Tech Level

Is there a site/file that lists the tech level of outfits and planets and if so where is it?

If at first you don't succeed then that's about it for skydiving.

Sorry about the double post. The submit page didn't change the first time I hit submit so I sent it again. Please use the most recent message to respond.

If it exists, it can be found (url="http://"")here.(/url)

The Ambrosia site is being sluggish, due to the release of (url="http://"")Deimos Rising.(/url)

Do not ask about (url="http://"")custom titles.(/url) Do not ask about (url="http://"")karma.(/url)

Welcome to the boards.

Well, I occasionally mess around in EV-Edit, and the best way to find out planet and weapon/outfit tech levels (at least that I've found) is to look at the EVO data files in that program. Work off of a backup, though. EV-Edit sometimes messes up planets if you screw around with them too much. Maybe I just need to get a newer version.

What does THIS button

I also used Ev-Plug Checker to find some data, like where you can get certain outfits, where certain junk resources can be found. I'm not sure if it does tech levels but it might. It is a pretty slow program though and I'm not one hundred percent sure where I got it - probably from the Ev-plugins site that Ambrosia has. It will also check for bugs in plug-ins. Kinda useful, especially in conjunction with Ev-Edit.
