Little help...?

I just started playing this game on my own so i'm a little new at it...

I just want to know where I can go to get a ship that wont get wasted by a swarm of little fighters all the time. I've got a Hellien right now and it's ok, I quess, but what I really want is something that can hold it's own in combat.

And also when do you start to recieve story missions?

Thanks in advance!

Well the ship you want is the Crescent Warship. It's quite expencive. It can be found on almost any alien planet.

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Right now, you should shoot for something more on your level, so try an Arada. If you haven't, do exploration north of UE space.

"My guitar gently weeps." George Harrison, 1943-2001

An Arada is certainly an excellent choice. Its a natural progression up from the Helian, with more than double the capabilities. Faster, more space, better stock weaponry. At a million credits its not cheap, but not too expensive either.

One note: an alternative choice to consider is the equally costly Freight-Courier (available at Crockett in the Thoso system). Its not as mobile as the Arada, but this is offset by the fact that it carries a surprising amount of space and upgrade room. Believe it or not, its about equal to the Zidara in overall weapon space (if you were to sell everything off both ships, the weapon space would be roughly the same). Its a solid all-around ship, and you don't have to make a special trip to the Crescent to get one.

As for missions, you get things rolling by visiting a UE bar and getting the mission UE shipping: Recruitment.

From there, you should align yourself with Frontier Express and/or Stellar Corp. Stellar Corp is easier to join with than FE, but FE missions pay better individually. They're also fairly dangerous, but you have a decent ship at your disposal. You do need a decent combat rating to get in (mostly harmless or the step above it, I believe), so blow away a few ships here and there to get it.

While shipping company missions pay better, do accept and finish UE shipping missions. Some pay well, and doing them raises your status with the UE. Eventually, when you reach a certain legal status & have a decent combat rating, you'll come across a mission that'll get you more involved with helping the UE.

At some point, get 6 or 7 jumps worth of fuel and head directly to the north of UE space. You'll eventually run into alien ships, and a bit past that is Miranu space. Find the Mira system, land on Mirava, and check the bar. The mission there is essential to opening up a huge portion of Override's scenario.

From there, good luck.

"Over the last 200 years, representative democracy and the free-enterprise system have proven to be extraordinarily effective at giving people the things they want--justice and propserity. Now, I do not claim that it is a perfect system--merely that it works better than everything else."

-Tom Clancy

Well, the UE Fighter is an excellent ship for combat, but overall I find it's lack of a cargo bay and decent feul tank renders it impractical for an independent captin. You can get acess to buy them relativly easily by doing some missions for the UE. It's 100,000 credits.

The Arada is an excellent ship, arguably one of the best ships in the game, and definatly one of the most versitile. It's avaliable on most developed planets in the Crecent and miran space. But it's 1 Million Credits. And it's much better than the Freight-Courior, which carries the same price.

If you need to make money fast, then join Frontier Express. I'd get a scoutship, as you would be able to outrun Voinian ships and eventually get to the bases by luring them away.
It's 75,000 a delivery. Also, get the UE Mission to destroy the dreadnaught. It's 2.5 Million Credis, and if you can evade it's 10 Voinian Interceptors, then your four UE Destroyers will ushally kill the dreadnaught for you.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Well, I could type a lot of stuff, but the best alternative (as well as the most self-satisfying) seems to be to point you to (url="http://"")my web site's shipyard(/url). It's got full descriptions of every ownable ship in the game, and a couple others ... I think it will be useful to you, as a reference if nothing else. 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by lightning bolts." -- Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

Go to (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html(/url) and download the Voinians plug near the top of the page. This plug has the maximum allowable number of ship classes (64). You can pilot the Super Star Destroyer from Star Wars, the Millenium Falcon, the USS Enterprise-D, several ships from Babylon 5, and the Voinian Dreadnought with its original outfits that were previously unavailable!