Destabilizing the Crescent Wars

I'm having trouble with the last major "pillar" of EVO. I have pushed back the Voinians and explored the nebulae, but where can I go to start the Crescent business?

There are three different ways to approach this objective, depending upon which side you wish to ally yourself with. I, for example, generally like to side with the Igadzra, and fight the other two strands. Getting any sort of welcome out of the Igadzra is very difficult, as you may have noticed. At best, they ignore you, and at worst they deny you landing rights, even if you've never done them any harm.

Once you choose a strand, there'll be two strands working against you. Strand ships are generally much better than those of human manufacture, as you will have noticed. Expect trouble. Since you've already completed two central objectives, however, you should be OK.

Starting a Strand mission thread requires visiting a specific planet or space station. A different one for each of the three strands. (These key landing sites are not necessarily located within space controlled by the faction involved.) Your combat rating will now be good enough to get the intital missions. If you want to know which planets/stations to visit, the answers appear many times on this webboard, in earlier versions of this topic. For now, in case you wanted to explore thoroughly, I won't spill the beans.

I expect someone else soon will, though... and you can email me if you're fed up with searching.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

I've already done all the stuff with the I-strand (never bothered to learn their name). I also used a plug-in and then did everything with the Z-strand. Is that all there is to do with this objective is fight for them until they let you buy their ships. I was expecting some message to come up telling me how I've completed a major objective.

Yes, there is a message at the end, talking about how you have completed one of Override's main objectives, the destabilization of the Strand War. If you have not gotten this message yet, keep trying for continuations, because you haven't quite beaten those mission strings yet.

You also have yet to do the Azdgari strand missions. Good luck! And welcome to the boards!

(edit)And to help you remember names and how to spell them, unlike me, all three Strand names are anagrams of Gadzair.(/edit)

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

(This message has been edited by Payback37 (edited 12-11-2001).)