruisers, were sent to the nearer of the systems -- Svass. The T'akara and Xe'ls both entered hyperspace to the second system, Voinia, to decisively clear out everything they could find.

As would become apparent many times before the Flight of the Dragons ended, only the Starfortresses themselves weren't expendable.

The A.S.S Loki entered into the Milky Way, and Third General Grenir grinned broadly. The time had come to annex the Milky Way, finally, after too many years. Grenir had studied the invasion of the Milky Way - the first invasion - in considerable detail. He knew what had happened in the wars between the Prylak and the Gadzair. He silently cursed the admirals of that day for retreating, slave risings or not. He made a point of ignoring the fact that if the Prylak invasion had pushed at Gadzair, instead of retreating, there would be more threat than the Drakal in Andromeda now.

Grenir accounted himself an intelligent general. It annoyed him that Thakara had gained a rank over him - Thakara, who, of the seven Prylak generals, was no doubt the most foolish and reckless. Grenir had overheard before they set off that Thakara intended to have his Starfortress, the Minerva, simply remain as motionless as if disabled while he ordered his slave crew to laugh in the face of the Skraine.

Grenir was much more intelligent. He knew what he was doing. That was why the Loki was different.

"We're here, Master," stated one Prylak, it's blue eyes flashing.

"What is the nearest of the Executioner's targets?" asked Grenir with a faint smile on his face.

"Yerdor, Master, but we are closer to Pozdag, with sensors show is still inhabied," came the reply.

"Master!" a systems commander shouted in surprise. "Residual traces present. We've been detected."

Grenir laughed them, a horrible laugh. "Even if they attempt to retreat, we can catch them, if we are quick. All speed to Pozdag. We're to surround them, but to kill as few of them as possible." Grenir then looked almost hungry. "We'll need some slaves."


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-22-2002).)

In Svass, Admiral Yena stood in the command center, staring at the sensor readouts. He didn't have much choice. He activated Svass Stations final contingency plans, and all over the station, weaponry charged up. The Heavy Thoron Beams hidden inside the cargo bays might allow him to do more damage than the enemy anticipated. Missle Pods would be shooting missles faster than normally allowed, which would end up burning them out after a while, but it didnt matter if they'd just get vaporised later. The powerful grav well emitters would all be focused on dealing with a single target at a time. Mainly, smashing said target into another enemy ship. Or tearing it apart with the gravity.

In Voinia, things were even worse. 2 ships that outmassed the entire fleet heading for Svass Station would arrive soon. It didnt look like anything would survive. Including the planet. The fixed defences began salvoing missles into empty space, creating a large missle volley. And they would all be aimed at a single target. (SF are T'akara and Xe'ls)


Nemesis-class Dreadnought. ETA:5 Posts

Phalynx Defence Missle(Well, the description is it's a very big missle)). ETA:13 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

"Alas, I cannot," Yaolanis replied after a somewhat long silence. "The source powering my maintenance is fading...and soon I will die. I am afraid of it, but it must happen. I must speak with the others, and see who remains. I will ask them to help you. I cannot...not any more..."

Then, the hologram disappeared. Yaolanis doesn't appear to want a replacement power system...


Scorcher looked at the tactical display. "Change of orders. Order all refugees to head to Barad-dur. Maybe the Prylak will follow them, and thus we can bring them into a battle with our battlestation. What is the status of the evacuation?"

"The evacuations for Pozdag and Nadej are going well. Mirava has been 45% evacuated. The quickness there was due to the large amount of frieghters present. Military vessels are helping where they can, but they can't help too much."

Scorcher nodded slowly, and continued to watch the tactical display...


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 6 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 5 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 6 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

As sensor reports of the incoming Prylak attack on Svass and Voinia came in, new orders went out from Jupiter Base. Vorik and Obron had been abandoned, evacuated to Jupiter base. The evacuees from Romit had almost reached Jupiter Base, the orbital station with just a skeleton crew left.

It is hoped it will be possible to return the evacuees to their planets once the Prylak are dealt with.


Nemesis-class Dreadnought. ETA:4 Posts

Phalynx Defence Missle. ETA:12 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Grunadulater put the message on every Hinwars frequency.
"The Prylak have come! It is time to fight back. Anyone who wishes to join the Navy please contact the admin office."
Message to all Navies:
"The Hinwar are willing to join any navy. Remember that every ship counts. Contact Grunadulater if you wish to enlist us into your navy."
Soon all Hinwar ships were filled and the whole fleet went into orbit around New Liadon..

