Frozen Heart help....

Well its not really help i want but i need to ask some questions.
Ok has anyone ever borded a derlect ship? Well you know when you borad one it will come up with a mission or somthing?
Just a few minutes ago i was playing frozen heart right, and i found this disabled ship, so i though what the heck i'll go and see what killd the crew.
So i boraded it and next thing i know i've been plaged! So i just wanted to ask has anyone else got that thing and do they know how to be cured.


Why....sobsob.....why? oh why why why why why???
Please email me at: as my other address does not work.

Simply find a planet with the cure for the plague.


Originally posted by Kitty:
**Well its not really help i want but i need to ask some questions.
Ok has anyone ever borded a derlect ship? Well you know when you borad one it will come up with a mission or somthing?
Just a few minutes ago i was playing frozen heart right, and i found this disabled ship, so i though what the heck i'll go and see what killd the crew.
So i boraded it and next thing i know i've been plaged! So i just wanted to ask has anyone else got that thing and do they know how to be cured.



Captaintripps: Purple headed yogurt slinger to your carpet muncher
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

Northern part of the galaxy. But curing does not make the plague go away completely. To do that, you have to abort the mission.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Unless you were in the system while the ship was disabled(or if it's a mission ship), don't board it. Also, all non-mission plague ships are named after gems.

asc( );

I tried aborting it, but the plague invisoships kept on being in every system. You really need to do the health alert mission. Keep on checking the mission computer often.

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

When you attack the plauge dont be expecting an explosion, it dies, but just floats around for an infinant time dying. but dont bother attacking it because as I recall it does ****nothing.(to the mission, not the plauge)

Everyone thinks I'm psychotic except for my imaginary friend who lives in my finger...

ive had problems with plague....
did the health alert misson....but the plage kept following me around anyway
ended up buying a shuttle and escape pod and letting it kill me

I aborted it, and was fine.

-- Greg Anderson
-- Member of Green Eye's Storyline Developement Team
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