Takeover the renegades???yourself

Is it possible to take over renegade systems by urself? I jus was underin cuz I'm tryin right now(takin over north tip station 😄 )

I always wondered how to use the signature...

Anyone can take over the renegades if their good enough. If you have the skills, you can takeover all the systems in the Galaxy.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men...
They do it right the first time.


Originally posted by MMMM need a name:
**Is it possible to take over renegade systems by urself? I jus was underin cuz I'm tryin right now(takin over north tip station:D )


There's actually two ways of "taking over" a system,
1. Dominating the planets: Anyone with enough combat rating and a good enough ship can do this, hail the planet and press "Demand tribute", then kill the planets defense fleet,and hail the planet again and demand tribute.

2. Making it switch government (doing a mission wich ends in the system changes government. In reality it just turns invisible and a another system appears.) This can't be done unless there's a specific mission for this purpose.


God does not play dice. -Albert Einstein
(url="http://"http://www.telixen.n3.net/konst.html")Images by kidde(/url)


Originally posted by MMMM need a name:
**Is it possible to take over renegade systems by urself? I jus was underin cuz I'm tryin right now(takin over north tip station:D )


You can take over renegade planets, it just takes a while because of the sheer number of ships they have in the defense fleet. My tactic for dealing with them is to have my escorts holding position over the planet and have my ship in a corner of a system. I demand tribute and let my escorts rip them apart. The few fighters that do reach me are quickly torn apart of phase fire.

Good luck.

-- Greg Anderson
-- Member of Green Eye's Storyline Developement Team
-- AIM Screenname: DrowninInReality
-- E-Mail: foodvelocity@mac.com

The shear numbers are a little tough, I didn't have enough time to take north tip but I'm finishing my strandless campaign(i'm nearly done)

Thankyou all 🙂

I always wondered how to use the signature...


Originally posted by Rima:
**Anyone can take over the renegades if their good enough. If you have the skills, you can takeover all the systems in the Galaxy.

In my experience, it's not skills you need. It's a week off school, extreme patience, and some drugs to keep you awake. <grins>



Taking over renegade systems takes about and hour or so of non-stop combat. I did this once, I won but didn't continue taking over other renegade systems. Instead I took over all of the UE exept Earth. This became very boring and so I started a new game.

ZidAz: Zidagar + Azdgari = ZidAz. or something thereof...

Conquering worlds is quite boring, and there's really no point. If you want credits so bad, simple raid pirate ships! If you're looking for fun, why not download some TC plug-ins and take it to a whole new universe?


Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at Blackhawk86@hotmail.com
AIM: StrikerDragon

I agree regarding the comment of dominating planets being a waste of time (I once conquered the entire EV universe, but it just wasn't worth the rediculous hours that went into it ;)).

But as far as Override is concerned, taking systems of the crescent can be quite easy. The Voinian cruiser will put to dust the phase-armed warships and fighters, since they are pretty much worthless against thick armor. Deck up your cruiser with six phase turrets, extra layers of dospect / bronev, and the aliens of the north will regard their enemy as a cheater. 😉

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(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")An EV Webstory(/url) - Coming soon to the EV forum.

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**I agree regarding the comment of dominating planets being a waste of time (I once conquered the entire EV universe, but it just wasn't worth the rediculous hours that went into it:)

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url)** your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**It would have been a lot more worth it if the bounty hunter wasn't sent after you no matter what. I'm sorry, but if I dominate a pirate planet, I don't see why a bounty hunter would try to kill me. Try to buy me a drink, yes, but not to try to kill me. I also thought that, eventually, they'd stop sending Kestrels when each and every one dies.:)


<laughs> I'm surprised you have the patience to kill them anymore. What I find funny is in EVO, when you dominate a Voinian system, and all of a sudden you're being chased by Crescent Warships. That would be a shock to UE players who have made themselves a reputation, and yet not seen the Crescent yet. ; )




Originally posted by EVula:
**It would have been a lot more worth it if the bounty hunter wasn't sent after you no matter what. I'm sorry, but if I dominate a pirate planet, I don't see why a bounty hunter would try to kill me. Try to buy me a drink, yes, but not to try to kill me. I also thought that, eventually, they'd stop sending Kestrels when each and every one dies.:)


Heh, tell me about it... Those bounty hunters are twice as annoying in Override then they are in EV. They are much more frequent as well.

/Me thinks of going into ResEdit and decreasing chances of bounty hunter confrontations.

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...to them which love God, all things work together for good... Romans 8:28

Well, they do eventually stop coming, but only after you are known as one of the greatest bounty hunter slayers in the universe. 😄


Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at Blackhawk86@hotmail.com
AIM: StrikerDragon