The Mranu grudge

I have either a felon or criminal status with al the southern miranu except the ones on the far west.
Im trying to improve my legal status with them because i cant do the stupid ski resort mission. I was
able to get a cargo delivery to blaga so i was able to land there. When i went to the space port bar imir
hired me for their trading co. so i now work for them. I've done a bunch of missions for them but I still have the same
legal status with them.

Do u guys have any suggestions?

P-Z out

Go to the northerly Miranu systems and exterminate renegades. Lots of renegades. It's a distance from the southern Miranu worlds, but I think it will make a difference eventually. If you haven't done the Zachit missions, see if you can get those. I'm not sure what else you can do, unless you're desperate enough to use less than ethical measures, such as using the Pilot File Editor utility to modify your legal status in those systems.

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.

Easiest way is a bounty hunting mission. Jump into the systems that are mad at you, kill the renegade fighters that jump in after you, and hop out again. If they aren't happy with you yet, repeat. I always keep a bounty hunting mission going once I get a little later into the game.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

And if neither of Valiant B or Payback's tactics work, then demand tribute - DEMAND-TRIBUTE 'EM ALL!!! BWAH-HAH-HAAA! ahem Ha.

"Never trust a dog with
orange eyebrows" -
Nanny Ogg

The important question is not what you can do to make others like you, but why do you feel the need to have others validate you? Law is simply legitimized force, and in a democracy law represents the forces of monied interests and ignorant public opinion. If you do not feel the need to be validated by others you will become free and you may fully employ your wits to avoid detection when others disapprove of your choices and preferences. There is no Supreme Judge to condemn you, no afterlife to be concerned with. Live in the here-and-now. The past cannot be changed and the future is uncertain, so live every day as YOU would approve.
Now go demand tribute from every system that presumes to establish their aggregate personal preferences with force and label it law. Destroy all their ships and laugh in their faces. Then you shall become the übermensch.
Thus spake Zarathustra.