
Well, I've practically played EVO to the limit. I've got an upgraded UE Cruiser, 5 Igazra escorts(my 6th one died in a battle with the Voinians) and I've completed at least two of the central objectives, but I don't know if the Strand wars are over yet. Anyway, I wanna get a few non-total conversion plug-ins. I'm thinking F-25 and Reign of the UE would be fun. Are those two compatible, and are they any good? And should I get F-25 2.0? It doesn't seem to be quite as popular as the original.


It's a bad idea to run two plug-ins together, particularly if they both add the same things (ships and missions, in this case). I would make a copy of your pilot file, and play through each of them on the different files. You may also want to keep a non-plug-inized file for later use.

"My guitar gently weeps." George Harrison, 1943-2001

Welcome to the boards! 🙂

I found F-25 lying around on our hard drive - kinda weird. My dad never played EVO and I found it before I even knew EVO existed. He has no idea where it came from. Anyway, I read the readme, it looked kinda cool. I finally played it but was not overly impressed. It probably was tough work for the graphics people but the way that they try to mix 3-D stuff with plain old 2-D sprites really seemed strange. I probably would have liked it more if they would have made the sprites more like EV sprites. Its sprites would work well in Ares though - maybe I should make an Ares plug, hmmmmm....
Anyway, give it a shot and see what you think. Hope you have a fast modem though, it's a big file.


Might I recommend that you start with 'Beyond the Crescent'? It's a nice small plugin that probably won't cause conflicts with anything else you choose to do with the pilot. It fits very nicely with the politics and culture of the main EV:O world. It'll expand your game by approximately one central objective. It contains a well-written plot and doesn't spoil game balance, unlike certain plugins I could mention.

Oh. You already mentioned them. 😄

Most of us restart EV:O afresh several times, and explore the various alternatives, such as fighting for a different strand, or taking the Voinian side in the western galaxy conflict. (You should consider downloading 'Reign' 1+2 if you want to do this.)

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by Shrout1:
**Welcome to the boards!:)

I found F-25 lying around on our hard drive - kinda weird. My dad never played EVO and I found it before I even knew EVO existed. He has no idea where it came from. Anyway, I read the readme, it looked kinda cool. I finally played it but was not overly impressed. It probably was tough work for the graphics people but the way that they try to mix 3-D stuff with plain old 2-D sprites really seemed strange. I probably would have liked it more if they would have made the sprites more like EV sprites. Its sprites would work well in Ares though - maybe I should make an Ares plug, hmmmmm....
Anyway, give it a shot and see what you think. Hope you have a fast modem though, it's a big file.


Give 2.0 a shot. It is exactly what you're looking for in terms of sprite uniformity; all 2-D and for the most part, much better looking.



Thanks for the advice! I'm playing ROTUE now, and loving it. And I'll be getting Beyond the Crescent and F-25 2.0 soon enough!


Thanks Bomb, I think I will try 2.0

And So Shrout1 Finally Arrived
And Then There Was Excessive Cheating


Originally posted by Bomb:
**Give 2.0 a shot. It is exactly what you're looking for in terms of sprite uniformity; all 2-D and for the most part, much better looking.



It's was way better then the original. Less bugs and made the plug-in more enjoyable. Good job bomb.

When will someone finish the Star Trek EVO plug? I really want to play it.

"God is dead." - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Beyond the Crescent is cool. Not a total conversion, but a good, solid, fun plug nonetheless. Never caused any problems for me.

"The problem with freedom of speech is that you have to put up with so much dumbness of speech." - Shoe
"It is your fault, you have forced me to say what I think." - Plato
may the farce be with you