questions about tribute

Lately I've been trying to take over planets. I know how to start the process: you rack up a "deadly" CR then demand tribute. I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what happens after. Specifically,

  1. How is the size of a system's defense fleet determined? I'm a little slow to deal with incoming ships because I use the MP method EVERY TIME. It seems like every time I finish off one sprite, the planet has launched another one, if not more. Will there be an eventual end to the launch queue, or do I have to learn to destroy ships faster?
  2. I thought I had once accomplished this. I had wiped out the fleet, and sat around for a minute or so waiting for them to launch more. When they didn't, I assumed I had won and jumped to the next system. Later I realized I hadn't received any tribute. What did I do wrong? Should I have landed on the planet? Or contacted the planet and demanded tribute again?
  3. Is tribute a one-shot deal, or do you continue to receive credits every turn?

Any input would be greatly appreciated--CD

I can't steal that car, I
didn't bring my driver's
Yes, but I'm not like all

OK, you got your kill rating details right. What you have to do is hail the planet, demand tribute, kill all their fleet, THEN HAIL AGAIN, and ASK FOR TRIBUTE AGAIN 🙂 The last two steps are critical! The size of the defense fleet changes from planet to planet but they usually come in waves of 4 or 5. The best way of taking down a real tough planet is a 'cloak n run' attack, but if you can afford it (or you are cheating), get 31 escorts (fighters count). The max ships in any system at one time is 32 (I think) and if you + your escorts = 32, then they won't send any ships out. You will still have to hail them twice.
Credits come per day, in a nice healthy sum (which has slipped my mind at this moment).

(This message has been edited by dutchie (edited 12-29-2001).)

thank you

I can't steal that car, I
didn't bring my driver's
Yes, but I'm not like all

Or you could use the mikeeJ method. For this you must keep in mind that system's defense fleets' DO NOT RESET. This means that you could just jump into a system, demand tribute, kill about 20 of their ships, and leave. Continue to do this for a few weeks and eventually they'll all be gone. Then you can get your tribute. If you're too impatient for this, just use a cheat plug that makes all defense fleets disappear or get seriously reduced. Just go (url="http://";=cheats&display;=date&page;=2")here(/url) and download I RULE. There's one that makes all the bounty hunters ships into shuttlecraft, too. You find it, I'm too lazy. 😄

"The problem with freedom of speech is that you have to put up with so much dumbness of speech." - Shoe
"It is your fault, you have forced me to say what I think." - Plato
may the farce be with you

My method is "hit and run." I fly right into my target unleash all of my weapons on it then fly away. Repeat it untill the ship is totaly gone. This involves some skill using the auto-pilot and being quick. That's the way I beat the dreadnaught with my little destroyer.


"God is dead." - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

I like to use the ruff rida technique.first, you pump up your ship with a missle launcher, and a bunch of missels, have neutron turrets,
and at least five igadzra escorts(or five strong escorts, and it helps to have at least five fighters) demand a tribute and use the MP technique. but instead of just shooting ur standard weapons fire your missles, and your five strong escorts will be all over him also. this technique takes about 30-35 secs to kill a voinan
cruiser,(depends on how your escorts are fighting). so try it.

P-Z out

I'm a stupid AOL user. Go me. Its a good thing I don't have the guts to actually register and take responsibility for my actions.

(This message has been edited by EVula (edited 12-31-2001).)

Oooh,a spammer.Can I have the honour of eating him?
And something I've never been able to figure out;what precisely does the autopilot do?
As for the taking over planets thing,I cheated and made a weapon which destroys everything in the system with one shot.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
**I've never been able to figure out;what precisely does the autopilot do?


Well Shade, as long as you hold down auto-pilot, it will lock your ship onto whatever you have targeted. Then all you do is hit the forward button and you will fly right towards them. This can be used in combat. Fire the gun, and just let your ship do the rest. It will turn around when you pass them. Keep in mind that this also works when you target a planet. In this way, when you are in the middle of battle and get lost in space, out of fuel, what have you, you can get back safely.


Originally posted by Christina Dritschilo:
**1) How is the size of a system's defense fleet determined? I'm a little slow to deal with incoming ships because I use the MP method EVERY TIME. It seems like every time I finish off one sprite, the planet has launched another one, if not more. Will there be an eventual end to the launch queue, or do I have to learn to destroy ships faster?


Here's a nasty little trick. Stock up on escorts with fighter bays. Make sure that you have as many of your ships in the system, escorts, fighters, mission related, and all. Then demand tribute. Since there is a limit to the ammount of ships allowed in the system as stated in Part I - Game Constants of the EVO Bible (or EV Bible, what have you). It lists a 36 ship maximum. This is hard to achieve, but the more ships you have out there, the less ships you are going to have to deal with IFF you have enough out there. If you completely own the system (too many ships) Most likely you'll only have to face one ship before they submit to your rule.

Ace Battlepilot
<mercenary for hire>
"My contract is simple. Give me a Miranu Gunship, give me upgrade funds, and turn this mad dog loose, cus once I'm let out, there's no hope for you..."


Originally posted by Ace Battlepilot:
**Here's a nasty little trick. Stock up on escorts with fighter bays. Make sure that you have as many of your ships in the system, escorts, fighters, mission related, and all. Then demand tribute.

I've noticed something the past few days: It seems to me that every one reads the first message of a topic and ignores any replies, as in this example:


Originally posted by dutchie:
**if you can afford it (or you are cheating), get 31 escorts (fighters count). The max ships in any system at one time is 32 (I think) and if you + your escorts = 32, then they won't send any ships out. You will still have to hail them twice.


Anyway, Ace Battlepilot is right about 36, and I was wrong. Sorry!

I see that there are many different strategies for conquering stellars. If anyone cares (!), I get a fleet of balanced escorts (a mix of both fighters and heavy warships), demand tribute, cloak, and go out and mow the lawn. By the time I come back (if I demand tribute from both Luna and Earth) I will have conquered an entire system :).

"Resources exist to be consumed, and consumed they will be, if not by us then by some future generation. What right does this forgotten future have to stop us from doing what God intended?"
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"

(This message has been edited by dutchie (edited 12-31-2001).)

I do utilize the game constraint, but in a different way. I pilot a CW, with UE cruiser and Igadzra escorts. Instead of launching fighters, I'll just halt my escorts and disable every ship that jumps in. Soon, I have a good number of disbled ships. Then I lay a minefield around the planet, and collect tribute. With a large planet (like earth), about 4 ships will survive, and my escorts will take them out, but with the cloak thing...
1. When I use a cloak, my escorts dont attack.
2. I'd run out of fuel, even if I had something like a miranu courier.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**but with the cloak thing...
1. When I use a cloak, my escorts dont attack.
2. I'd run out of fuel, even if I had something like a miranu courier.


Two fuel scoops, set your ship to on autoP and go to forward thrust. It works for me. Any tribute-demanding ships fly out from the stellar in a vain attempt to find me. They don't, so they stand still. To get this to work you have to let the ships hit you a few times first before cloaking, so they become enemies. Then your escorts will take them out. If you do run out of fuel, you'll be on the other side of the system (ie. against the invisible map edge) so any hostiles will have to fly that far out to get you, giving your escorts plenty of time to catch them.

"Resources exist to be consumed, and consumed they will be, if not by us then by some future generation. What right does this forgotten future have to stop us from doing what God intended?"
CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"