Reign of Chaos 3 - Gap

Sijak Gap Post
Tears still made rivers all across Sija space, in both galaxies, but even in their grief they began to rebuild. Only one planet had been rendered uninhabitable, but many of the others had damage, or over 50% of the cities were ghost towns. Sija was ordered the quickest of all. Finally, it was Daminel; young, quiet, and responsible friend of Kenra, and high up in the chain of command, who took temporary control of the Ross side of the Sijak.

The first light of hope came when Sija II contacted the Sija homeworld. And it was just a small step from there to contact one of their few remaining fleets. Soon they reached out to Sennari II, then Sennari III, and finally Mar Sara. When the four planets finally contacted each other fully, there grieving was no longer in the silence of there minds, but instead they despaired openly over the loss of the other planet.

Soon they gathered up all of the remaining fleets and dispersed them across the 4 systems. There were not many at all, but it would have to do. Soon, as they regained there buildings, they made contact with the Sijak in Eta. They to grieved for the lost members of their race, and especially for those who had been on Qo’Ross. Not a family was untouched, in either galaxy. Either a person from their family had been killed on the planet, or had been on one of the planets that had disappeared.

Slowly they began to rebuild, and then, as the ship yards were rebuilt, and the first few ships were produced in Sija, the ship builders came up with a grand new idea, and for many weeks, they held conferences, as those who had been building ships waited anxiously. Finally, they came out, and revealed a plan, specialized to only the best of many sections of the government.

It was a fighter, an amazing fighter, which would hold all the hopes of the Sijak inside its hull. Kenra watched on, even though it was only through brief and fuzzy messages, and she watched the progress of Galadriel, as it was named, with sparkling eyes. In space, Portals were built in every system, in Eta Cassiopeia and in Ross 154.

In Eta, with the help of the Skraine, the Sijak began to flourish. Soon they stood back on their feet, and the conferences soon became message conferences, as great minds from both galaxies ‘met’ together and planned out the fighter, making modifications on the way. Kenra, when she was not at conferences, or advising what to do about new situations, was out training those who piloted Ghosts in Eta Cassiopeia.

Even as Galadriel was built, the normal workers slowly built ships. The Portals were set up in every system, and supplies began to ship between the planets in no time at all. The planets flourished, and Galadriel would soon be done. Neutrino Rockets had been upgraded into Radium rockets, and the ship had Neutrino Cannons, Turrets, Shock Missiles, and the best thing about the fantastic ship was the Ghost Rack, holding 2 Ghosts.

The Portals activated, but of course they couldn’t go between galaxies. Ships were built, and though their fleets were far from what they had been, they were getting better. And then Galadriel was done. At least twice as fast as the Avatar, with phenomenal shield recharge, the fighter was beautiful ship to look at.

And as it swooped through the sky, all the hearts of the Sijak lay with it. Hope had been reborn in the form of the little fighter. They did not know who there unseen enemy was, but they would find out. Kenra saw a recorded message of the fighter and her heart soared along with it. Now she deeply wished that the Portals were not sealed by the Watcher, for if they were not, she would go and fly Galadriel herself.

And so the Sijak had built there ship of hope, and had begun to make a comeback. The fighter rose everyone’s hopes for the future, and the Sijak had regained their confidence. Still, they could not help wonder what was happening all around them, to the other galaxies, the other. Was their unseen enemy waiting for them, just waiting for them to make a move?

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

The Fall of the Terrans

Casene sighed. “I don’t know how you could seek to hurt me so, my child...” She turned abruptly to the soldier who had accompanied him in. It was at this point that Esponer realised the main bridge was completely empty, and that he had seen no-one else in his way there. “Is the evacuation complete?”

The soldier nodded. “Everyone’s out,” he confirmed. “I’ve sent word to Lythrawn, requesting that he rescue the escape pods after this is done.”

“Good,” Casene replied, and she turned to Esponer. “You would be with them, were it not for this. You could have lived! But for your mad rush to die. Do you not understand? Your life is not your own. It belongs to all who care about you.”

Esponer was silent for a few minutes. “You’re going to ram the Starfortress?” Casene nodded silently. “If my life is not my own...” he murmured. “...yours is not yours. How could you be in such a rush to die, mother? Do you seek to hurt me

“Esponer...” Casene’s eyes were wet. “I’m sorry. I understand...” The soldier coughed, and disappeared to leave the two alone. Realising this, Casene stopped restraining herself, and hugged her son tightly, something she rarely did. “Mother and son, we die together. I have to admit...I’m not afraid that way. Sylar!”

