How to attack Gualon Station?

How do you attack Gualon Station? I finished off all the Voinians in the system, but I don't know how you attack the station itself. Does that mean to dominate it? I landed on it, which was a big mistake, cause the Voinians were on me like white on rice when I emerged. When do D'Erlon's marines show up?


You must have the rank of Deadly or Ultimate. Thn you hail the station and demand tribute, kill all the ships that come out of the station, and demand tribute again. Ther is no way to attack the station, just become ruler of it and get money from it.

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(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 02-19-2002).)

I did this mission a little while ago and had a similar problem.

You have to destory (not just disable) all the 'relevant' voinions. I'm pretty sure they are all frigates and interceptors. Any cruisers in the system are (ahem) bonus targets as are their fighters. You'll have to deal with the fighters, but ignore the cruisers - dodge 'em. When you have destroyed (not just disabled - did I just say that?) the defenders, land and the marines disembark.

I had to abort the mission and start again - there does not seem to be any penalty comparable with that for aborting the dreadnaught mission


Actually, just as a general point, intercepters and other fighter class ships never need to be disabled to complete a mission.



"...And Alexander wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."

Didn't know that - although in practical terms the little blighters come at you so aggressively that you might as well take 'em out.
