Andrew - Availability of movies?

Read your post about the CD's and the foobar with them, and you mentioned that the
movies didn't make them on it, yadda yadda.

Will you be making the movies available on the ftp site, ever? For those of us with
a fast connection, a cd is just another coaster(and believe me, I have plenty of
AOL coasters, I don't need any more!). Will it be possible for us to obtain the
movies without getting the CD?

Not to sound like a dissatisfied customer, but we paid for the game. If you are going
to make the movies available to the CD customers I would hate to be punished because
my connection was fast enough that I didn't need to order a cd(which for $5 you can't
be making that much on, heh. Cost of printing + media can't leave much room for

Anyhow there has been speculation on this, and an official response from the company
would be nice.

Thank you

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**For those of us witha fast connection, a cd is just another coaster(and believe me, I have plenty ofAOL coasters, I don't need any more!).


no kidding, ive gotten 25 AOL coasters, all of which expired 3 years before they arrived in the mail.

i too have a fast connection and would like to dl the movies. I originally sent money for the cd, but i didnt want to wait to play the full version so i just told david dunham to send me the registration code and Ambrosia CD 6 (which id got last week).

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