The soldier appeared again at her call, his face creased with worry, and sad that he had no family left to wish him goodbye or be by his side. “Yes, my good Lady?” Sylar asked, his voice low.

“Leave here. Take the last escape pod. Now!” Casene commanded him. Sylar looked her in the eye for what seemed a long while, his arguments spewing forth in mind, not in sound, and being met by Casene’s reason, in her eyes. Sylar nodded, after a long while. He stepped forward, and offered his hand. Casene took it.

“I will go, my Lady, be it against my best judgement. Goodbye,” he bowed, and left the main bridge. Casene looked after him for some time, before slowly turning to Esponer, who was still staring at the door where he had left.

“He will die on this ship, mother,” Esponer muttered quietly.

“I know,” Casene replied. “There’s nothing we can do about that. There’s nothing we can do about anything anymore.”


The Alpha Omega began blasting away at the Equinox, a ship in it’s last breath of life. Almost all systems down, the Equinox pushed forward through the fire, no longer capable of firing itself. Emperor Tsagnk must have realised what was happening, as the Alpha Omega quickly tried to pull back. However, the Starfortress was so large, that pulling back in time was purely impossible.

Posted Image
The Equinox smashes into the Starfortress, the Alpha Omega’s shield matrix tearing through the vessel before flickering and collapsing. The two vessels collided violently, and the massive explosion which followed tore down every sensor in the system, and obscured all sight.

One explosion followed another, and it wasn’t for several minutes until they died down. The Equinox was gone, reduced to mere stardust. And the Starfortress remained. It’s front section was torn off, as was part of it’s right side.

Then, after a few seconds, a violent explosion occured, following by another, and then countless more. Section after section collapsed, each one triggering another to collapse. Anti-matter and quantum reactors within the vessel created energy outbursts which covered the system. Ironically, from Terra it was like a titanic firework display, which went on for ten minutes before finally, one final explosion of red and blue and white occured, after which, nothing remained of the most powerful warship ever built.

Thus ended The Battle of New Sol, later known as the Terra Battle.

_Laments were composed for Casene and Esponer, both killed defending humanity, and indeed the entire Milky Way, from certain demise.

When the last dreadnought finally broke out of stasis, aided by the cataclysmic destruction of Alpha Omega, it was disabled and captured by Lythrawn.

Lythrawn then helped rescue all of the Terrans surviving in the New Space, and they were brought to Terra. There, in Kristion Plateau, Lythrawn and Blade met, and in thanks, Blade had the battlecruisers captured in their first battle with the Prylak, and the battlecruiser that had been disabled in The Pocket repaired as new. He also used specifications for the Empyrean Supercarrier found in the captured dreadnought to produce four Empyreans, all upgraded with Terran technology.

After four months, they were completed, and Lythrawn left New Sol, with a new fleet behind him, asked by Blade to protect the free races from the Prylak.

Shortly afterwards, the Terrans faded away, and were never seen again by any race of Ross 154 or the Milky Way._


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 01-19-2002).)

The Last of the Senn
On the small planet of Senn, a smooth surfaced, strangely plain planet, the Watcher stood. Nearly a year had past, and he had finally come to his decision.

He was surrounded by psionic amplifiers and emitters, all coloured black. Beyond those, there was nothing. Smooth crystaline plains caught the light, and there was nothing to be seen in all directions. The ground was level all the way to the horizon.

Here, the Watcher could be said to live, needing nothing more than his own mind and the energy emitted from the star Senn to live. After travelling in an Instigator around the nearby galaxies, he had returned to meditate. The decision had come surprisingly easily.

The races of Eta Cassiopea would be let free. They held a right as sentient organisms to their freedom, and the Watcher could not pen them in, prisoners to his will, and maintain a clear conscience. It would deny the basic rights of sentient life.

However, he would take no part in the war between the Prylak and the free peoples that would no doubt pursue. He would make no more changes to history than need be. The temporal issues raised by the Tarquil had finally been put aside, and now his purpose had been fulfilled. Life would continue, and it was not his place to meddle in them.

And yet, he was filled with doubts. The sentient life known as the Skraine appeared to worshipped him as the God that his race had once been thought to be. He felt a responsibility to them, and he well knew that the power of the Prylak may destroy them. For the first time in aeons, a Senn felt emotions.

It was thus that the Watcher had to come to another decision. He would free Eta Cassiopea, and he would not destroy the Prylak, but would he give the Skraine some token of protection? There was little not in his power. He could create a barrier that would repel all Prylak trying to enter Eta Cassiopea, if he so wished, or even deny violence for all within this galaxy. Both, however, were perhaps too drastic.

