The coucil and it's mysteries

okay can anyone tell me more about the council, I just want to know what they are and maybe a litlle more of their history. Also cany anyone tell me how to do Igazdra missions or Voinian ones. Also, how do you complete the slave revolution missions against the voinians ( it's after you free the station for emalpha).



Originally posted by Lavos Bloody Lavos:
**okay can anyone tell me more about the council, I just want to know what they are and maybe a litlle more of their history. Also cany anyone tell me how to do Igazdra missions or Voinian ones. Also, how do you complete the slave revolution missions against the voinians ( it's after you free the station for emalpha).

The Council in Gadzair is supposedly the ones who started the strand war. They created the strands. A little fact

Gadzair has all the letters in every strand race


There really is no other information you can get. Although read the last page in "Wave of Destruction for a great fantasy story about the Council by Captain Carnotaur.

To get the Igazdra missions you need to fo to Kiktrak home of the river eels. For the Voinians, don't do any missions for the UE military and than go to Pax Station

To pick up the Hinwar missions you need to drop him off and take him around the 2 planets so he can talk. When he stays at one of the planets go to Yandros and pick up D'erlons Marines and procede from there

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There's nothing definate. I have interpreted the hints to mean that the Gadziar were once a warring race on the planet Gadziar, below Council Station. I get the sense that the "strands" are very closely related, even to the extent that the various "races" of humans are. The Council, for some reason, likes war between the three.

These are my thoughts, though, and not really fact.

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All I know is that the council doesn't like other races participating in the strand war and also the fact that they forced the Azdgari to block off the area past the crescent rim. They seem to have an unusual amount of controll over the strands...
The rest is just plug-in stories.

The Escape Velocity series games are the best of their class.
Coldstone rocks!

There have been many explanations for the existence of the Council, which include the Wave of Destruction one, found (url="http://"")here(/url) and the one found on the old Steel Bar, which is:



Oh, Council station is just a hospital for the strand's criminally insane. All the biggest perverts are also sent there, for sex is different altogether in the Crescent, and although sex isn't brandished, the Zidigar need their entertainment. Why else would they be so melodramatic? IT's too much 42 hr. news. The Igadzra are paranoid from too many suspense thrillers, and the Adzgari are hyperactive because of all the cartoons they watch, but most of all, the wars are because the strands want to kill off the insane people, but even though they are insane, the extra adrenalin does wonders for piloting ability and anger in warfare.


My own theory goes:



The Council are in fact rebels from beyond the Crescent who were cast out for creating sentient races with to serve them (as the Gadzair, as the main government was known, enjoyed creating a dozen or so races in close proximity to each other and watching them stew, but never interfered. This is how Earth, Mira, Voinia, Emalghion, Kayia, and all the Voinian slave races were formed).
Anyway the Fallen Gadzair escaped through a jumpgate into our sector of the Milky Way, and set up a base in the system they named Gadzair.
The High Gadzair saw that once again they were creating races to serve them (the Kel of Kelmaon and Groo of Grooz, among others), and sent a warship to punish them.
This is what caused the signs of battle on Gadzair itself. Still the Fallen Gadzair managed to fight off the High Gadzair warship, and constructed Crescent Station in the Kade system to block the jumpgate.
The three leaders of the Council- Oiseau, Isouae and Uaesio- each formed variants on their own genetic codes, and thus the Zidagar, Azdgari and Izadgra were born.
The Council manipulated the Strands into war, and are watching the ever- escalating arms race (evidenced by the Plasma Siphon, Igadzra Beams and Enhanced Azdaras), waiting for their technology to grow high enough to challenge the High Gadzair.
When that happens, the Council will take control of the Strands, destroy Crescent Station, and lead their forces in a great crusade against the High Gadzair
(phew.That was longer than I thought it would be).


Most theories agree that something dangerous or important is hidden behind Crescent Station.

That help? I'd love to hear your own theory, if you have one.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Starkiller:
I get the sense that the "strands" are very closely related, even to the extent that the various "races" of humans are.

The 'Override Civilizations' chapter of the official documentation quite clearly states that the people of the Crescent are a single race:


From the EV Override Documentation:
This area of space is inhabited by an alien race whose name has been lost with time, if it ever had one. It is split into several factions: the three Strands (Azdgari, Zidagar, and Igadzra), and the Strandless.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity

Well, I always assumed that they're just a high Council from all the Strands, trying to work things out... I never played Override all that much, though.

(This message has been edited by Defiant (edited 01-25-2002).)

It has been a while since I looked closely at the relationships between the strands,
strandless, and council station, but here are 2 theories based on the facts from the
documentatin that states the strands and strandless are all the same race:

Theory 1: In years past the strands and strandless were all unified. Something
occured which splintered the "empire" and 5 factions emerged: The 3 strands which
revolted and are attempting to gain control of the whole empire by dominating the
other strands, a faction called "strandless" which are systems that have declared
complete autonomy from the old empire and those that wish to reunify it under their
own rule, and a 5th faction which is made up of the "old rulers." This last faction
is the Council. The strands believe that the council is weak and not a threat anymore(as
they only have 1 planet in 1 system! What threat could they hold over anyone?). So
they are not hostile to the Council, and in fact listen to their wisdom(heck, these
guys ruled the empire and thus must have accumulated some wisdom.). The council on
the other hand wants the empire back. But being that they are in control of only 1
planet they just don't have the resources nor the muscle. Add in that the strands all
revolted against them, they would sooner the empire die completely than ally themselves
with any of the "renegades." So they devised a plan. The strands were already at
war with one another to reunify the empire. So the council encourages this, and
discourages any sort of peace. The council has each strands complete confidence, and
it sells this confidence to each of the other strands. Thus the council profits from
the war, is able to keep each side balanced and weakened, and bides its time to when
it has enough resources to fell all 3 strands and bring them to heel and rule the
empire again.

