
Is there any other reason to amass credits in the game other than being able to buy stuff? I'm just wondering if anything kicks in when you have a certain amount of credits.



Originally posted by Denizen:
Is there any other reason to amass credits in the game other than being able to buy stuff? I'm just wondering if anything kicks in when you have a certain amount of credits.

Welcome to the boards. The only uses for credits in EV Override are to buy ships, outfitter items, and trade goods, and to bribe hostile ships and planets.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity

Well, you can blow it on gambling, too. I never do this unless I am mortally bored. But you can.

Also, escorts are something to keep in mind. And in TC plug-ins and expansion plug-ins, you can use credits for things like...Well, the Quasar in Galaxy's Edge, is an example of something you can buy. A huge-@$$ ship that is basically...well, very, very, very, very large. (pity that I loathed the plug-in itself, it was a great ship)Not in EVO, though, I'm afraid. Maybe Reign of the UE, where you can buy a Dreadnaught.

In any case, you always need credits. Ships, outfits, bribes...It's more useful to have them if you have a registered game, as otherwise Hector steals your money. Stupid bird... 😛


Lequis Design

Thanks for the replies and the welcome. Yep, escorts are important, I would have been a greasespot many times without them. Although building up credits is a natural part of playing, I just haven't been focused on it, and I began wondering if something really cool would happen once I got to 100 million or something.

David Arthur, I really like your mission computer.

And yeh, Captain Hector is no more a problem. I paid my shareware fee, and it is a bargain for the enjoyment I have gotten out of this game.


There is no goal, in terms of credits, unless you choose to set one for yourself. Credits are only really significant in the early stages of the game when, for example, you can just afford to upgrade to a Lazira, but the change wipes out your finances, and you're reduced to doing missions, because you can't afford a full cargo. Soon, you earn enough to max out your ship with weapons and engine tuning. Cash is no problem... until you acquire just enough for that shiny new Crescent Warship...

Once you've got your Igazra and filled it with electric death, money ceases to mean much at all. Finish the triumvirate of central objectives, and then start a new pilot. Or go outside and play.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

you can always buy alot of toursits and jetesin them off watching them fly away just for the heck of it.

watch out for them zidigar beams

I don't do it often, but of course it is possible to pay off ships that are attacking you. I generally prefer to toast them, and loot the wreckage, but it's a great way to reduce the magnitude of an attack down to manageable proportions... and you can still make a profit from the ships that you do fight.

It even works with ships generated by mission strings! Money can't buy you happiness, perhaps, but it can keep you alive if used wisely.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)