He finally came to his third and final decision. The Skraine would have one token to protect them, but it would be only to protect them, and would not work otherwise. It would also be only the Skraines’. He was angered that he felt such compassion to them, and angered further for feeling angered over that. He was a fool, to let emotions rule him.

His decision, however, remained.

My friends , came the Watcher’s voice, into the minds of every Skraine. With deep regret, I must inform you that I am leaving you all. The purpose of my staying has been fulfilled; a temporal disturbance created long ago has finally been repaired. And thus I depart, for I have long been alone, and it is time I met with my brothers in the plane of thought.

Your galaxy is once more free. I would not hold you against your will. However, I cannot protect you from the Prylak any longer. Upon my leaving, Prylak will be able to enter Eta Cassiopea.

**Fear not, my friends, for I would not leave you without a token with which to protect yourselves. Have faith, and there shall be nothing that can harm you.


As the voice faded away, the Watcher faded away also, as he transcended to another plane. As he disappeared, so too did the planet Senn, and then the star itself. All three suddenly began spewing blindingly bright white light. In all corners of Eta Cassiopea could the star of Senn be seen, growing brighter and brighter, until none could watch it. When the light died down, the star was gone.

The last of the Senn had left.


It was almost a week later, in which time the Skraine had been pondering and in some places mourning the Watcher’s disappearance, when the Watcher’s “token” arrived. An ethereal, almost ghostly, vessel appeared in close orbit of the Skraine’s home planet. It slowly began to materialise, until it was not just an image, but an actual vessel, half a mile long and slender. A short psychic speech followed it, but it was obviously an echo; the Watcher had already left. The voice sounded much more distant.

Name it as you will, this is the token that I spoke of. Never shall this vessel be destroyed, unless all faith is lost. For this vessel is hope incarnate, a psychic structure forged from my powers, and your hearts. Should you ever see it fall, it shall appear again here, those who pilot it still alive and well. Farewell.

The vessel was indeed material. It appeared to be armed with some form of psionic emitter, and was both swift and durable.


OOC:I posted this in the wrong place last time, now im posting it here.
As the year passed, the Hinwar went nearly out of contact with the other races. If a ship ventured into Hinwar space, it was politley asked to state what it was doing and unless it was delivering cargo, it was politley asked to leave. The Hinwar coloised the planets of Adornik VI, EC-219, EC-214 along with the original system, EC-218. The completion of the Hinoran fighter was a success. It was equiped with two Lightning cannons and one E. Neutron Cannon (which was very rarly used because it was so... not powerful). Another ship that looked a bit like the fighter just much larger and bulkier had been developed, the Hinoran Frieghter. It was equiped with 2 Lightning turrets, 3 E. Neutron turrets, 1 turreted Neutron Rocket Launcher, and 10 Turreted Neutron Rockets. The population of all Hinwar had moved to about 750. The Hinwar fleet was made up of 20 Hinoran Fighters and 4 Hinoran Frieghters.

Grundy was horrified at these Prylak... things. The Voinians would have been considered nice, peaceful creatures next to the Prylak. There was one simple solution. Kill them. There would be a ship... a ship that would never be destroyed. It would be called the Defience. Grundy knew that he would need help with this...
Message to all Eta Cassiopea races
No encryption
"Fellow races, the Prylak have returned. The Hinwar have never seen them but hearing about thier deeds is enough. The Hinwar are making a starship that will be all powerful. If any race wants to help, please come to the planet of New Liadon and speak with me. You have (1 post) to contact me about ship design, (3 posts) to contact me about weapon placement, and (5 post) to contact me about armor."
End message

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 01-21-2002).)

OOC: Grundy, your "ship counts" is first of all insane considering what you started out with, and secondly, you don't have the population to man so many ships, with 100% pilots! 20 fighters, 4 freighters, and trust me, I'm being generous.


OOC:Espy, I've been trying to AIM you for some time now re the powers of my new thingy.
Also, can anyone help me think of a name?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Avatar would be a good name for it. Appropriate, too.

My state bird is the finger.

OOC:OMG! Thanks BD! Now why didn't I think of that?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Avatar is an excellent name. In fact, it's so excellent it's already used (a Sijak ship type).

Redchigh, we're waiting for you. I'm afraid I'm not going to write the Gap post for you.


How about the big bad-ass-unstoppabable-fear-instilling-awe-inspiring thingy?
Or, you could use the Tyranny, Maelstrom, Black Death, or, my favorite, Mjolner.


