Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VII

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Our research vessels are now conducting long-range patrols of your galaxy as you requested. To support them, we would like to construct a small permanent base on Vuna in the Sirabor system.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

Hyperlattice Weaponry: 1 post
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 4 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 15 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

To: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds
From: Galactica Zoning and Colonization Bureau

Your ships have permission to set up a base in the Sirabor system. Good luck with your surveilance.

End Message

In preparation for the arrival of the Tribunal diplomats, Svass Station has been decorated and a large dinner is planned in honor of a friendship between Galactica and the Tribunal. The Tribunal Phantoms will be routed to Docking Bay SFC-3 and the Emperor will personally greet the diplomats.

At all times, elite Imperial Guard squads will be moving in corridors parallel to those of the diplomats. Though they will take great care to remain unseen, the guards will be following the Tribunal personnel at all times.

OOC: Asriel, you make the post where the diplomats arrive and start off the talks.

Neutronium Armor: 9 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 45 posts

My state bird is the finger.

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(We thank you. Our Colonisers will now begin setting up a base on Vuna.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

With the new base on Vuna, the research vessels would not have to rely on megatankers or haulers for supplies.
Two Coloniser-class ships were sent to the Milky Way to begin setting up the base.
Meanwhile, one of the research vessels headed for the Ji Nebula, to follow up a rumor of hyperspace blocking technology

Back in Eta Cassiopea, the Hyperlattice Projectors were complete, and would be added to all Skraine Warfleet vessels in a large refit project.

Hyperlattice Upgrade: 6 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 3 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 14 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

As the Confederates worked on the design for the Acheron Dreadnaught, they quickly realized that it was far too weak to be effectively used against the Prylak, especially their massive Dreadnaughts and Starfortresses.

And so, the Confederates re-designed the Acheron. It was now the Balrog-class Dreadnaughts, and it had many improvements over the old design.

It had much improved shielding and armor, as well as an astounding shield and armor regeneration for a ship of its size. It's weaponry now included a few more turrets and negative plasma emitters, as well as a powerful compliment of Hyperlattice Warheads, as well as two extra Photon Torpedo Launchers. The design was also outfitted with Plasma Web Cannons, which had been given to the Confeds by the Skraine, as well as multiple Disintigration Web Emitters, allowing the vessel to use the web multiple times without the need to recharge it.

Research time would be greatly increased due to the improvements, but it would be worth it.


(Message to Skraine)
(From Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(Some of our patrols have spotted a research vessel of yours going into the Ji Nebula, and we would like to inform you that we would prefer for your vessels to keep out of that sector. One of our bases has turned rogue after being taken-over by the Prylak, making travel in that area dangerous. If you could tell us what you want, maybe we could help you.)
(End Message)


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 16 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 34 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: 2 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Our Research Vessels are patrolling the Milky Way for various anomalies or points of interest on request of the Galactica Imperium.
We had heard rumors of powerful hyperspace jamming technology somewhere within the Ji Nebula, so a research vessel was sent to investigate.
If you do not wish us to do so, we will happily withdraw.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

Hyperlattice Upgrade: 5 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 2 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 33 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

REDchigh glances at his clock- it's nearly 29:00 in the afternoon! He quickly packs his bag and calls his body guards back. I had lost track of time.
He had woken up in a happy mood, and had a picnic in the Courtyard for Kalach (raiek evening meal). He walks toward the Gate, and glances up. The bright glare from the white dwarf is almost unbearable. He looks away, and enters his quarters, and finds an ensign there.

"Sir, the Taxin (Branch of govt devoted to history and information archives) have finally found what you were looking for."
"Great. How accurate are they?"
"All current data shows that the maps should be fairly accurate. "
"Do you want to send these maps to the our allies?"
"Hmm... no.. Let's wait.. It's our job to take out our Prylak blood... If we need more help, then we'll tell them."
"Yes..... sir...... Oh, by the way, Galactica has agreed to help us with the Shields... the plans and engineers have arrived. The time till completion has been reduced dramatically."
"Thats good to hear."

Positron Shields
ETA: 3 posts

Galactica Whatchamacallit dreadnought thing..
-1 post 🙂

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

Ten Phantoms entered Svass, and headed towards the station. They docked, and the diplomats and Moiraine stepped out of their ships, to be greeted by Galactica troopers. They were slightly surprised when they saw the diplomats step out of the permanently cloaked Phantoms, but had come to be used to these kinds of antics from the Tribunal. They were more surprised, however, when they saw the Prylak leader of the Tribunal, Moiraine, exit the lead Phantom.

Down the corridors the ten Tribunists walked, heading towards the center of the station, where apparently a grand banquet was planned. Entering the banquet hall, the diplomats gazed around the room, surprised by the amount of preparation that had gone into this. Emperor BattleDoctor, a middle-aged Voinian, was sitting in a chair, and rose to greet the diplomats, and Moiraine.

