is it really over?

Are there no more missions in Femme Fatale after Jasta retrieves her memory? It feels like there should be more to it, and while taking a peek at the contents of the FF plugins with ResEdit, I saw a few things that haven't turned up yet, which makes me think there is more to go? I already feel bad for spoiling that much of the surprise if there is one, I don't want to go reading mission descriptions unless I know there's nothing else.

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.

Unfortunately, I lost my memory sometime after Jasta regained hers, so I do not recall if there were any additional missions after that. Wait...why am I here? I forget. Oh, well.

SexyStripperBoy: I suppose I should thank you for being the only person to reply so far. And for not taking off on one of your metaphysical rants. ๐Ÿ™‚

Looking over old topics, I've seen a few people say it is indeed the end of the story, at least until Martin Turner creates a further addition, if he does.

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.

Sad issnit?

Man I loved that plug, more than FH actually... Is MT making another one?


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-


Originally posted by Azdara:
Man I loved that plug, more than FH actually... Is MT making another one?

He's talked in the past about combining Frozen Heart and Femme Fatale and adding further missions and use of the chรคr resource to make a new plug-in for EV Nova, but I don't know if that's still planned or not.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
MissionComputer 1.1.1 Now Available

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Valiant Bastard:
(B)Are there no more missions in Femme Fatale after Jasta retrieves her memory? It feels like there should be more to it....

I'm at the same place, thanks to your tip on the Thor freighters...More missions would be nice. it is sort of fun, though, just to tool around in the coolest ship I've seen on EVO yet.



You're welcome for the tip. Are you piloting a Cobra? I quite liked the Mosquito, even though there is no way it could take on the Arbiter. ๐Ÿ™‚

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.


Originally posted by Valiant Bastard:
**You're welcome for the tip. Are you piloting a Cobra? I quite liked the Mosquito, even though there is no way it could take on the Arbiter.:)


Yup. "Go little Cobra, you know we're gonna shut em down....." (probably before your time...I get the feeling I'm one of the older members on here).


I would love to see FH ported to NOva it would realease infinite possibilities All those cool thing you wanted to do in FH could actually be done....mmm.....

if this ever happens there would be only one thign to say....


Why are man hole Covers round?