Espona, good names, but all kinda evil -sounding or from Human myth.
I've decided to call it the Defender of Hope , or simply the Defender for short.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Espona: It's spelt "Mjollnir", and I don't know if you've been paying attention, but that's also been used in RoC3. 🙂 Thor's ship.


All races wanted their own revenge, but none felt more hatred toward the Prylak than their own flesh and blood... The Raiek. The Prylak had shown no difference in their mass murder, showing no favorites, no mercy to anyone, not even their own relatives.

It had been nearly a month since the devastating Prylak attack.

The research and work had just recently gotten restarted, except now it was fueled by something more... With the planets devastated, the slaves had rebelled all over Raiek space, causing more chaos than even the One could have predicted.

Once a mere rumor, the word of the One was once banned from being said...
now, it was suddenly spoken with new hope..
The One was the Raiek's only hope.
The One allowed the prylak attack, yet gave the Raiek the strength to fight again. The One protected most of the Raiek during the massive slave revolts.
The One was all-seeing, all-powerful.
The One was the key to eternal life.
The One was.. the Raiek's Protector.

The Raiek and their former slaves were one now...
The Raiek War Machine was fueled by something more now...
Hatred for the Prylak..
Searching for the One...
A Closeness swept through the Raiek.

Messages were sent to all known races, asking for peace, and offering them information of Prylak weapons and ship classes.

The Raiek were maniacal when they picked up a powerful Prylak fleet in their Galaxy, but somehow, the fleets were destroyed... The Raiek were sure that this was the work of the One.

REDchigh finally awoke after a night of heavy drinking... his head was killing him.. The pain surged with every beat of his four hearts... an Ensign came in, with word that the Slaves and Raiek have been getting along as of late, with only minor conflicts, which were quickly silenced. REDchigh brushed the Ensign off, and fell back asleep.

After the second Prylak invasion of the Ross 154 Galaxy, work was begun on a new ship. All shipyards were given a job of working on the new ship, and the Technological bases were split between the shielding issues and power core.. Positron technology was recently completed, and this was being implemented into the power core of the new ship. The ship would have hundreds of turrets, with increased Javelin accuracy, thanks to Galactica assistance. Even the thoron beams were enhanced for this ship, and with the power core, were made much more acute, at some loss of range.

Word arrived that the other races were beginning new projects, and the Raiek workers smiled while they worked alongside their former enemies peacefully.

After nearly 9 months of steady work, the Pheonix was completed. The Pheonix was essentially a scaled up Lazerus, about six times larger, except much more powerful, since the fighter bay space was replaced with weopons and shields. Shortly after the triel run, the Pheonix was on patrol when a nearby Raiek wormhole opened, except, to the crew on the Pheonix , time itself seemed to slow.

REDchigh was in the Captains seat, and word was recieved of an approaching fighter squadron via a wormhole. Seconds after the message, the power core on the Pheonix began to overheat, approaching critical, with occasional positrons from the core exploding violently. It was contained, and no one knew why the core was overreacting.. it was completely safe before. Cooling systems caught fire, and exploded violently. The crew on the ship could actually feel the heat from the core, and the inner decks were getting dangerus levels of radiation. REDchigh composed himself... the Core was about to blow. No Raiek scientist had any idea of the power of that many positrons in such a close area, but the ship was about to go, and all knew it. Messages were frantically sent from the planet and back to REDchigh, but there wasn't much hope until the second in command finally took off his hat, and pushed a button. The whole ship shook violently, and the ship's shields suddenly phased on and off, flickered, then shut down, and the back hull of the ship was blown off. The Positrons were ejected, and rocketed out into space. Before anyone realized it, they detonated, and sent a shockwave through the system at the speed of light. Luckily, the Pheonix's shields had flickered completely on, and absorbed most of the damage, and the fighter squadron's wormhole opened, just in time for the fighters to be incinerated on the spot. Most of the Lazerus' in the system had their shields around 30%, and systems up to 3 jumps away noticed a flash of light in the horizon.

REDchigh was dazed, as the second in command calmly explained that a core ejection procedure had been implemented in the ship's design, just for this kind of situation. REDchigh had been refused the information because the scientists had feared he would use it as a weapon.

It was soon discovered that the approaching Raiek wormhole had caused a negative sharge, which sped up the positron's vibrations to the point of collisions, and from there, the Law of Conservation of Momentum took over, causing the explosion. Raiek wormholes were then banned, however the next 3 months were split between reairing the Pheonix and upgrading Raiek hyperspace drives substantially.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."