"Moiraine...I hadn't expected you to be here," the emperor greeted her.

"Well, you know, Emperor, I hadn't been out of Keld in quite a while; I just wanted to get around a little more. Don't let me distract you, however. These nine diplomats are the real reason we're here."

And with that, the banquet and talks started...


Title: Precision Bomb Fleet Refit
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Bćlrog Dreadnought
ETA: 32 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 5 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

Research on the Modulating Shield Design was nearing completion, and the Confeds were continuing to build up their naval forces. Carnotaur wasn't at all sure where or when they would strike against the Prylak, but he wanted to be ready when they did.

So far the offensive plan called for the Confederates, Tribunal, and possibly the Skraine to send a warfleet of vessels into the New Sol system. The fleet would then proceed to "The Pocket"; the only system known that would lead to the Andromeda galaxy.

From there the fleet would try and find a base of operations, and possibly get help from the Drakal, depending on how friendly or unfriendly they were. They would try and avoid an open conflict with any Prylak Starfortresses at first until more ships had arrived and enough Balrog Dreadnaughts had been built.

For building the dreadnaughts, Dreden station would come in quite useful, for it had one massive shipyard which would be perfect for building such a large vessel. The Confederates were also constructing several other large shipyards to aid in production of the Dreadnaughts, and during this another battlestation had been completed in the Barad-dur system; the Confederates wanted that system to be as impervious to enemy attacks as possible.


(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederacy)
(Yes, you are talking about the Confederate's sub-space inhibitors. Currently this technology is classified and no longer in use in any systems; the inhibitors that sealed off F-25 were destroyed. We would also prefer for you not to enter the New Sol system, for we don't exactly know what has happened to it, nor what dangers may be inside.)
(End Message)


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 15 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 31 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: 1 Post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The banquet was well under way in the luxurious main hall of Svass Station. Though Galactica was nowhere near as wealthy as it had been just over one year before, the hall was as lavishly decorated as ever, showing no sign of what had happened a year ago other than the slightly diminished amount of people sitting at the table.

There were delicacies from all corners of the galaxy set out upon the massive table. There were even some attempts to cook a few traditional Skraine and Raiek favorites, but the chefs had been inexperienced at making these, and most of the guests kindly declined when the Galactica waiters had offered them some. Much to the dismay of the few Humans present, the Galactica chefs had not even made a token effort to cook Human food.

Seated at the head of the table was the Emperor himself, BattleDoctor. Sitting next to him on his left were his advisors, including the prestigous High Admiral Fera, eating a replicated meat pie from his native Igadzra. On the Emperor's right was Moiraine, busily devouring a roast of some sort of Voinian herd animal.

When the meal was over, Emperor BattleDoctor leaned back in his chair and patted his full stomach. Then he looked over at Moiraine, who was just finishing eating her dessert: a fruit salad made from an ancient Miranu recipe. "It has been a long time since the Galactica Imperium and the Tribunal have spoken to each other in so civilized a manner." said BattleDoctor. "Allow me to express my sincerest apologies for the fiasco last time you tried to open up relations with us. Had I been awake at the time it would not have happened."

Moiraine paused for a second, doubting the truth of this statement, but soon she realized that it was not in the interests of peace to dwell on this. "Thank you, Emperor BattleDoctor. That means a lot to me."

"You are welcome. Now, on to more pressing matters. We are both well aware of the situation that we are currently faced with. It would be in both of our best interests to sign a treaty of peace between our two nations, insuring that we will fight the Prylak rather than each other. Possibly we could even work together on military actions, and have some sort of technology exchange program set up. What would the Tribunal say to that?"

Neutronium Armor: 8 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 42 posts

My state bird is the finger.

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Ah, so that is what this technology is called. We had thought it might be useful against the Prylak, to block off key systems should they invade. But if you think it is too dangerous, we will constrain our search to other areas. Would you like us to look for Hyperlattice Crystals in your own territory?
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

Hyperlattice Upgrade: 4 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 1 post
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 30 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Azdgari System
Azd Confederates
The two Empyrean supercarriers sent by Lythrawn to Azdgari arrived after a considerable journey. There, they found that the Confederate government still held, although it was cut off from the "Miran Confederates". As the Empyreans approached the three moons of Azdgari, a small Azd. Confederate fleet moved to meet it, led by an Alliance Flagship, Azdgari being the home of the design.

"This is General Tacara of the Alliance," came a communication from the leading flagship, the Lioness. In the year since the Prylak attack, the Azdgari survivors had been able to organise themselves somewhat, and their government was known as either the Azdgari Confederate, or more commonly the Alliance, as was it's original intended title (before it was turned into the Confederate Alliance by Carnotaur of the MA). "You have thirty seconds to state you allegiance -" the sentence ended as scans reported that the vessel type was Prylak.

