Anyone for strict play?

As I lay dying in my arada for the millionth time last night i thought, "I wonder how far anyone has gotten on strict play?" So there's my question: what's the farthest someone has gotten on strict play? I know there must be legendary fighters on this board. Of course I'm laughing as I say it but can anyone imagine completing the three main objectives on strict play?


The fartheset I ever managed to get was in a shuttle with 20000 credits down to Ariane

Always remember this. All murderers, no matter how cruel and evil, only have blood on their hands. Not in their heart -Me
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I completed all the Voinian string, some of the UE, the Miranu, and some of the Azdgari missions before dying in strict play. It's not much more interesting than normal play, except when you're playing at three in the morning after a long drinking session and you die, it's not fun.

Captaintripps: Weak and Stupid. That's why we have wolves and other large predators.
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I got a scoutship, I think.


Lequis Design

I never use strict play. I play EV to have fun. Working on getting my ship exactly how I want it and then losing it all if I just happen to not notice the 3 waves of missiles coming towards me is not my idea of fun. If I want real life, I'll go out and live it, thank you very much. 😛

On the other hand, I think that it's addition is very imporant -- not everyone shares my attitude about strict play, so it's good to have some options there.

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As far as I can remember, I have never played Strict Play on EVO...wait, no, I did it once, when andrew released a public beta of EVO 1.0.2 and I tried out Strict Play to see if there were bugs. Matt Burch had said that he would eat his mousepad if there were bugs in that beta, and I wanted to see him do it. I didn't find a bug, though, and I quit, disapointed, and never did strict play again.

Later, Obormot found a bug, but Burch never did eat a mousepad. The bastard.

In EV, however, I did "beat" the game (did Alien Crusier missions) on Strict Play.

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I beat all three main objectives, UE, Miruna, and Azdgari using strict play, and after taking four striaght showers to rinse the sweat off, I NEVER played strict play again..

It's quite asy really, just keep escape pods handy...

Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at
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