Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter V

A Zeno scientist comes in to see REDchigh.

"Yes, Lerce, What is it?"
"Well I have an idea on a way to greatly increase our bomb's strength. What do you know about Physics, Fusion in specific?"
"Not much about Physics, but I know fusion is what makes stars shine, and that it bonds together lighter atoms into heavier ones, and produces energy... Thats about it."
"Well, to start out, early raiek physicists theorized that MAss and Energy are one. Take all of the Energy produced by several dozen planets, and you MIGHT have enough energy to convert to a Milligram of mass. Get it? Mas equals immense amounts of concentrated energy. For the link, in Fusion, protons are turned into Neutrons to bond properly, and the positive charge leaves as it's own Quark, and is almost exactly like an electron in size and shape, only with a positive charge. When the Positron and Electron get anywhere near each other, their charges pull them together and they cancel out, the new element is created, and energy is produced."
"You're point is?"
"Well, did I mention, when the Electron and Positron collide, thats when the massive energy is produced?"
"Still.. What's so big about that?"
"Well, I'll translate this into simpler terms.." He thinks a minute... "Every element has at least one electron, and the higher an element is on the periodic table, the more electrons it has. If we had a way to produce positrons, we could cause intensly powerful explosions, whenever the positrons reacted with ANY mass."
"Wouldn't that be.. dangerus?"
"Yes. Intensly, but keep in mind Positrons have little mass, and are only important because of their charge. We could probably create something to produce a negative magnetic field, and use it to encase the Positrons."
"I like this idea...."
"We could probably use the Positrons for anything, from space mines, to turreted weapons, and use the actual science for other uses.
"Hmm Ok. This will be started immediatly."
Operation : Overwhelm (shipbuilding)
ETA: 11 posts

Research: Positron Science
ETA: 10 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(To Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

Yes, the ECTA may build stations in our space. Thrawn may indeed be a good place to build a station. The only possible problem I foresee is that there is a mining world in it, and frequently Tribunal freighters enter and leave the system. You would have to be wary of collisions. Moiraine out.



Asriel could see a lot of improvements he wanted to make. The Tribunal Fusion Beam was now a little weak compared to other factions' main beam weapons. The Ion Disruptor, for example, far outclassed it. However, Tribunal scientists had just broken ground with a new power generator for the Fusion Beam. It would allow them to both miniturize the beam even more, and to increase the power by as much as 50 percent! If they started upgrading the beam after Keld Station was complete, the upgrade would be done to put beams on the Charon Supercarrier. The power generator also allowed them to turret the beam, which would be useful for Phyrexia's beam, too.


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 8 posts

Title: Station Keld
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Phantom/Mantis Engine upgrade
ETA: 1 post

Title: Battlestation Machine Gun upgrade
ETA: 2 posts

(edit)There is no Charon Supercruiser. You never saw that. ;)(/edit)
"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 12-06-2001).)


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 8 posts

Title: Station Keld
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Phantom/Mantis Engine upgrade
ETA: 1 post

Title: Battlestation Machine Gun upgrade
ETA: 2 posts


MOD: Asriel, Aren't you a Nomadic race? Even if you do have a few systems, that many projects would be a strain on galactica, much more your govt. I'll let you finish your projects and whatever "Gen. II ships" is, Im guessing research. Your Economy will be vastly drained, and you wont be able to build ships for a while.
Your choice- finish all the PJ's, and have an extremely low ship construction output, or take one project out and have it almost normal. you can finish the project you take out later, but with a few posts added onto the time.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(Message to Tribunal)
(From ECTA, Commander Velros)
(Thank you for your cooperation. We shall send our frieghters there immediately. And don't worry about collisions; my pilots are experts, and they have enhanced engines. We hope that through this trading agreement, our two governments may prosper. - Commander Velros of the ECTA)
(End Message)


Over a dozen ECTA frieghters were immediately dispatched to help with the building of two trading stations in Helekar and Thrawn. Once they arrived, the trading stations were immediately begun. They would only be armed with 5 Anti-Proton Turrets and some Photon Torpedo Launchers. The rest of it would be composed of a promenad (sp?), habitat ring, numerous cargo pods, lots of docking ports, and a small shipyard and com array.

While that was going on, the ECTA were sending out scouts to try and find suitable planets for setting up even more trading stations. Lalande Beta was one system which would be used as an actual colony. Iconian would also be a colony and trading station. Ared'Threan and Artanis would just be trading stations. Colonizing all of these systems would take some time, and in the meantime the ECTA sent another message to the Skraine...


