Frozen Heart Question

I was just wondering if i really needed to take over New Vesus i.e. demand tribute or if it was something much simpler. I keep on getting killed demanding tribute

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

Drat, sorry man, I never got the new venus missions in FH... I need to re-download that plug again..


Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at
AIM: StrikerDragon

Yes, you have to dominate the planet. There's no other way.

You have the tach fighter, correct? If so, you should be able to win if you fight carefully. Use your speed to your advantage. If your shields drop low, move away and let them regenerate. Use the tach's abilities well, and you'll win.

"Over the last 200 years, representative democracy and the free-enterprise system have proven to be extraordinarily effective at giving people the things they want--justice and propserity. Now, I do not claim that it is a perfect system--merely that it works better than everything else."

-Tom Clancy

Yeah, ive got the tach. fighter. Its just all those buccaneers and icaxs with their confounded fusion rockets. Any tie i get close, they blast me and i go careening into space. Im working on approaching them from the side

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

Try monty pythoning them, or hiding behind asteroids. The TF's laser can shoot through the asteroids on some versions. Failing that, get an afterburner, and whenever a rocket is fired get out of the way.

Also, the TF can take a few rocket hits before being destroyed, so whenever you're hit, retreat until your shields are recharged. Rinse and repeat.

asc( );


Originally posted by Temporal:
**I was just wondering if i really needed to take over New Vesus i.e. demand tribute or if it was something much simpler. I keep on getting killed demanding tribute

You can win-- I hired a few escorts, in addition to my "friends" fighting with me. Go to Uetheim, hire some gladiators, follow the directions others have posted here, and you should be victorious. A warning, get rid of the best brothel in the universe, everybody hates you! (for a while, anyway).


Originally posted by Temporal:
**I was just wondering if i really needed to take over New Vesus i.e. demand tribute or if it was something much simpler. I keep on getting killed demanding tribute

I forgot to mention, you need to fly in circles around all the ships that keep shooting rockets at you until they run out of ammunition...10 times around usually does it. then you keep swooping in with your tach laser til they are kaput. I don't know if this is "Monty Pythoning", but it always works for me. The dummies tend to cluster, which makes it easy to literally fly circles around them.


Yeah, the best tactic I used with the Tach fighter is to hide behind asteroids, and when there were none, to blast past the opponents, turning, hitting them with my beam weapon, and firing my bruners, so the efect is a constant fire, while blazing past them.

BTW, mamajama, Monty Python is when you move just out of the range at which a computer will fire its primary turrets at you, but still within range of your primary turrets. A mildly skileld player can find that range and pace the ship, effectively killing it while taking minimal damage.

And welcome to the boards!

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation