Another Key?

I am on the quest looking for the Sacred Tomb. I think I know where to find it (in the dungeon in the Northern Teritories) but I seem to need another key to open a door at the end of the level. Does anyone out there have any ideas. Most appreciated!!!



I am on the quest looking for the Sacred Tomb. I think I know where to find it (in the dungeon in the Northern Teritories) but I seem to need another key to open a door at the end of the level. Does anyone out there have any ideas. Most appreciated!!!

You are in the wrong place. Leave that cave. At the entrance to that cave go east and
then north across the bridge(when you go 1 screen east you will get a screen pan showing
the sleeping giant). There will be a cave in the ruins of High Garendall which is where
the tome of elixirs is at.

And remember, it is a "Tome" which means book. Not a "Tomb" which means a burial

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

But How do you get in that place with the locked door?

As with all things in the game where something isn't possible, you need to do something
first. In this case you need to follow the druid's quests to their finale. Or more
specifically, the elf's. After you get the tome of elixirs and return it to the
elf, everything will be made clear for you.

That gate is the last thing you will need to do. (that was a hint as to what lies
past it, btw)

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

Many thanks for the help again!!!!!
