Most Profitable/Short Trade Route

I recently had a conversation with a person on AIM about EVO, and I thought I should post it here. I don't know if anyone does this other than me, but...

For someone wanting to get a LOT of money. Preferrably with the registered EVO...

1. Make sure you have at least 6.000 daily income OR approx. 500.000 credits. 500.000 credits is ONLY necessary if you wish to start out at a maximum amount of profit. You should probably have at least 80.000, in any case.

2. (optional, for huge money making) If you are incredibly rich, as in you have more than 1.2M, start at Mira/Zanat/Priat/et cetera and hire a full complement of Heavy Freighters.

3. (if you aren't totally rich and are still greedy)Go to Sol, and land on Earth.

4. Hire a full complement of Freighters(the biggest ones) unless you have your own 'free'(indentured-servant-style)escorts.

5. Fill 'em up with Equipment. Unless your escorts do NOT cost money, make SURE that you have at least 40k at all times.

6. Go to Centauri and land...Sell your equipment and buy food.

7. Back to Earth. Sell the food, buy Equipment.

8. Have fun. From my memory of my last EVO game with this strategy(approximately four months ago) I believe you can make over 100k per run.

There are others, yes, but this is the one that is most easily accessible in proportion to its distance and profitability. Happy trading/spending.


Lequis Design

Bah! When I need any cash I just get an afterburner for my Scoutship and do the Misers Funeral, although I do tinker a bit with my data file so that excessive renegade incursions don't mess up the prices.

Do you want to know my signature?


although I do tinker a bit with my data file so that excessive renegade incursions don't mess up the prices.

Tsk, tsk. Naughty child. My only major did this in FH while trying to get to Rigel. Only when necessary, that's why you have cheap crappy trade routes like this.

Lequis; notes on...

1. The miser's funeral - Unless you fly a Miranu Heavy Freighter and have a fleet of defense, how are you going to defend your escort freighters? It's a toss up. I never really liked this one.

2. The Pax_Omm_Crassworms trade route - I THINK it was this one, I'm probably quite wrong, but the one where you buy the stuff from Pax(Dogover) and take them to Omm..somewhere near Huron.(haven't played the game in awhile) After selling them, you can or cannot buy medical supplies on Omm and sell them at New Calcutta. Strange, but when you can fully pull this off it makes you a heck of a lot of money. This is just a sketch, you may have to experiment to get the right results. There were a few more resources involved here, maybe from New Tokyo or something. Bah....

3. Earth_Equipment-Centauri_Food-Atlantic Station-Fertilizer - this is essentially a modified version of the first one listed in this topic, it might make you a bit more money, but you must also fly through Saalia.

Infomercial style promotional:
"I tried this when I still had a shuttlecraft! After playing for only 20 minutes, I was able to buy a Freight Courier, and then a UE Carrier! This worked for me, try it!"

Actually, in my most recent EV pilot file, I did this...started out on a shuttle and after I got 80k-250k, I started doing these runs and bought an FC after awhile. Or maybe it was a Carrier, I forget...


Lequis Design

A couple of jumps south of earth there is a medical run from a mining planet that is red to a planet one jump north. Check out that run and compare. Sometimes it is as much as 400000 a run because the price of midical good goes up. I am not positive on all the details so if somebody wanted to verify that would be good.

I've never done this one, New Calcutta, that is. I dunno, with Lightning Jump things go a WHOLE LOT faster, so I'll keep it in mind. But trade routes must be mutually tradeable, so you buy somewhere and sell elsewhere in exchange for the first product... I guess, unless you make a LOT of money.


Lequis Design

Misers run has to be the easist trade route straight from the get go. as soon as you can buy a transporter (fast enough to get between the two planets with the most cargo space) then get as many freighters as you can afford. fit yourself with an afterburner and zip back and forth... quick cash, and in my exerpiences, I haven't lost a freighter yet.

Heh...well, I've never really gotten anywhere with the Miser's Funeral as I can't stand afterburners. Plus, they use fuel 😛


Lequis Design

2. The Pax_Omm_Crassworms trade route - I THINK it was this one, I'm probably quite wrong, but the one where you buy the stuff from Pax(Dogover) and take them to Omm..somewhere near Huron.(haven't played the game in awhile) After selling them, you can or cannot buy medical supplies on Omm and sell them at New Calcutta. Strange, but when you can fully pull this off it makes you a heck of a lot of money. This is just a sketch, you may have to experiment to get the right results. There were a few more resources involved here, maybe from New Tokyo or something. Bah....

this is a very good run but you want to buy equipment at new calcutta and sell it at pax thus completing the circle

::this is patriot7
reqesting permision to
dock, over ::

buy tourists from earth, sell them four jumps away for massive profit. I did this with six earth hvy freighters and mad about a quater million a trip. I then bought a crescent warship and started doing the plotlines. cloaked crescent warship, anyone?


One of my favorite trade routes is something I call the AE run. Go to the Azdgari system of Chak, and land on Morin. Buy Weapons for around 3600 or so, then go to the Emalgha system and land on Emalghia. Sell the Weapons for 5600 or so and rake in the moola. I usually do this route in a Miranu Heavy Freighter, where I need about 1.25 Million creds to fill up my hold. I make around 1 million creds per run. The shortest route between Chak and Emalghia is 19 jumps. It isn't to hard to find the quickest route. Have fun!

"Censorship enslaves those who are unable to think for themselves"
"True greatness is being given the gift of knowledge, then having the knowledge to apply that gift."
"When they give you lined paper, write the other way."

(This message has been edited by Capn. MattMo (edited 02-19-2002).)

buy metal or something at emalgha and sell it at one of emalghas moons. THE fastest and most efficent way to make money in a jiffy.



buy tourists from earth, sell them four jumps away for massive profit. I did this with six earth hvy freighters and mad about a quater million a trip. I then bought a crescent warship and started doing the plotlines. cloaked crescent warship, anyone?

Heh. Yeah, I tried this. I dunno though. I must say that the Earth-Centauri one is the most profitable for its ease and short-ness... It also can be done while doing homework! (shift, click, click, click x15, hold down J, press the down arrow, the up arrow, L...) 😛


Lequis Design

i found a trade route that makes 1.5 million a run. You have to do the pareen station missions first. Buy the mirana heavy freighter and have 6 of them as escorts and buy medical at pareen, make two jumps from valos to aludra and land on new calcutta selling all the medical, land on new tokyo and buy luxery and go back to pareen.

btw its nice in evo cuz theres no pirates that attack your convoy like in ev.

watch out for them zidigar beams