Theory 2: Similar setup but different turn of events. There was an empire and all
the strands and strandless were one. The empire collapsed through some event(be it
economic collapse, or pirates, or some cosmic event) and all the systems in the empire
became independant. Shortly after the collapse three entrepreneurs figured they
could profit by the current situation and begin forming their own empires from the
systems around them. Thus were born the current 3 strands. They strengthened their
home planets and then went conquering the systems around them. Some systems, still
remembering life under the empire and the hardships that its collapse caused, did
not wish to become dominated by any of the 3 new "strands." In an effort to allow
the "strandless" planets to continue being independant they held a council and created
a space station called "Council Station." This council made contact with the 3 strands
and gave each advice and information about the other strands. Thus it grew in confidence
and trust with each so that each strand relied upon the council. This was the Strandless
planets plan. With the council in the strand's trust, they could manipulate the
strands so that they remained locked in a stalemated war. With the strands locked
this way they had no time to expand their empires and conquer the strandless planets.
Thus the Council is ruled (or at least was) by the strandless in an effort to keep
them safe from the strands who are fighting a war for supremacy.

Sorry for the length. I hope those playing at home enjoyed my theories.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

the definitive source on the council mystery:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,
shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the people.

Face it, its just put in there so we can all dream and theorize about it while the writers laugh at us.

Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral, which have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common wood screws, can make a child look like a deer.
(url="http://"") The Website of Bruce (/url)
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It's so we can have fun and try to think of what the heck it means.

And this topic actually drew my attention for the reason of Lavos, who happened to be one of my fictional tormentors over the years. šŸ˜›



And where are Andrew Welch, Matt Burch, and all those other dudes involved in Escape Velocity in this situation??? No one can know...

My opinion is, it's in there to be a mystery, something to think about, perhaps to encourage plugin making. There are countless stories with mysteries that we can only think about. Our own Earth has such mysteries. The writers of the story of Override put it in for effect, to show us that the galaxy of EVO has a rich history besides that of humans. It's quite effective, really, and EVO storytellers and plugin makers will always speculate over what "really" happened, that is until they lose interest or until Ambrosia finally tells us what they had in mind for what happened.

If at first you don't succeed, deny you ever tried.

(This message has been edited by Shenlon (edited 01-28-2002).)


Originally posted by Shenlon:
**It's quite effective, really, and EVO storytellers and plugin makers will always speculate over what "really" happened, that is until they lose interest or until Ambrosia finally tells us what they had in mind for what happened.


They will lose interest very soon, very Nova soon.
(except for the ones who won't play Nova when it comes out šŸ˜› )

The Escape Velocity series games are the best of their class.
Coldstone rocks!

I have my own theory about the Council, but I'll keep it to myself since I may yet use it for a plug-in--a good one.


"Wherever I have been, I am back."


Hey, I gave you my idea, which I am using for a plug, so share!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Some interesting theories here. Personally, I don't think there IS a true meaning to the Council. It's a waste of time to make an official version, since it will never be told. Maybe Stephen Cartwright has his own idea, but I doubt it's completely thought out, and written up.

My own idea...varies.

However, several things are almost obvious, and most people would agree with.
Ā• There is something significant 'Beyond the Crescent', and the Council wanted this sealed off.
Ā• The Council have the power to command the Strands. (such as the construction of Crescent Station, and their mere continued existance in the middle of the triad war).
Ā• The Strands greatly respect the Council (they won't even pass into Gadzair, which is likely their homeworld).
Ā• The Council are tied to the Strands (they get angry when you attack them).
Ā• Someone destroyed the colonies on Gadzair.

So it appears Gadzair was destroyed - probably by a race 'Beyond the Crescent'. Council Station is definately tied in with Gadzair, as it is in orbit of it.

Also, it seems apparent, to me, at least, that the Strands are estranged territories of the Gadzair. Now, if the three sections were cut, and a Gadzair ruler taken away, why might they fight? For power, for control of Gadzair, or over a religious dispute. If power or control of Gadzair is the case, they would attack this Council, wouldn't they?

But they don't. In fact, it seems they supply the Council with resources, ships, etc. Either that, or the Council includes the old Gadzair fleet.

So maybe, just maybe, the Council are Gods; at least to the Strands. Maybe they are fighting against each other to be the most loyal subject, and the Strandless are atheists.




Originally posted by SilverDragon:
So it appears Gadzair was destroyed - probably by a race 'Beyond the Crescent'. Council Station is definately tied in with Gadzair, as it is in orbit of it.

A race beyond the Crescent, or a valuable resource, one that began the conflict between the Strands of the Gadzair race in the first place?

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 01-29-2002).)

Council station is where the creators of EVO live. They told the Azdgari to block off the hyper route out of the crescent off to make an easy place to start one's plugins.


Originally posted by Theory:
Council station is where the creators of EVO live. They told the Azdgari to block off the hyper route out of the crescent off to make an easy place to start one's plugins.

If that was true, the government would be Ambrosia and not council.

The Escape Velocity series games are the best of their class.
Coldstone rocks!

But if they called it Ambrosia, it would be too obvious, and this is supposed to be secretive and mysterious.

In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded
as a bad move.