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

The Amun quickly deployed it's battlefleet and surrounded Dar's defences loosely. The Haorn reinforcements would not arrive for some time.

One hundred Haorn vessels rushed to defend Dar, and of them one mothership launched a sub-space emitter at one of the dreadnoughts. It enveloped part of the dreadnought in nothingness, and the dreadnought continued forward, sucking itself into non-existance. The Prylak suddenly became very apprehensive of the Haorn's power.

Sub-space beamers marred the armour of Prylak battlecruisers, but the massive power of the Prylak held the edge...


"Sir, the Prylak have begun to attack the station in... Kivak was it? You know better than I do."
"Ah yes. We still have some old model dreadnoughts, right?"
"Yes, sir."
"Do you remember a project we had a while back to fill the dreadnoughts with explosives such as warheads and fuels?"
"I remember quite well, sir."
"How many did we complete?"
"Not quite a dozen, sir."
"Send them to the station. Have the Station wait as long as it can to self destruct, and when it does, make sure that's when the dreadnoughts jump in... and have them ram the most damaged vessels, with any left over dreadnoughts retreating toward the north-east. Make sure they have modified scanner plates within their hulls to show crews to the prylak, and hide the explosives. Is my ship ready?"
"Yes, sir."
"Lead me to it. There will be a massive warzone soon... I dont want to miss it. Leave it armed and ready around Raiek prime."
"Yes, sir."
"Oh, one more thing."
"Make sure our wormhole is powered up. To be exact, dont power up the actualy wormhole, just the weapons systems on it. Get our Lazerus' to fill their cargo bays with our defense drones. The Battle wont be for a while, but we need to be preparded if they are foolish enough to attack our core. I doubt they're that stupid, but you never know. Also, get one of the dreadnoughts to catch the name of the commander of the Starfortress... send us his name.."
"Yes, Sir."

An an hour and a half later, the ship ASS Quezacotl's captain is wondering where the fleet is... The Station's shields are beginning to fail under the Dreadnought fire, but the Raiek are prylak... they wouldn't sacrifice their own station.....unless....
"This is the Commander to all Vessels! Back away from the Station! That's an order!"
The slow dreadnoughts begin to turn, but it's too late. The station detonates, sending a shockwave through the system, and heavily damaging the shields of the nearest four dreadnoughts...
"Master! We're detecting a small fleet of ships hypering in!"
"All fleets, we're about to recieve the Raiek's pitiful defense... try not to destroy, Andromeda would pay highly for the rebels..."
A eerie silence passes over she ship, and 6 Raiek behemoths' exit hyperspace. The Prylak captains are proud, for a single dreadnought could be taken out with ease.. Prylak weapons race toward the raiek, and a few are disabled immediately, but they drift, and collide with the four damaged dreadnoughts, Most of the Raiek dreadnought being absorbed by the remaining shields, but after the shields failed, the supercharged Raiek dreadnought hulls easily cut through the Prylak's armor, setting off massive explosions in all four raiek dreadnoughts'. The star fortress and other ships were backed off from the dreadnoughts, and as such are out of range of the explosion, and out of range of the Raiek's weapons. The Prylak catch on, but the Raiek jump out to the north, with a single message by the remaining two Raiek
"You'll never get us, fools."

Meanwhile, defense drones and fighters are being loaded into freightors by the megaton, with most old dreadnoughts and frigates being loaded with warheads and fuel...

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

OOC: That's a little too much control of the Prylak, Red.

Lagos laughed out loud. "I wonder what they think they are up to," he murmured to himself, and with that he cut his hand down through the air, and the Quezacotl's beam exploded out, engulfing the station in temporal disruptance. When the beam's light had gone and the momentary flux in time repaired itself, the station was no more.

The Quezacotl laid waste to all that remained in Kicon, and then hyperspaced out to Ricon. There, it's battlefleet remained behind to fight with the defences, while the Quezacotl moved on, (no mention of it's destination until my next post, Red). The Raiek ships were being completely ignored.


