Gunner in Frozen Heart

First of all, let me say that this is a fantastic, engrossing game. That said, here's a question: Is it possible to get rid of the gunner once you have "bought" one? I can't complete the black hole mission, because I have insufficient space for the big bomb. If I could get the gunner off the ship, I could do it. Any advice for a fellow addict?

Tricky one.

Sounds like a union issue.

If you get them to build you a new TF at DTE unit in the Riga system, the gunner won't come with it.

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(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
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(url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**Tricky one.

Sounds like a union issue.

If you get them to build you a new TF at DTE unit in the Riga system, the gunner won't come with it.

Hmmm. tried your suggestion, but gunner stayed with new TF ship. I don't have an earlier pre-gunner saved game, so will start a new one. this a bug that can be fixed, or just one of those game parameters we play with?

No, it's not a bug.

You could try ejecting and buying a new TF. That should get rid of the gunner.

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(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FemmeFatale.sea.bin")Femme Fatale(/url)
(url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)


Originally posted by Martin Turner:

You could try ejecting and buying a new TF. That should get rid of the gunner.


I had the same problem, so I had to um, "modify" the black hole since I couldn't carry the bomb with the gunner. The gunner stays with you when you change ships.
Ejecting should work, though. Heh, seems a bit extreme, sorta like faking your own death to get rid of the gunner.

-- Greg Anderson
-- Member of Green Eye's Storyline Developement Team
-- AIM Screenname: DrowninInReality
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Originally posted by Wedge Antilles:
**I had the same problem, so I had to um, "modify" the black hole since I couldn't carry the bomb with the gunner. The gunner stays with you when you change ships.
Ejecting should work, though. Heh, seems a bit extreme, sorta like faking your own death to get rid of the gunner.

mmm. I came up with another solution to the weapons space problem....Duh, who needs the old dimensional drive on a tachyonic ship? Ditch it with the DD downgrade in an outfitters...frees up lots of space, doesn't hurt your mobility.

- Sometimes just asking the right question puts you on track.


I was under the impression that the DD downgrade increases your jump time by a day (days?) even for the TF. I remember avoiding it for that reason, since there are many time critical missions in FH. I can't remember now if there are any after the black hole mission though - I think it's one of the last missions anyways?

Vocatus atque non vocatus
Deus aderit.


Originally posted by Wedge Antilles:
**I had the same problem, so I had to um, "modify" the black hole since I couldn't carry the bomb with the gunner. The gunner stays with you when you change ships.
Ejecting should work, though. Heh, seems a bit extreme, sorta like faking your own death to get rid of the gunner.


Well, you know how it is with these union types.

Seriously though, 'editing' the black hole seems to rather miss the point.

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(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FemmeFatale.sea.bin")Femme Fatale(/url)
(url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)