The was cut, and the fourty or so Alliance ships opened fire on the Empyreans, moving around and trying to surround their targets.

Sol System

Galactica had for a while known about the incoming ships - scouts had just reported to Phoenix Command of them, a few hours before they arrived. They had reported that their appeared to be no immediate danger, but in case, defences were alerted.

Ten vessels entered Sol, and instantly sent out a hail.

(From the Warcruiser Aragonite of the Kayan Galactica)
(To all Galactica ships in Sol)

President Jeranor of the Kayan-Galactica survivors at your service. We are glad to see that Galactica still survives in other places also, and would be grateful if we could exchange information ASAP.

I also ask to speak with his Imperial Majesty at his convenience.

(end message)


The Prylak commander growled and sent back a hail to the Confederates. "I am Commander Heraan of the Empyrean Supercarrier Acarra. We are allied with the Confederate Alliance, which is based in the Miranu sector. We follow Admiral Lythrawn, and were sent here to see what had happened to your colony." Heraan then turned to Admiral Specter, who had come along with the two ships. He stepped up and spoke to the other ships as well.

"Alliance vessels, I am Admiral Specter of the Confederate Alliance. Cease your attacks immediately; you know that Lythrawn is allied with the Alliance, and you know that I am in a commanding position. We don't want to fight; we only want to help you."


(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederacy)
(Yes, you may look freely for the crystals in our space. You may also transport a supply of the crystals to our shipyards so that we have enough to begin construction of the Balrog Dreadnaught. May our two governments prosper together.)
(End Message)


Research on the Shield Modulation technology was finally researched, and the Confeds began outfitting it onto their entire fleet immediately. Meanwhile, research was progressing steadily on the Balrog Dreadnaught, which would give the Confederates a massive advantage against the Prylak in warship capability.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 14 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 29 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: Completed

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Deep inside Phoenix Command, at the core of Galactica's Jupiter Base, High Admiral Fith stood looking at a large holographic display of all in-system traffic. The Aragonite was highlighted in yellow. Fith turned to one of the many communication officers stationed throughout Phoenix Command and said, "Send a message to the Aragonite telling them how to work their way down to us with their Gravity Emitters."

Many minutes later, the massive hull of the Aragonite had made its descent through the various layers of Jupiter's atmosphere and had docked at a vacant port on Phoenix Command. As the airlock between the command installation and the Warcruiser opened, a group of ten Kayans walked out onto Phoenix Command. High Admiral Fith and the leader of the Kayans, President Jeranor, exchanged salutes.

"Nice place you've built here." noted Jeranor, looking around him at the station. "That Support Cruiser battlegroup you sent us a while back told us that you were building a base here."

"Indeed, Jupiter Base and its core, Phoenix Command, are very powerful installations." replied Fith. "And it is always good to hear from our southern regional capital of Kayia."

"Yes, well, not much left to govern down there. Kayia, however, is intact somehow. Whatever struck the Imperium did not affect Kayans."

"Yes, we've heard. Though communications are largely still down, we have heard some limited news of Kayia. If only we could all be so lucky. Good to have you back, though. Now, you mentioned some sort of exchange of information? What news do you have, President Jeranor?"

Neutronium Armor: 8 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 41 posts

My state bird is the finger.

As the Nemesis-class Dreadnaught is developed, more information about its systems is being clarified. Unlike conventional ships, it will have multiple passive defences. Multiple shield grids will be installed, as well as heavy layers of Neutronium Armour, and Organic Armour obtained from the Skraine. Ontop of the more conventional defences, it will have a powerful grav sheath to blunt any attacks.

Offensive weaponry is still being decided upon, but it will carry a complement of Shrike Class Attack Fighters, providing an extremely powerful long range attack force. Missle and close range weaponry is expected to be formidable, especially due to aquired technology.


Neutronium Armor: 7 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 40 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The scout fleets had reached where the edge of Raiek space had been. At finding that the Raiek had lost some of those systems, they turned back. They didn't need to see where the Raiek had recedded too. The scout fleets headed back.

Kenra sighed looking around at her city as she walked. It seemed they had already gone through all thi, the scout fleets, the bored pace of life. She smiled. Galadriel hadn't been there then. She considered Eta. They had 5 colonies there, but only 5. She shrugged again and then looked up as someone waved at her.

Sopeno came down in his pilot suit. "Hey, do you wanna go teach some of the younger pilots a few tricks." Kenra smiled. "Sure, I'm a bit bored, might as well show off to the green pilots." Sopeno grinned. "Have the scout fleets come back?" Kenra nodded. "Yes, they found that the Raiek lost a few systems too. They didn't go too far near Haorn space, but they think they lost systems too."

Sopeno looked grave. "No one could have this much power you know, except for one race." Kenra sighed. "The Prylak, I know. It explains everything, and why the other races were hit too. no one else has the power or the inclination to do that."

They walked along silently for a few minutes until they reached the spaceport. The walked down to there ships and both of them considered the two ships. "I see you've been upgrading." Kenra said, "You too, it should be interesting to see which ship performs better." Sopeno grinned. Kenra said, "See you up there."

Sopeno nodded. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "Good luck, and don't let the new pilots frustrate you. The two lifted off and called to all the new recruits in the system. Soon the ships were speeding through space practicing targetting on asteriods.

Upgrading Primaries to Radium.

ooc: This post was mostly just to tell the Sijak figured out about the Prylak, and to find my characters personality again. i lost her for a brief time.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

Moiraine neatly sidestepped the Emperor's question, saying, "Most of our resources are currently tied up in researching the Bćlrog Dreadnought. I don't know how much technology we can trade right now, but I think that signing a peace treaty would be extremely beneficial to the both of us."


With a total of nine systems controlled in Eta Cassiopea, the Assemblage thought it was time for expansion into the other two galaxies, both to see who was still alive, and to expand further the Tribunal's territory.

Two fleets, each containing a Cyclops, were sent towards the wormhole in Haru'El together. After passing into Ross 154, one of the fleets veered off towards the wormhole connecting to the Milky Way. The other fleet explored, and arrived in the system of Lando. This system appeared to have a total of five planets in it, two of which were habitable. Unfortunately, one of the two appeared to have vicious native life-forms. This would either be dealt with, or the planet would be stayed away from. The system, however, had extensive asteroid belts, which were searched for good shipyard positions. A biodome on the surface of the planet was quickly completed, and workers went in to start constructing a settlement for the colonists.


Title: Precision Bomb Fleet Refit
ETA: 1 posts

Title: Bćlrog Dreadnought
ETA: 28 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 4 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
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OOC :Darnit, my monitor just froze and lost my post!
To summarise;
Two research vessels go to look for hyperlattice crystals in the NT Asteroid Belt.
Freighter convoys will start delivering to Confed space as soon as the Baelrog enters production.
The shipyards in Artanis Kel are complete.
The Skraine begin to develop Hyperlattice Webs.

Hyperlattice Web: 8 posts
Hyperlattice Upgrade: 3 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 28 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Confederacy was now beginning work on researching Trans-Phasic Weaponry for primary weapons such as turrets and cannons. The Raven already had Trans-Phasic turrets, but the rest of the Confed navy did not. So, the Confeds immediately began research on the prototype technology. It would take a while, but it would be worth the wait.

Meanwhile, the Confeds were continuing military exercises and extensive training for their navy, which was small but powerful. Carnotaur wanted to be fully prepared when they began their offensive against the Prylak.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 14 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 29 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 25 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Title: Precision Bomb Fleet Refit


Asriel had a brilliant idea for a missile, the StarLance. A flak-style weapon, it would be a fast, small missile that, when it hit a ship, would send out many other warheads into the midst of an enemy fleet. It would be very effective against fleets of fighters, and would probably be put on the upcoming Specter assault fighter.

Construction of many asteroid shipyards continued in the New Dimire, Lalande, Lalande Beta, and EC-209 systems. In Lando, in Ross 154, the settlement was nearing completion; however, there were no asteroids suitable for shipyards. In the Milky Way, the fleet headed for their old capital system of Raigar, only to find it saturated with radiation from the Prylak attack.

They headed south, and entered the system of Barad-dűr. Viewing the immense battlestation, the fleet commander shuddered at how much resources this must have taken. Wondering who this station belonged to, the commander hailed the gargantuan station.

(To Barad-dűr)
(From Fool's Gold, Tribunal colonization Cyclops)

Hail, Barad-dűr. We, the Tribunal, wish to re-expand back into the Milky Way. We encountered this massive station, and yet, have no idea who it belongs to. Who are you, that built this incredible station? And, do you know of any colonizable systems here? Our old system, Raigar, seems to be completely irradiated. We await your response.



Title: Bćlrog Dreadnought
ETA: 25 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 3 posts

Title: StarLance Missile
ETA: 10 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
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Scorcher entered the command deck and growled. "Why didn't we detect those Tribunal vessels?"

"Our sensors were down, sir," one commander said. "They were being repaired and upgraded."

Scorcher shrugged. "Open a comlink to the Tribunal."

"Channel open, sir."

"Tribunal vessels, I am Admiral Scorcher of the Confederate Alliance. This battlestation was built by the Confeds to serve as a heavily fortified command post. On the colonization issue, I'm sorry, but at the moment who know of no habitable planets in this sector which haven't been irradiated. I can't say much more than that, especially with the fact that the Confederacy may be a little reluctant to give over some of their former holdings in this galaxy. However, you could try setting up a colony station, or temporary staying in one of our colonies."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).