T'akara and Xe'ls
In Svass, the Prylak's battlefleet quickly engaged the defenders. However, they were quite surprised, or perhaps not so surprised, when the defenders instantly pulled into a retreat. In folly, the Prylak moved to follow.

A massive missile barrage targetted one of the dreadnoughts, and the sheer number of them smashing into the dreadnought's shielding tore it apart. The Prylak, especially the captains of lesser battlecruisers, became suddenly very frightened of Galactica's power. They stopped dead, unsure as to what to do. The barrage had not ended, however, and two battlecruisers fell quickly.

Decisively, the Prylak then pushed forward, and found themselves caught between thoron beam fire and gravitic wells. They still managed to incinerate half of the defenders, but Svass Station was getting the better of them.

In Voinia, there was no contest whatsoever. The T'akara and Xe'ls bombarded the planet heavily, levelling cities and killing those who had not had time to escape. They didn't, however, completely destroy the place. Instead, they secured it, and then moved on to Svass...


The crew in the command center of Svass Station braced themselves and tried not to fall down as another colossal explosion shook what had once been Galactica's capital station. High above the heads of the crew in the massive station's command center floated a large holographic display of the system. A good portion of the Prylak ships, displayed in red, had stopped short, afraid of the power of Svass Station. The surviving Galactica ships, displayed in blue, were in disarray, some defending the station while others charged the Prylak fleet.

The missile barrage had not ended, and increasing numbers of Prylak ships were being blown apart. A dreadnought, its hull in tatters from Standoff Missile hits, was incinerated as one of the station's Thoron Beams hit it directly. Most of the Dreadnoughts, however, were still goind strong, shredding and Galactica Imperium warship that got near.

Seeing what was developing on the holographic display of the battle above him, Rear Admiral Djak yelled out, "Order all warships to fall back from the Prylak Dreadnoughts and concentrate their fire on the Battlecruisers! Have the station and the missiles concentrate on the Dreadnoughts."

As these orders were relayed to the Galactica warships, the change was visible on the holographic battle display. The blue dots representing Galactica warships of various sizes began to stream backwards towards the station, halting when they were between the Battlecruisers and Svass Station. The ships then did an about-face and charged the Battlecruisers, many of which were still stunned from the station's attack.

Meanwhile, the Dreadnoughts came under increasing fire from Thoron Beams and missiles from Svass Station.

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 3 Posts

Phalynx Missile: 11 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

The Prylak were increasingly losing their edge in the battle in Svass. Many battlecruisers had fallen to the fleet, and one dreadnought had already been destroyed. However, the Prylak's remaining power was still formidable. The dreadnoughts and battlecruisers concentrated all their fire on Galactica's ships, incinerating dozens of them, and leaving the last few in tatters. With that, once more command was shifted down - the battlecruisers moved in to attack the station or deal with the remaining ships, and the dreadnoughts begun to back off, their captains each deciding that they didn't want to die today.


The retreating Prylak dreadnaughts couldnt escape as easily as they wanted to, and now that they were moving away, missles could be targeted without the explosions causing damage to Svass Station.

The few remaining Galactica ships, sensing doom for themselves, did what any good captain would. they rammed the retreating ships. The combined might of Svass Stations missle power and the rammers obliterated 2 more dreadnaughts, the explosions heavily damaging the remaining dreadnaughts.

The Thoron beams contrinued to fire on the Dreadnaughts, destroying the engines, causing chain reactions which obliterated yet another ship.

The gravity wells began to chuck the dreadnaughts about, slowing their retreat, causing close collisions that blew shield grids apart. The Missle fire continued, unabated.

With the dreadnaughts moving out of range, Thoron Beam fire then turned to the BattleCruisers. Strong as they were, they couldn't stand up to close range Thoron Beams. The arrayed antimatter railguns fired in careful coordination, causing shield grids to flicker and weaken.

Then Svass Station opened one of its massive cargo bay doors, with yet another surprise for the Prylak. Stored antimatter mines were propelled out of the cargo bay by tractor beams, smashing into the battlecruisers, decimating their ranks.

It looked as if Svass Station would actually win this battle.

It was a pity the two Starfortress' would arrive just as the Prylak Dreadnaughts and Battlecruisers were about to be finished.


Nemesis-class Dreadnought. ETA:2 Posts

Phalynx Missile. ETA:10 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.