(Message to the Skraine)
(From Commander Velros, ECTA)
(Greetings Skraine. As you may know, the ECTA is trying to expand their influence throughout the Eta Cassiopea galaxy in order to increase trading and the exchange of knowledge between all our races. To do this, we have scouted out several systems we would like to colonize. So, we humbly request that you give us ownership of the following systems; Ared'Threan, Artanis, Iconian, and Lalande Beta. We await your answer. - Commander Velros, Eta Cassiopea Trading Association Commander.)
(End Message)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: One of my upgrades finishes this post. I'll suspend my Machine Gun upgrade, finish building Station Keld, and then resume research on the Machine Gun upgrade. OK?


(To Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

I realize that it will take a lot for you to part with your plans for the Anti-Grav engines, after they are completed. We are willing to give you the plans for our Fusion Beam. If there is anything else you would like, please respond.



The Anti-Grav engines would really help. First off, they would increase the speed of their warships. More important, if the Tribunal ever had a conflict with Galactica, they would be impervious to the effects of Gravity Emitters.


Tasina decided to send another Phantom run into Raiek space. There was something south of their space; he didn't know what, but there was definitely another civilization living there...

Fifteen Phantoms blasted off the surface of Keld, heading for the Ross 154 wormhole in Haru'El...


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 7 posts

Title: Station Keld
ETA: 1 post

Title: Phantom/Mantis engine upgrade

Title: Battlestation Machine Gun upgrade
ETA: 2 posts (work suspended)

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC:Other people can still colonise a system with an ECTA base in it,right?

Magistrate K'Sarragh looked over the message with interest,and sent a reply.
(From:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Of course you may begin trading stations on those worlds.
Bear in mind however that Ared'Threan and Artanis have little in natural resources.
Lalande Beta and Iconian seem odd choices,as both are off the main trade routes, however.
You may also establish a base in Hoth V,for the facilitation of trade in the Hoth Sector.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

(To:Confederate Alliance)
(From:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(That is indeed a fair trade.In return for your military-grade shield rechargers,we will give you our Plasma Web.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

On Skrineen,Councillor Karaze was suprised to find that the Fusion Beam would not be all that useful for the vessel her neice K'raia had in mind.
The problem was,it was simply too large,and the Skraine did not have a good enough grip of the fundamental blueprints to reduce it's size.
The more patriotic Researchers also didn't want to use a technology that they hadn't researched themselves;odd,since some of them had worked on the Missile project.
Work would commence on a Partice Beam,to shoot streams of reactive matter at speeds approaching the speed of light.

ETA until Particle Beam complete:7 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: All ECTA trading bases can be colonized by other governments (except for Galactica). All colonies cannot.

(Message to Skraine)
(From Commander Jolvar, ECTA)
(Thank you. We will immediately start work on setting up a trading base in Hoth V, as well as the other systems which we spoke of. We thank you for your kindness to us. - Commander Jolvar)
(End Message)

As ECTA ships worked on constructing a trading base in Hoth V, other frieghters arrived in the Iconian system. But these were different; they were escorted by 30 Corsairs, Ravens, and 2 Auora Battleships. These were gifts from the Confederacy to their trading section to help protect against enemy raids.

As the frieghters landed on the main planet, Iconia, they immediately began setting up a colonly. A trading station was also started, and soon the ECTA were making good headway.

Suddenly, however, they discovered an ancient alien shrine on the planet of Iconia. Furthur investigating led them to believe that an ancient non-advanced civillization had once lived there. The artifacts they would would prove useful in ECTA trading deals, though the supplies would be limited. This wasn't a problem, however, seeing that Iconia II and Iconia III also had their own non-advanced races, all of whom were extinct of course.

As large underground chambers full of priceless ornaments and artifacts, the ECTA commander, Commander Jolvar, was quite pleased with the way things were going. So were the Confederates, who recieved 1/3 of all income the ECTA got. And even with this large amount of credits being given to the Confeds, the ECTA had more than enough for itself.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Trading with the newly established ECTA had brought the Skraine Merchant's Guild, which controlled trade within Skraine space,much wealth,especially since they could sell goods on to Galactica for extra profit.
Eventually an Iconian artefact reached Skrineen,where it was purchased from a collector by a museum curator,and sent to a subsidiary of the Skraine Institute of Stellar Technolgy,the Skraine Institute of Archaeology.
SIA heads studied the artefact at length,then decided that an archaeolgy team needed to go to Iconia to study the artefacts there.
Councillor Karaze read their report,and sent a message to the ECTA base in Iconian.

