Beyond The Crescent problems

Okay, I'm playing Beyond The Crescent at the moment, and I'm having trouble with the "unlocking the door" mission. I understand the clue, and I've located the second Gadzair system on the map, but I just can't figure out where I'm supposed to start or what I'm supposed to do. I've located a council ship in the eastern Kelmaon system that seems idle, but I can't contact it or board it. Help, anyone?


you're supposed to kill that ship.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

Okay, thanks! I did it, and I've opened up the link and tested it, and I've been awarded. But is that all? Surely there are more missions. Where do I go next?



Originally posted by Captain Tyrus Moore:
**Okay, thanks! I did it, and I've opened up the link and tested it, and I've been awarded. But is that all? Surely there are more missions. Where do I go next?


yes there are more missions... if I can only remember... I think it's a miranu station..

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

can someone explain to about "going beyond the crescent." i keep seeing it and i want to know how to go there.

P-Z out

You go I think to some emalgha place, where you get a mission to destroy some station in a system to the galactic east of azdgari, it is very hard to do as there are tons of ships and the station itself is extremely tough.

I love cheddar!!!

Big_Baller_D - you'll need the Beyond the Crescent plugin.

Captain Tyrus Moore - after you've unlocked the door and tested the link, you can pick up the next mission in UE space (25% chance). I thought I'd mention this 'cause I went looking through all the Miranu and Emalgha worlds without luck before looking it up with resedit.

I'm stuck at destroying the Crescent Station however. I've managed to destroy its 'defense fleet,' and can wear it's shields down to zero, but after that it refuses to die. This is with 5 phase turrets, 5 phase cannons, and an escort of 2 crescent warships and 4 laziras all pounding on it. The moment the bombardment stops, the station registers zero shields and starts counting up, implying that no real damage was done to its armor. Is there some trick or special weapon required to defeat the station?

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.


Originally posted by Valiant Bastard:
**Is there some trick or special weapon required to defeat the station?

No, just skill. 😉 Really though, you just have to keep at it. If you played EVO enough to come on this board and download Beyond the Crescent, I think you're good enough to blow up one pesky space station. 😄

As for the very crytpic clue in the latter part of Beyond the Crescent, think Egypt.

"The problem with freedom of speech is that you have to put up with so much dumbness of speech." - Shoe
"It is your fault, you have forced me to say what I think." - Plato
may the farce be with you

The thing had an incredible shield recharge rate. My mistake was using only Crescent weapons against it, they're great for taking down the shields, but they couldn't damage the armor as quickly as it was repaired. Nothing some non-Crescent escorts couldn't handle.

I never did figure out that last clue, but then it isn't necessary - I just landed on Earth and all was revealed. Pretty clever really - a fine plugin all round.

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.

(This message has been edited by Valiant Bastard (edited 12-31-2001).)