Tunnel Bug

The intercity tunnel system stubbornly refuses to work for me. I go to multiple entrances and Iclick on the knobs but it never takes me anywhere. I often get stuck on the tunnelmap screenand can''t get off. I have the most recent versio and I am not using trinity. Any help or even sympathy would be appreciated.

Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Julius Caesar

When you enter a tunnel, does the map display knobs only or are there names besides them? If there are names, you are having a weird problem. You can only travel between entrances with names and entrances only get names once you have entered them.



Oh! Hey! I was having the same problem. All you have to do is click on the knob corresponding to the place you entered the tunnels to get back out. Then presumably (haven't tried it yet) you walk to another entrance and can now travel between the two.


I was having some other bug, the update must have fixed it, I haden't tried it since I upgraded, I had clicked on the knobs including the one I was at and it just refused to do anything.