I need a good ship

Okay, I've grown sick of my sluggish UE Cruiser. I'd like a ship that can hold its own in combat and carry plenty cargo, but isn't too slow. So far I've tried the Igazra, the Igadzra Arada, the Miranu Gunship and the Crescent Warship. The Igazra might be the best ship I've had the pleasure of piloting, but I'm playing Azdgari, and they randomly attack me while I'm using it. While I have a plug that prevents me from harming them or vice versa, the plug doesn't affect my escorts, and my reputation slowly dwindles on Azdgari worlds. Same goes for the Igadzra Arada, along with the fact that it might be one of the worst Aradas I've ever piloted. 😕 Anyway, to wrap things up, the other two aren't very good. So what should I get? I'm thinking an Azdgari Warship if I could find one disabled. What do you think?


I would say the Aggy Arada(if thats how its spelled :)).

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Unfortunately, without a plug you are not able to purchase specialty ships, such as the Azdgari Arada. You could of course modify a normal one to be just like it, just that the sprite isn't as cool. Maybe you could catch one.
I'm playing probably my twentieth or thirtieth game now and I'm flying a Vonian Cruiser with an engine upgrade, thrust upgrade and RCS upgrade. It performs a lot like a Crescent warship but has 270 tons of weapon space when stripped of all Vonian weapons (somewhere around there). I left the neutron turrets on because they fire the most powerful round and hit pretty hard. I'm not really sure how it would perform in real combat because I made a plug and rigged it up with a shield generator that constantly refills my shield. The armor would be great against phase weapons though.


My suggestion would be to go with something light like a upgraded Crescent fighter or something along the lines of an upgraded Lazria. However keep in mind that a good ship is one that is considered good in the eye of the beholder.


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Yeah. An Azdgari Arada would be cool. I think I'll capture one. I'm quite fond of Azdgari ships of all sorts. While I think that the Igazra is(arguably) better than any of them, the Azdgari have the best military in the Crescent, or maybe even in the whole galaxy.


If I were you I'd go for a Zidara. But then I'm not you...



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