search feature

does anyone know when the search feature will be functional?

watch out for them zidigar beams

The search feature? The search feature was taken down since before I joined the boards a couple years ago. As far as I know it isn't coming back again.

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The search feature will be enacted for the low, low price of $3,000 for a new server. 😛

Try using an advanced Google search -- it doesn't always work, but it's better than nothing.

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im talking about the faq where at the top there is a search thing and you can search any of the boards but when i try it it says it isnt working right now

watch out for them zidigar beams


Originally posted by RSS SPECTIR:
**im talking about the faq where at the top there is a search thing and you can search any of the boards but when i try it it says it isnt working right now

It's at the Chronicles too, it will never work again

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
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The search feature was disabled because it ate up server resources. If we get a better server, it may get turned back on.

As this isn't related to EVO at all, iLock.

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