Azdgari missions

Okay, I've completed the whole thing with the secret Azdgari base. Last mission I did was running the gauntlet to Morin. At the moment, the only missions I'm getting are raids and evacuations, and I don't seem to recall any message saying I had completed a central objective. What am I missing?


I'm too tired and lazy to go check exactly where the mission to run the gauntlet is, but I think the next mission in the string is to stop the (url="http://"")Zidagar(/url) photographer who attempts to locate the base. This mission will appear 20% of the time at the secret base. The trick here is to fail the mission, which will then cause the evacuation of the base and the continuation of the mission string. Good luck, and hope this helps. 🙂

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Hmm... I did try to stop the Zidagar photographer. Running the gauntlet was part of the evactuation. Thanks anyway, though!


I think the next mission set involves the development of experimental shield generators. It begins on the the planet where such technology would be created in Adzgari space. You may need a deadly or even ultimate skill rating to get these.


Originally posted by Starfish:
I think the next mission set involves the development of experimental shield generators. It begins on the the planet where such technology would be created in Adzgari space. You may need a deadly or even ultimate skill rating to get these.

Its in the Azdgari system


I am trying to find a ship to get some crystals in the Twyus system for the experimental shiled string, but after destroying a lot of ships in that system I can't seem to find the right onw. Anyone knw what the ship looks like?

It's a Zidara. You'll know becuase if you target it I think it says so and If you shoot it no one else shoots back except him

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