What do they look like

I'm referring to the aliens. Aside from mentioning the Gadzair's teeth, the game doesn't go into much detail about what each alien race looks like. Is there any officially agreed upon appearance for them? Or is that for us to make up?

If it's the latter, post here what you imagine them as. Anyway....

Miranu - Birdmen. Various hues. Smaller than the other races.

Gadzair - Large, lizard-like creatures with, of course, long, pointy teeth.

And those are the only ones I have a distinct image of. Any more input is welcome.


I view the strands as all having teeth, but the Adzgari to have more crooked teeth and short lips, so their teeth are always showing.
I suspect the Zidigar to hide their teeth, and have smooth subtle movements, and the Igadzra to be wide-built lumbering creatures that dont really care, and are quick to jump to conclusions.

It is generally agreed by most of the board that the Miranu look like the classic alien, with a triangular head, large black eyes, green skin, and fragile body.
The Voinians probably look like large iguana-people, about 12 feet tall, and a thick skin.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

I always imagingined the Miranu as being a light blue, and sort of like dolphins. The Voinians I imagined to have a deep red hue, and a hard body. The Emlagha seemed to me to look like the Calamari from Star Wars. As for the the Strands, I imagined them all to have sharp features, but slight differences depending on the personalities of the respective Strands: Igadzra are sullen, Zidagar are smiley, and Azdgari are insane.

"My guitar gently weeps." George Harrison, 1943-2001

thought of the igadzra like huge iguanas, and the miranu like the classic alien. I thought of the Azdgari (FINALLY, someone who spells it right) somewhat like the igadzra. the zidigar? I don't know.

do I pilot a UE destroyer? certainly not!

It's generally agreed that the three strands are related. Thus, the idea that they look as different as you all suggest is incorrect. However, seeing as this is the realm of fancy, they all look like primated descended class 5 humanoids.

Captaintripps: Harbinger #1 of Sierra's Law
(url="http://"http://voxhumanasketch.tripod.com/voxhumana/")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

Actually, I believe many of the races are described in the game.


Other than the Miranu, who I always envisioned as a light bluish, lanky alien type, I always gave the races some attribute of their largest most powerful ship type (in my head). I kind of thought of vonians as sorta big grey blobs, a lot like the - can't think of their name, but the race of big sluggish aliens from HHGTTG. The Igadzra were always bright orange and red, the Azdgari dark green and green, and the Zidagar purple and sort of a magenta. No real basis for it, but what I always imagined. I never really thought about the Gadzair though, I never got to that string.



Originally posted by Captaintripps:
It's generally agreed that the three strands are related. Thus, the idea that they look as different as you all suggest is incorrect.

It's more than generally agreed. It's clearly stated in the documentation that they are three factions of the same race. As for the appearances, I see the Voinians as lizard-like humanoids, the Emalgha and Hinwar as rather small, stocky, and determined, and the rest as more or less human-like, perhaps with slightly strange body shapes and skin/hair colours, the Miranu having light blue skin and mauve-ish hair. I actually started creating pictures of a couple of them using some 3D software once. Sometime I might finish my Voinian and Miranu and post them on the Image Gallery.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/mc/")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 12-18-2001).)

Carno has a good description of the alien races of Override that we have come to know and tolerate. He also has a few descriptions in addition to these that are featured in Golden Horizon. Here is the link to said list. Mind you I have come to accept it as a standard thing but that doesn't mean others do.

(url="http://"http://www.carnotaurhq.com/golden_horizon/info/other_info/alien_descriptions.html")Descriptions here(/url)


(url="http://"http://pub51.ezboard.com/fquillzfrm4.showMessage?topicID=10.topic")A Pilot's memory(/url)

I have also attributed aspects of the races main ships to their features in my head, but thought of them as all humanoid (otherwise how could you pilot their ships?).
Voinians: Actually, thinking about it I've always thought of them like Cardassians. Sad isn't it?
Emalgha: Possibly Wookie like. Dunno.
Miranu: Slightly built humanoid. Give them orange fins or something if you like.
Azdagari: Tall with hunched shoulders, probably green skinned, pointed teeth which they are prone to hiss through, long cloaks.
Igadzra: Wrapped in orange/yellow cloaks, very secretive, speak in hushed whispers. Also tall with hunched shoulders. You probably wouldn't be able to see their faces.
Zidagar: Tall, purple robes, prone to dramatic gestures. Seem to over dramatise everythink and talk in poetry (not necessarily good poetry though...).
Humans: Short, Ugly.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

Why does everyone think the Miranu are blue?
I always imagined them as kinda fuzzy,catlike.
As for the Gadzair,I think the basic Gadzair looks a little like a cross between a velociraptor and a lizard,if both were bipedal.
As EVO states,they have pointy teeth.
Azdgari are taller and thinner than the others,Zidagar are shorter and stockier, Igadzra are sort of plain.

And Aben Zin Said
"I have also attributed aspects of the races main ships to their features in my head, but thought of them as all humanoid (otherwise how could you pilot their ships?).
Voinians: Actually, thinking about it I've always thought of them like Cardassians. Sad isn't it?"

Actually when you consider the effort it must take to remove a Crescent Fighter bay and completely restructure a ship to hold Azdaras,reconfiguring controls and life support seems easy.
And what a coincidence!I've always thought of the Voinians as sorta like Cardassians. It's probably the grey,and the fact that the Cardassians are my favourite Star Trek race.

I've always thought of the Emalgha as being shorter,with grey skin,mottled with brown.
Physically I think they're shaped a little like the Ishiman from Ares.

The Dieri I've always seen as tall,birdlike,but lacking in wings.

I've never really thought about the Hinwar,Dur,Ala,Hinwar,or Kayians.

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I recall a topic like this not long ago, I remembered i was able to describe many of the races through conclusions from game descriptions.

The Miranu might look like the black-eyed gray-skinned aliens of popular culture. As their ships are "flying saucers" that are visiting us today.

"And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh."

Miranu-the original alien except its about 5 feet tall with tan skin instead of green, and big ears.

Zidagar-slender, purple, dramatic, reptilians.

igadzra-tall, muscular, shy, yellow reptilians.

Azdgari-the traditional miniature reptilian monster from scary movies

Voinians-same as humans except they have more brownish, ashy, scaly looking skin, with scraggly black hair.

P-Z out

i've always imagined the miranu look like niven's puppeteers.

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