(To:Commander Jolvar,ECTA)
(From:Councillor for Science Karaze)
(A team of Skraine Institute of Archaeolgy researchers wish to establish a dig on Iconia to study the artefacts there.Will you permit this?
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine University of Stellar Technology)

Meanwhile,on the edges of the central northern sector,ore haulers were leaving Del'As'Mir with the stockpiled ore,transporting it to shipyards throughout Skraine space to build the new warships.

ETA until Particle Beam complete:6 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Just note, guys, that this thing in Iconian is for fun only. You can't get any techs from it. 🙂


(Message to Skraine)
(From Commander Velros, ECTA)
(Yes, we will permit you to go there, but you will have to pay a lot of money, and we also request some raw materials with which to help build the base. - Commander Velros)
(End Message)

(Message to Moiraine, Tribunal)
(High Level Encryption)
(From Carnotaur, Confederate Alliance)
(Yes, your fusion beam would be quite useful to us. However, we would also request the design specifications to the Phyrexia, for it will be needed in a later project. - President Carnotaur)
(End Message)

As the ECTA bases neared completion, the Confederacy was looking for a place to set up their own colony. Charon was quite prosperous, but it was rather far away. Dagobah was the best option, and a few other bases would be setup later on. And so, Confederate frieghters entered the Dagobah system. Finding only one planet, they started work on the base there. Though it proved a challenge to create a base on a planet which was mostly swamps, they did it, and work went on and on.

In both Charon and Dreden, a small station used for housing a big sensor array was being built. The sensor array would allow them to take detailed scans of the surrounding area, allowing for scientists to study any planets nearby, and helping the ECTA develope better trade routes.

In the Milky Way, work was nearing completion on the upgrade to the Corsair and research on the Citadel Defense System. Unfortunately, the Citadel system would take a while to set up and upgrade, but the Confeds were willing to wait that time period. What they really wanted to get done fast, however, were the Anti-Gravity Engines.

A new design for the Raven was being worked on. The new design would feature 1 more anti-proton turret, extra shielding and armor, and another ion disruptor beam cannon. All of this would be of great help to the Raven, which would also get its speed and maneuverability slightly enhanced.

Work continued on the DSN-8789 base. The last of the battlestations were complete, and now the main focus was shifted to the main big battlestation and the other sensor station. And as those were being done, the defense pod number would be upgraded to twice the standard amount of defense pods (for this system only, however). Once the whole thing was completed, a small fleet of 25 Styx Bombers would be posted to help deploy Trans-Phasic Bombs. A group of 10 frieghters were also left, all of them laden with 50 trans-phasic bombs each. These frieghters were to either be detonated in the center of fleets or used to deploy trans-phasic bombs in minefield type patterns.

As the battle raged in Emalghion, the Galactica fleet taking heavy casualties, the Confederates brought in 4 more frieghters to the Blaga system, each loaded with dozens of Trans-Phasic Bombs. The reason; uknown...


Corsair Engine Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 3 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 3 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 7 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

When the Confederate forces had entered the system and dropped their bombs, they found Galactica wasnt playing around. A full third of their ships where weapons ready. Gravity Well Emitters activated, spinning hundreds of mines into each other, and back at the hyper exit point. Simultanously, they had all launched standoff missles at the same point. Over 3000 Standoff missles headed towards the exit point, systems set to go to standby should go ships not arrive, or to explode if they did. Ships did arrive, at which point 400 EMP warheads smashed enemy shields, and blinded their sensors. 800 Gravitonic warheads exploded right in the midst of the enemt fleet, smashing ships into each other. 1800 antimatter warheads exploded everywhere, causing even more disruption and damage. Over 100 ships blew up in seconds. Seconds later over 6000 missles smashed into the enemy, aimed by the ships which had been inactive when the Ravens had entered the system, and which had powered up their weapons straight away. 300 Confederate ships where shortly blown up, even more missles sortly behind.

On Emalghia, High Admiral Nera, recently assigned, looked over the tactival data. Several new ships, obviously not of Confederate design had been noticed. Who they where was unknown, never having been seen by Galactica before. Whoever they where however, they were helping the Confederates. They would be warned, but their attack was unprovoked. Scores of their smaller ships had been destroyed in the initial barrage, unnoticed.

A signal went out to them:
'Unknown ships, we do not know who you are, or why you help the Confederates. We do not know what they have told you, but know they are traitors. They came to power in this galaxy when our fleet died defending against the Prylak, and they have killed billions of innocent civilians, without provocation. We have no quarrel with you, but we will defend ourselves.'

High Admiral Nera ordered the planets and moons missle silos to open fire at that point. Hundreds of missles smashed into the Confederate fleet from yet another point.

The Confederates closed to the Galactica fleet through heavy bombardment, obviously unprepared for the sheer size of the missle barrages. By the time the Confederate fleet had closed to close weaposn range, Galactcia actually outnumbered them. With missle volleys of over 9000 missles, hundreds of ships had been destroyed in single volleys. The Confederates had found that 1500 ships where capable of a lot of damage, especially when they could get thousand missle volleys off repeatedly.

But then the Confederates where among the Galactica fleet. It was at that point the Confederates found what the gyroscope missle could do. Missles that appeared to go past the enemy, turned round and smashed up the Confederates rear. The close quarters meant Galactica ships took damage from their own missles, and scores of ships went up quickly. The Confederates then found that being in primary weapons range of a Galactica ship exploding meant they got caught in the massive antimatter explosions.

The Confederates might still beat the mobile force in the system, but the 3 large missle silos on the planets delivered a lot of firepower, and the battlestations with their gravity wells caused even more. That still left the normal fixed defences, which the Confederates had ignored.

OOC:For everyones information, the missle numbers are fair(actually a bit low), and I've counted every confederate ship as being able to take a large capital ships damage, despite most of them not being so. People underestimate missles because they're only ever shot off singly in EVO, whereas Galactica goes for the volley approach. A single Missle Frigate can get enough missles off in a single volley to severly damage any ship.Galactica would be able to get several volleys off before the Feds could close(especially when they're moving away), and I've acted as if they only got one or two off. Attacking that amount of Galactica ships without a proper battle plan is a good way to lose. If you still disagree, I'll work out proper calculations to show you what I mean.

OOC2:For the Sijak, I want Rima to respond, since she hasnt even talked to Galactica, and has only heard the Feds side of the story.

OOC3:I've just noticed the Confederate forces in Eta Cassiopea couldn't have gotten the Disruption Web to the Milky Way, the route being blocked by Galactica. If you could somehow, you managed to install it in a single post, although you where already doing 2 researches, and another upgrade at the same time.


(Message to:Raiek)
The Confederates have launched an attack upon us, in large numbers. We suggest you take the oppertunity to secure your access to this galaxy.
(Message Ends)


At the Diplomatic station in Eta Cassiopea, Galactcia sent a message to the Tribunal repreasentatives:
'While we did not like your method of approaching us in the Milky Way recently, we would like to talk, and discuss technology exchanges. We look forward to future cooperation and trade.'

A message to the Skraine went out also:
'We would like to further trade between us, and we invite you to set up trading outposts in our systems. We would also like to talk about using your merchant hulls to trade our goods in Confederate space. We would both benefit far more than they could.'

OOC4:Shade, Galactica's only colonised the named systems, not the others, so dont worry.


An ipgrade of Galacticas Support Cruiser is begun, so that it may be possible to carry the heavier Missle Defence Drones. ETA:4 posts

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 14 posts

Hyperspace Carrier ETA: 4 posts

OOC5:Any disagreements with my post, please talk to me without swearing, or anything similar. Also, please note my signature.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

OOC: I realize that I'm not a mod, but I have a fairly serious objection with Carnotaur's post. Carno, Disruption Webs could not possibly have destroyed that many missiles. They take too long to recharge. I don't care how many ships you have it on; you couldn't have destroyed more than 1/4-1/3 of Galactica's missiles.


Moiraine read off Carnotaur's message. She just could not do that. Phyrexia was the one design that she would never share. It was too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. She would send her Fusion Beam power generators instead. They were fairly advanced, and would allow the Confederacy to build a large dreadnought easier.

(To Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

I am sorry, but the Tribunal cannot part with Phyrexia's designs. They are the most confidential designs we have. I can, however, give you the generators for our Fusion Beam. They are fairly advanced, and should allow you to power a large dreadnought-type ship easier.



The fifteen Phantom scout fleet entered HC-015. There were a few Raiek patrolships, but nothing else. They left the system, heading to the galactic south...


(To BattleDoctor, Galactica)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

We apologize for what you perceived as an invasion of Galactica space. We would still like to talk with you. If you tell us where Diplomatic Station is, we can send a Phantom there, or you can send somebody here.



Station Keld was complete. It was armed with a Fusion Beam, Machine Gun batteries, scorpion turrets, and lots of Precision Bombs. It was more than capable of defending itself should the occasion arise.


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 6 posts

Title: Station Keld

Title: Battlestation Machine gun upgrade
ETA: 2 posts (work suspended)

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 12-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 12-07-2001).)

OOC: There's Jumpgate 2 you idiot, RMA.

The Galactica fleet, however, was totally unprepared for the massive amount of firepower the SIjak had in store for them.

Only 20 or so bombs had hit the Confederates, all the rest had exploded, destroying 100 Galactica vessels. As Sijak ships blasted away dozens of Galactica fighters and warships, the battle quickly shifted to the side of the Confederacy.

Weapons blazed as the Confeds surrounded the Galactica fleet, making sure they never got out of their weapons range. As disruption webs blasted apart over 2/3 of the missiles sent at the Confeds, Sijak Ghosts struck fear into Galactica as neutrino rockets spun into the enemy fleet. As a group of cruisers were vaporized, Sijak Ghosts moved in and single-handedly killed off Galactica frigates.

Galactica had lost 500 ships in an amazingly fast period of time, and Confederate reinforcements (120 ships only) were on their way. The Confederates had only lost 200 ships, the Sijak lost little over 100.

The Galactica fleet was far outnumbered, and the battle raged on as Aurora Battleships bombarded the planet repeatedly with their Ion Disruptor Beam Turrets, tearing massive holes in the shield grid and blowing away missile silo after missile silo. Soon, a total of 650 Galactica ships had been destroyed, to the 350 Confed and 150 Sijak ships destroyed.

Work continued on the new Raven design. It was decided that it would now only be equipped with a new anti-proton turret, an extra shield generator, and some turning and speed upgrades. That way it wouldn't cost them any more to build the ship, and it would still be a good upgrade.


The ECTA was making good headway in their bases. Already all of their stations had been completed, and now the only thing left was to finish the colony in Iconian, and set up another colony in Lalande Beta.

The Lalande Beta system also had a large asteroid belt in it, and inside the asteroid belt grew an unusual form of space-born fungus. The fungus was found to have many medical properties, and also, if used in the right way, could be used for a variety of other things. Not only this, but many of the larger asteroids held Kitronium Ore, a very rare substance being studied by the Skraine and Confeds. Very very small quantities had been discovered, and this rich a find would definitely suit the ECTA well.

The Confederate colonies in Eta Cassiopea were also doing quite well, despite the fact that they were cut off from the link directly to the Milky Way. But fortunately they were self-sustaining, and they lived on quite easily. As work continued on the Dagobah colony, the rest of the colonies were continuing to expand and prosper, partially because of the help from the ECTA.


Corsair Design Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 2 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 2 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 6 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-08-2001).)

OOC:Peoples,peoples!The Confederates are not cut off from the spatial fold-all they need to do is go through Hoth V,which is certainly OK,and go from there to Hoth III,where the Fold is.Easy as pie.

(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Substantial trade is already occuring between the Skraine Merchants Guild and Galactica colonies,with our convoys based in Hoth V and Del'As'Mir.
However,if you wish to make a formal agreement as to trade between our factions, we will be happy to oblige.
We'd also be happy to sell you ships from our freighter classes,or send you the blueprints if you wish to build your own.
However I fail to see the point,as because you could not become registered members of the Skraine Traders Guild(as set out in the Internal Commerce Act of 482 AE),the ECTA,being a Confederate organisation,would probably not trade with you.
But if you wish to discuss trade equalities between our factions,we will be happy to talk.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

(To:confederate Alliance)
(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Re:Our technology trade?)
(Attached is the schematics for the Plasma Web,as well as the basic Plasma Containment Tanks we use to hold it's fuel.
Now may we have the schematics of your military-grade Shield Rechargers?
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

(To:Commander Jolvar,ECTA)
(Fr:Councillor Karaze,SUST)
(Re:Archaeological Dig)
(I fail to see why we need pay you to establish an archaeological dig on Iconia.
The dig would be a purely scientific endeavour;the Skraine would make no profit from it,other than knowledge of the Iconian civilisation.
It would be small in scale,and after we have studied and made duplicates of any artefacts we find,we will happily hand the originals to you for futher sale,and we will purchase from you those artefacts we wish to place in Skraine museums.
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine University of Stellar Technology)

In the SUST design laboratories,a nameless researcher had worked out a way of reducing the number of electromagnetic accelerators on the Particle Beam, therefore reducing the speed of the particles and therefore the damage the beam did,the Particle Beam could be reduced in size.
This meant that Particle Beams could easily be made small enough to fit on fightercraft,or large enough to be a deadly weapon on a cruiser-class vessel.

On the small research base in the Ancros system,scientists had been studying the strange space-bourne organisms that dwelled on the asteroids which travelled in a figure-of-eight around the two red dwarf stars.
The predominant species of the black,fragile organisms was an algae-type microorganism.
Under the microscope it reseembled a sphere with four long struts connecting to four subsidiary pods,and it grew in vast clusters on the asteroids,absorbing almost all energy which came it's way.
In colonies it formed tough mats,hooking together with it's subsidiary pods,which were remarkably hard even for industrial laser cutters to hack through.
The scientists now hoped to study the strings of silicates which formed the Ancros organism's DNA,and replicate it's properties in a new form of bacteria which would grow on a ship's hull,absorbing most energy weaponry and withstanding projectile detonations.
The Organic Armour would,in essence,be light,strong,and above all self-regenerating.

ETA until Particle Beam complete:5 posts
ETA until Organic Armour complete:10 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Message to: Galactica
From: Raiek Prime, Ela Dictaort
Galactica, we assure you our link between our galaxies are protected enough. You tell us of Sijak offensives into your space? I have a ceasefire with them, and as much as we would like to help you, we will not violate the agreement. We will aid you against the confederates, but we will not attack the Sijak until they personally offend us. REDchigh out. Until then, we have five lazerus' in your space. If you have no need for them, we will bring them back to our space.

In border systems around Norad, Raiek frigates are picking up debri left from destroyed Haorn Leeches, to study for an upgrade to the Galactica ECM.

After careful debate, it has been decided to retaliate for the Norad systems lost. The Mega-Wormhole above Raiek grows in size, and 14 Lazerus' go through, heading towards the Norad systems. Soon, they all jump into Norad, catching the HAorn defenses completely off guard, and instense lazerus' firepower, equal to 800 ships, disintegrates the nearest Haorn vessels. The 320 gunships are used for heavy support...

Operation : Overwhelm (shipbuilding)
ETA: 10 posts

Research: Positron Science
ETA: 9 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-08-2001).)

MOD: Red, I don't care how many ships you have. You have to wait for Espona to respond to your attack, you can't just finish it off just like that. If, however, Espona takes too long to respond, you can finish up the battle. Please edit your post.

Also, just remember that you can't capture an Energy Leech. In fact, no capturing technologies is what SilverDragon said.

OOC: Just to finally clear up the battle; Esponer said that the disruption web emits wave upon wave of energy in all direction. It does not affect my missiles. It does, however, stop a LOT of the missiles that are fired.

I will, however, edit my post and make my losses a little more.

Also, Shade, what kind of launcher does the Plasma Web need?


(Message to Skraine)
(From Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(We have enclosed our data on shield regeneration tech in this message. We are glad that we are able to trade with you. - Carnotaur)
(End Message)

(Message to Skraine)
(From Commander Jolvar, ECTA)
(We will allow you to set up an operation on Iconia, but we will request just a very very small fee for it.)
(End Message)

As the ECTA began working on setting up the colony in the Lalande Beta system, trading stations were already being set up in Artanis, Ared'Threan, and EC-112. The I'oS system was also being colonized as frieghters began to set up a large colony on the main planet. The I'oS system had several gas giants that the ECTA could use with fuel refineries, which would help them a lot in this galaxy.

Meanwhile, the Confederacy began work on a military outpost and mining colony in the Horon'Den system. It would be small and relatively easy to build, and would only link up all of Confederate space in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy.

Though the Confederacy now had the plans to the Plasma Web, it was unable to upgrade them at the moment, mainly because they didn't have enough funds for it with two research projects and an upgrade project. Once, however, the Corsair upgrade was done, they would begin work on it.


Corsair Design Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 1 Post


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 1 Post

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 5 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-08-2001).)

OOC:Carno,here's your answer,taken from the Skraine Military Engineer's Textbook of Ordainance Systems,Sixth Edition :
"The Plasma Web consists of several parts;the most basic being the link to the main plasma cylinders(or purpose-installed cylinders for vessels not normally fitted with militar plasma cylinders.
Plasma is pumped from the cylinders into the launching nozzle,where it passes through a series of electromagnetic coils(see chapter 5 for details) and heating coils,similar to those on a cooking element.
This causes the plasma to exit the nozzle at high speeds,where it is formatted while in flight by an array of lasers on the bow of the launching vessel.
Upon contact with the shields of the target,the formatted plasma envelops the target's shields,and it's volatile nature slowly saps them of strength."
That's probably rather too long,but I was having fun.And it answers your question,doesn't it?

(To:Confederate Alliance)
(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Re:Technology Exchange/Archaeological Dig)
(I have now assumed overall command of the Archaeolgy Project from Councillor for Science Karaze.
We have decided that paying you a minimal fee is satisfactory.Results from the dig will be published in the monthly Skraine Institute of Archaeology Journal,which will be forwarded to the interested parties at the time of publication.
We also thank you for the miltiary-grade shield rechargers;we will include them in all future ship designs.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

Magistrate K'Sarragh had decided that to aid further expansion in the Senn Sector, a colony would be established in the Paros system.
Paros Prime was a large,arid desert world that at first sight had seemed to hold no natural resources.
Futher scans indicated that it had large underground water tables,and where asteroid impacts-which were common-had dug large craters,there were often large fresh-water lakes anywhare from fifty to two hundred meters below the datum.
The world also appeared to have once held a race of sentient beings;they were now extinct,and it was likely that a large asteroid impact had finished them off.
Yet they had clung on with suprising tenacity to develop an early industrial-age civilisation before their end.
Two of it's moons,Paros 1-Alpha and Paros 1-Beta,had native life,and Paros 1-Alpha was in fact quite tropical.
Paros 1-Beta was more swampy,and seemed to have many dangerous animals.
It might become,in time,an important tourist destination or hunting site.
Paros 1-Gamma,the third moon,was an ugly airless rockball,but had valuabe mineral resources.
Beyond Paros Prime's influence was a thick belt of ore-bearing asteroids.
Bases would be constructed on all of the worlds,an archaeology settlement on Paros Prime,an agricultural center on Paros 1-Alpha,a tourist destination and trade colony on Paros 1-Beta,a domed mining base on Paros 1-Gamma,and a mining base in the asteroid belt.
One large battlestation/starbase,named Paros Starbase,would be constructed above Paros Prime's north pole,to guard Paros Prime and it's moons,as well as serving as a trade center,while another,normal-sized battlestation would be constructed to guard the asteroid base.
ETA until Particle Beam complete:4 posts
ETA until Organic Armour complete:9 posts
ETA until Paros Colony complete:6 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Phantom scout fleet continued into Raiek territory, passing through Norad IV, then a few uninhabited systems. They stopped in Dane'Less'Ka, letting their ramscoops recharge fuel. Suddenly, there was a small blip on the Phantoms' energy readouts. Nothing more. It appeared that something had entered the system, but whatever it was, the Tribunal ships weren't seeing it.

The Phantoms sped towards the source of the blip, their sensors showing absolutely nothing in front of them. And suddenly, they were on top of the unknown ship. The lead Phantom pilot could see it out of his viewport. (Is this possible? The Terran cloak just hides a ship from sensors, right?) The unknown ship actually appeared to be trying to get away from the Phantoms. And then, it was gone, out of the system. The Tribunal pilots were left wondering what the hell that was...


Asriel was now clear to begin the Fusion Beam upgrade. It consisted of replacing the current generator for it with a more advanced one that would allow it to: turret the beam, make it smaller, so that ships could hold more than one, and increase its power by fifty percent. It would be done when the Generation II ships were, so the Charon Supercarrier would have a few turreted Fusion Beams on it. Phyrexia's beam would also be upgraded to turret status when the upgrade was complete.


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 5 posts

Title: Battlestation Machine Gun Upgrade
ETA: 1 post

Title: Fusion Beam upgrade
ETA: 5 posts

OOC: Mods, Carnotaur has said that I can do three projects at once, so don't jump on my back.

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Battle in Emalghion:
This battle isnt going anywhere till I get to talk to BD. Even if the disruption web works as a wave, the first 9000 missles came in two slightly seperated waves of 3000, then 6000. You may get a lot of the first subwave, but the second subwave would all get through. You cannot say it doesnt. After that, it has a very slow reload. The range of Galacticas missles are such that it would be able to get several volleys off before the enemy could get in range. Galactica is on the defensive, and as such would not be within easy range. A lot of ships would be destroyed. Fighters might get into close range quickly, but they wouldnt get any support from the heavies, and wouldn't last long. If you dispute this, I'll work out the calculations for you, and demonstrate what happens when that many missles hit.

Also, I won't accept any further Sijak aid in the battle until Rima(Kenra) actually responds to my message. The Sijak know just about zero about the Galactica-Confederate war.


(Message to;Skraine Confederacy)
(From:Galactica Administrative Center;Dar'Grn V )
To facilitate trade between us, we would like to construct a trading post in EC-16, under joint command of Galactica and the Skraine Confederacy. Our colonies are still growing apace, and further trade would be welcomed, as would the possibility of cultural exchanges.
(Message Ends)

(Message to:Tribunal)
(From:Galactica Administrative Center;Dar'Grn V )
We would like to talk about your Fusion Beam, the original technology having been given to you from Galactica. We are mainly interested in the power systems it uses, and the applicability to the weapons system on our Laser Frigate.

Galacticas colonies in Eta Cassiopea are now extremely prosperous, and are now full worlds in their own right.


Support Cruiser Upgrade. ETA reduced to one more post when I saw how much carno is upgrading his compared to this upgrade.

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 13 posts

Hyperspace Carrier ETA: 3 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-08-2001).)

OOC: Okay, fine RMA, But if BD doesn't come back in 1 or 2 days, you either have to post a battle post, or I will end the battle. I won't stand around doing nothing for ages waiting for you two.

Just note that not ALL of my ships fire at the exact same time. For instance, 1/3 might fire the web. Then the second 1/3 will fire the web, then the third and final 1/3. By that time, it's a relatively short time until the first 1/3 of the fleet recharges.


Corsair Design Upgrade
Upgrade Project


Citadel Defense System


(Message to Kenra, Sijak)
(From Carnotaur, Confederate Alliance)
(We would like to formally thank you for the services of the ships you sent us. They have helped us much so far, and in gratitude we will try and give you our Anti-Gravity Engines as soon as we research them. We will also try and help you design any other type of fighter if you wish to do so in the future. However, we may need some more Sijak ships, just 200 at the very most, due to losses that your first fleet took while fighting against the imperialistic and treacherous Galactica scum. They care only for themselves, they are manipulative, they will try and make you turn to their side. But they are evil. Once again, thank you.)
(End Message)

In the Emalghion system, the reinforcements (120 ships only, no more reinforcements availible) finally arrived. These ships had their Disruption Webs charged and ready, and quickly moved to the front of the battle to hold off missile barrages long enough for the rest of the fleet to recharge their disruption webs.

Once the other disruption webs were recharged, the Confeds did the best they could to make use of every pulse. Some ships grouped together around a single ship, which fired the disruption web, and protected all of them at once.

The Corsair upgrade was completed, making the Corsair much faster, and improving its firepower. Next was to come the Plasma Web upgrade, and then the Raven upgrade. The Plasma Web was to be installed on Ravens, Flagships, and Aurora battleships only, seeing that these ships were the only vessels capable of holding them.

Meanwhile, the Citadel Defense system was finally complete. Next phase; the installation of the defense system.

The ECTA and Confed bases in Eta Cassiopea were going well. The Confed military outpost was completed, and the ECTA had finally completed all of their trading stations and colonies. They would take a break from building new colonies to help strengthen and build upon their economy, wealth, and resources. Many mines would have to be built on planets and asteroids, and while this was going on, the ECTA would continue to go on with their normal trading business. Once they had more resources (metal ore, supplies, etc.), they would begin a few more colonies if necissary.

(Message to Galactica in Eta Cassiopea)
(From Commander Jolvar, ECTA)
(Greetings Galactica. You probably have heard of me and my government. Though you think that all Confeds are ruthless and hate Galactica, you are mistaken. We can be forgiving, and we can work together to furthur both our agendas. I will allow for Galactica ships to visit ECTA ports and trade with the ECTA, providing they don't attack us or try to sabotage any of our stations. We await your decision.)
(End Message)


Citadel Defense System
Installation Project
ETA: 10 Posts

Plasma Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 5 Posts


Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 4 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: BD should be back later tonight, at which point things in Emalghion can continue.

(Encryption:Beta 8 Delta)
(Message to:Commander Jolvar, ECTA)
(From:Galactica Administration-Eta Cassiopea)
At this moment, we can not accept your offer. This may change in the future, depending on future outcomes and actions.
(Message Ends)

The antimatter bomb developed some time ago, and sadly underused, has begun to be deployed heavily in the old Voinian territory, and lighter deployment in other areas. It is not expected to take long, production of this weapon having continued despite not much use of it.

Support Cruiser:Upgrade complete

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 12 posts

Hyperspace Carrier ETA: 2 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.