Frozen Ariel

Frozen Heart problem.
Near Sol, on I think Mufrid, there is an Ariel Station. Every time I land there, my computer freezes up. I have assigned 30 000k to EVO, but it still happens. I tried emailing Martin Turner, but it seems he's not accepting any emails because of too much spam. Any suggestions?


Your files may be corrupted. Use a disk utility like Norton File Saver or Techtool Pro to check them. If you do not have either program, simply use ResEdit. Launch ResEdit and click "cancel" because you do not want to open a file, then go to the file menu and click on verify. A window will open for you to find the file you wish to verify, so find and select each file in your plug-ins folder one at a time.

I had a corrupted copy of Frozen Heart and found it with ResEdit using this method. If this method shows there is a problem, download a fresh version. If there is no problem in the plug-ins, perhaps the EVO files themselves have become corrupted. If so, check them using the verify method in ResEdit. Re-install any faulty files.

If all the plug-ins and EVO files are fine, perhaps your pilot file itself is corrupted. Trash it and create a new pilot.

By the way, you should have at least two extension configurations on your Mac: one for gaming and one or more for other tasks. I only play games on my Mac with the bare minimum extensions necessary to run games, then I allocate 5 MB less memory to each game than what is available in the "About this Macintosh" window. I have 384 megs of ram, so I have 335 megs available when running under the bare minimum gaming extensions configuration. Therefore, I allocate 330 megs of ram to EVO or any other game on my hard drive. Do I ever crash? Not while gaming.

How strange -- I still accept emails.

There is a problem with Ariel. As it's not in the plot, it remains the only outstanding FH issue.



M A R T I N • T U R N E R
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FemmeFatale.sea.bin")Femme Fatale(/url)
(url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)


Originally posted by robban:
**Frozen Heart problem.
Near Sol, on I think Mufrid, there is an Ariel Station. Every time I land there, my computer freezes up. I have assigned 30 000k to EVO, but it still happens.

My little Ibook quite reliably crashes when I click on Commodities at Ariel Station. Nothing else at that station crashes it. So, just "boycott" Ariel. You can feel righteous about it, because they're so rigidly class and race conscious. This bug will probably go away in the Nova version, but just have to work around it for now.


Thank you to all those who replied, especially Martin. Now I've remembered which system Ariel is at, I can just avoid it.



Originally posted by Martin Turner:
There is a problem with Ariel. As it's not in the plot, it remains the only outstanding FH issue.

Still a feat that amazes me, considering the size of that universe. I've gotta say thanks, Martin, because I don't think I have before.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation