Need Help!

I'm having real problems. I get a spaceport bar mission and complete the mission but when I go back to the planet where I originally got the mission, nothing happens. I can't complete any of the missions. Please help me if you know what is causing my missions not to be accomplished.

Welcome to the boards opie :).

If you could be a little more specific (maybe name a few of the missions you're having the problem with) then we might be able to help you out a little more.

"You will find that your device is highly non-functional...." - Bad Guy

Come visit the (url="http://"")Nova6 Webboards(/url).

You don't always get missions from the same place... look around elsewhere.

"The French model seems to show that, ultimately, someone will do my work FOR me."
(url="http://"")EV/O/N Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")

Apart from incredibly rare bugs in the software, it is very important to not use conflicting plugins, as number one, and as number two, to make sure that you are going to exactly the right planet. Read the mission text very carefully.



I have had a similar problem on rare occasions. If you are certain you are returning to the correct place, and have done everything required, then sometimes you may have to abort the mission and give it a second try. This has worked for me. I am assuming however that you are playing EVO without plugs or any conversions like Frozen Heart. Never abort missions in FH, but rather if they don't seem to want to finish, try to find other plot-related missions in the meantime, and things will work themselves out. The only other thing I can think of, since you didn't describe what kind of mission you received, is that if it was a mission to destroy a fleet of ships of some variety, if one gets away, it may mean the mission is not completed yet. For missions of this sort, your map should point a red arrow at the system where the fleet is to be found, and when the fleet has been wiped out, the arrow will change to point to the system you are supposed to return to.

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.

I don't have any plugins on at this time. I am doing missions such as fighting renegades in the Troub system and then meet up with the Huron commander back on Troub. I destroyed all the reneageds and land on Troub nothing happens. Another mission was i had to fight a Draughnot (or however you spell it) in the Vorick (again however you spell it) system. I've destroyed it about 6 to nine times now returning back to the system i am supposed to. I don't think my problem is a simple thing, I've been playing EV for a while and know how to play, but kinda new to EVO (been playin about a month off and on). Thanks to all



Originally posted by opie:
I don't have any plugins on at this time. I am doing missions such as fighting renegades in the Troub system and then meet up with the Huron commander back on Troub. I destroyed all the reneageds and land on Troub nothing happens.

If I recall correctly, this is one of those missions where you must destroy every last ship. If any of them happened to escape (jump out) without your noticing, the mission will not complete.

(url="http://"") beware the cones
(url="http://";=Just+Games&number;=60")Just Games(/url), because wasting time is a beautiful thing

A lot of times, hitting "I" on the main (game) screen will reveal useful information about your current mission. (Sometimes, it even tells you where you're supposed to go.) 🙂 If memory serves, hitting "M" with a mission highlighted will bring up the map, but with a green arrow indicating where you're supposed to be. If all else fails, abort the mission and start over again.

"In times of stress, be bold and valiant". -Horace

The dreadnought is giving you troubles, eh? I don't think I had any when I cleaned it out. Well, just blow the thing up (many board it - which shouldn't cause problems), return to the exact planet it tells you to in your mission info box, try hitting the bar (this shouldn't help, but you might pick up something - maybe), try returning to where you picked it up, I don't know. I guess maybe you should try destroying everything in the system. Your problem does seem a bit strange.

"You will find that your device is highly non-functional...." - Bad Guy

Come visit the (url="http://"")Nova6 Webboards(/url).

I made sure that i destroyed everything in troub and still having problems. I landed at Troub nothing. I get off the planet and there are no renegades. I land a couple more times and then all of a sudden they are all back. Does anyone have a clue?



Originally posted by opie:
**I made sure that i destroyed everything in troub and still having problems. I landed at Troub nothing. I get off the planet and there are no renegades. I land a couple more times and then all of a sudden they are all back. Does anyone have a clue?


Maybe there is a bug in your versoin just back up the pilot file and Re-install a new copy of EVO , that might fix it 🙂

Why are man hole Covers round?

After trying once again and again, i landed on troub for a second time after destroying all renegades and all of a sudden it worked. I have no idea what was wrong. I want to thank everyone who tried to help.
